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However generic 100mg zudena overnight delivery, sample size deter- mination is there to ethically justify the study MULTIPLE COMPARISONS in advance – it has no consequences when the results are obtained discount 100mg zudena free shipping. A respiratory trial usually contains a number In the respiratory area many test hypotheses of effect variables, and often also a number are stated in terms of mean values, and for of different treatments. Thus there are multiple such variables the sample size is (essentially) comparisons to be done. This poses a major proportional to the ratio (σ/ )2,whereσ is the problem, because of the risk of over-emphasising residual standard deviation and is the mean fluke significances because of many comparisons. When using a To handle the many effect variables we there- multiplicative model for a variable, these entities fore have to predefine which one is to be con- refer to the logarithm of the variable in question. It is from the result on Note that σ means different things in a crossover this variable that the overall statistical conclusion trial and in a parallel group trial – in the former from the study can be drawn. In general one study case it refers to a within-patient variability (more √ can have a few different objectives that are not exactly 2× the residual standard deviation of closely related (like efficacy and safety), and then the ANOVA) and in the latter to a between- a primary variable for each objective should be patient variability. However, it is probably a too sta- residual standard deviation from the proposed tistical approach to focus only on the primary analysis of variance, which might contain a variable when trying to understand the results of baseline adjustment. No variable fetches all aspects of The following table shows some typical values a respiratory disease, and the approach should be of the sample size parameters that can be used for to select the most sensitive variable as primary asthma trials. Each example will be discussed in variable, to decide on the overall conclusion, but more detail below. When it comes to the problem of multiple PEF morning PG 40–45 10–20 4–20 treatment comparisons, the study logic should be (L/min) Symptom score PG 0. With precisely formulated questions the 20 multiplicity problem here should at least diminish substantially. This approach will be illustrated in Here the range is not a range – the lower number what follows. Similarly, for inevitably presents itself, as in so many areas of the range is more of a typical range for which medical statistics. It is however no more sensible to dimensionalise, not a range on what can be to do such analysis on data on lung function obtained. For the crossover measurements of the table, In airways diseases, asthma in particular, the we just note that the AUC refers to AUC-based disease severity varies among patients. Thus average over the full period and that for that the magnitude of the response attainable will variable the pre-dose FEV1 value is used as vary between patients. For PEF morning a baseline numerical effects than patients with large lung is obtained as the mean value over a number volumes, like tall men. This does not mean of measurements, typically 1–2 weeks, and then that the actual benefit to the patient is less, the effect variable as the mean of 1–3 months only that the outcome variable suffers from of data. Similarly, for by measuring lung function in percent of pre- FEV1 the table refers to a measurement both at baseline and end of treatment, but the treatment dicted normal, which tries to capture size dif- value could well be a mean of a number of ferences, instead. Moreover, the FEV data refers to remedy to a larger problem – that there is a 1 the situation when visits to the clinic are spread large heterogeneity in response sizes for some out over the morning, the European style, as outcome variables, which does not necessarily discussed earlier. Changes is not a problem for the proper conclusions of in symptom scores are often small in studies in a clinical trial. Consider a randomised parallel asthmatics with mild–moderate severity, since group study in which treatments A and B they do not have many symptoms on entry. If properly conducted observed rhinitis studies a combination of symptom scores treatment differences should be explained by is often done. If we use the TNS discussed earlier different treatment effects alone, and any claim we typically have a standard deviation of about from the study should relate to the relative 1. Typically, therefore, rhinitis studies can be that the effects differ, say, between men and smaller than asthma studies. A rate of one exac- that the sex distribution is similar in the two erbation per year can be used in sample size groups. Differences in effect sizes could well be explained not only SUBGROUP ANALYSIS by different patient populations, including gender When doing statistics on trials in respiratory distribution, but also by different compliance to medicine, the question of subgroup analysis study procedures in the trials. It is often EFFICACY STUDIES much better to try to transform the information In terms of efficacy, not much can be done in on the effect scale to a dose scale, as will be a phase I trial. These trials, mainly concerned extensively discussed in sections to come. Note that in general a respiratory drug an asthma trial we can expect to find different must be very well tolerated to be useful, since responses. One such example is the multi-centre there are so many efficacious and safe drugs on trial, in which we have many centres, often the market.

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However 100mg zudena mastercard, with bidirectional connections 100 mg zudena for sale, evidence for monosynaptic connectivity is independent of estimates of afferent conduction times. Indeed, the difference in the latencies of the two peaks ( = homonymous latency minus heteronymous latency) depends on two factors: (i)thedifferenceinperipheralafferentconductiontimes(PT. Modified from Meunier, Pierrot-Deseilligny & Simonetta (1993), with permission. Methodology 75 10 (b) 10 (c) Sciatic 1 x MT (a) 0 0 Bi 29 33 37 41 29 33 37 41 MN 10 (d ) 10 (e) GM 1 x MT GM Ia Bi MN 0 0 10 (f ) 10 (g) GM 0. Low electrical threshold for monosynaptic Ia excitation from gastrocnemius medialis to biceps femoris. The difference in latencies of the homonymous and heteronymous peaks corresponds to the difference in afferent conduction times. Modified from Meunier, Pierrot-Deseilligny & Simonetta (1993), with permission. Low electrical threshold Tendon tap When the connection is strong, its electrical thresh- old is as low as that of homonymous monosynaptic Heteronymousmonosynapticexcitationmayalsobe Ia excitation (Meunier, Pierrot-Deseilligny & Simon- produced by a tendon tap which, at rest, strongly etta, 1993). This corresponds to the duced by electrical stimulation ((h ), 1 × MT) and by 76 Monosynaptic Ia excitation 175 (b) Median 0. Increasing the electrical threshold for median-induced monosynaptic Ia excitation of biceps brachii motoneurones by prolonged vibration to the tendon of flexor carpi radialis. Thefacilita- High-frequency vibration constitutes a potent sti- tion appeared at the –4. At this In the cat prolonged vibration raises the electrical early ISI, the threshold for the facilitation was signi- threshold of the responding Ia afferents because it ficantly increased (Fig. Methodology 77 Absence of early excitation from charge is not occluded by the antidromic motor vol- cutaneous afferents ley. The question then arises what is the range of the electrical thresholds of Ia afferents in humans when In the human upper limb, the conduction velocity stimulating nerves through surface electrodes. It is therefore important Growth of heteronymous that cutaneous stimulation that evoked the same Ia monosynaptic excitation sensationsaselicitedbythemixednervestimulation The growth of the Ia EPSPs has been estimated in the failed to reproduce the early peak of Ia excitation (as PSTHs of single motor units as the stimulus inten- in the experiment illustrated in Fig. The most became clearer at 2–3 × MT at a latency of 31 ms cogentargumentsaredrawnfromexperimentsusing ((d )–(g )), and increased further at 4–5 × MT, associ- bidirectional connections where the conclusions do ated with a decrease in latency to 30. Similar results were found with the femoral-induced Notwithstanding this, strong evidence is also pro- excitation of tibialis anterior units and the superfi- videdbyexperimentsshowingthatthedifferencesin cial peroneal excitation of soleus units. Given a threshold for Ia afferents of mous excitation is supported by (i) a low electrical ∼0. The mean decrease in latency of the monosynaptic peak relative to the latency at 1 × MT is plotted against the stimu- Range of electrical thresholds of lus intensity in M. Ia afferents when stimulating The decrease in latency is probably due to two using surface electrodes phenomena: stimulation of the afferents at more proximal nodes as stimulus intensity increased, so When stimulating peripheral nerves directly, as in producing an effectively shorter afferent path, and cat experiments, the stimulus strength has to be a more rapidly rising EPSP as more group I affer- increasedtotwicethethresholdofthemostexcitable ents were recruited. The latter has been shown in afferents to set up a maximal group I volley (Brock, the cat to produce a decrease in the latency of the Eccles & Rall, 1951). Given a threshold for human Ia corresponding peak in the PSTH of up to 0. However, ingwouldbeexpectedinhumansbecausetheextent in many muscles other than the soleus, the H reflex of shortening will depend on the dispersion of the appears and continues to increase at stimulus inten- excitatory input and on the EPSP rise-time, both of sities well above 1 × MT provided that the reflex dis- which are greater in human subjects. Modified from Gracies, Pierrot-Deseilligny & Robain (1994), with permission. Difference between the full recruitment Conclusions of Ia afferents in cat and human experiments Whatever the mechanism responsible for the wide This difference (at 2 and 8 × Ia threshold, respec- range of electrical thresholds of Ia afferents, this tively) is probably due to the fact that in human factor needs to be taken into account for two rea- experiments afferents are stimulated through elec- sons. As a result, the thresh- tion may be underestimated in human experiments, old for a fibre will be determined as much by its which are generally performed with much lower distance from the stimulating electrodes as by its stimulus intensities (≤1 × MT) in an attempt to acti- size. Organisation and pattern of connections 79 Katz, 1989), flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and flexor Organisation and pattern of carpiulnaris(FCU)(Malmgren&Pierrot-Deseilligny, connections 1988), deltoid, triceps brachii, extensor carpi radi- alis (ECR), flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and The efficacy of a given Ia input in discharging a extensor digitorum (ED) (Gracies et al. It must be emphasised that these investiga- inhibition and the level of post-activation depres- tions were performed during weak voluntary con- sion at Ia terminals; (iii) any limitation produced by tractions(below5%MVC),andthemotorunitsstud- inhibitory circuits activated by the test volley, and ied were all in the low-threshold range.

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Approximately 500 mL of air is inspired and expired with a normal breath (tidal volume); deep breaths or sighs occur 6 to 10 times SELECTED REFERENCES per hour to ventilate more alveoli cheap zudena 100mg with mastercard. Pathophysiology: Concepts of altered health tives buy zudena 100mg with mastercard, and opioid analgesics, slow respiration. Discuss reasons for using inhaled drugs when istics of asthma and other bronchoconstrictive possible. Discuss the uses and effects of bronchodilat- term control of asthma symptoms. Teach clients self-care and long-term control inhaled beta2-adrenergic agonists in terms of measures. Discuss the uses of anti-inflammatory drugs, including corticosteroids, leukotriene modi- fiers, and mast cell stabilizers. Critical Thinking Scenario Gwen, a 12-year-old middle schooler, was recently diagnosed with asthma. She uses two inhalers four times a day, in addition to using a rescue inhaler during periods of dyspnea. Occupational asthma (ie, asthma resulting from repeated and prolonged The drugs described in this chapter are used to treat respira- exposure to industrial inhalants) is also a major health prob- tory disorders characterized by bronchoconstriction, inflam- lem. Persons with occupational asthma often have symptoms mation, mucosal edema, and excessive mucus production while in the work environment, with improvement on days (asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema). Symptoms sometime persist after because of its widespread prevalence, especially in urban termination of exposure. Compared with whites, African Americans and especially common in children and older adults. Children Hispanics have a higher prevalence and African Americans who are exposed to allergens and airway irritants such as to- have a higher death rate from asthma. However, the differ- bacco smoke during infancy are at high risk for development ences are usually attributed to urban living and lesser access of asthma. When sensitized mast cells in the Asthma is an airway disorder characterized by bronchocon- lungs or eosinophils in the blood are exposed to allergens or striction, inflammation, and hyperreactivity to various stim- irritants, multiple cytokines and other chemical mediators uli. Resultant symptoms include dyspnea, wheezing, chest (eg, acetylcholine, cyclic guanosine monophosphate [GMP], tightness, cough, and sputum production. Wheezing is a high- histamine, interleukins, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and pitched, whistling sound caused by turbulent airflow through serotonin) are synthesized and released. Thus, any condition that produces sig- directly on target tissues of the airways, causing smooth mus- nificant airway occlusion can cause wheezing. However, a cle constriction, increased capillary permeability and fluid chronic cough may be the only symptom for some people. Inflammation intracellular substance that initiates various intracellular ac- and damaged airway mucosa are chronically present, even tivities, depending on the type of cell. AMP inhibits release of bronchoconstrictive substances and Acute symptoms of asthma may be precipitated by numer- thus indirectly promotes bronchodilation. In mild to moder- ous stimuli, and hyperreactivity to such stimuli may initiate ate asthma, bronchoconstriction is usually recurrent and both inflammation and bronchoconstriction. Viral infections of reversible, either spontaneously or with drug therapy. In ad- the respiratory tract are often the causative agents, especially in vanced or severe asthma, airway obstruction becomes less re- infants and young children whose airways are small and easily versible and worsens because chronically inflamed airways obstructed. Asthma symptoms may persist for days or weeks undergo structural changes (eg, fibrosis, enlarged smooth after the viral infection resolves. In about 25% of patients with muscle cells, and enlarged mucous glands), called airway asthma, aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs remodeling, that inhibit their function. Some patients are aller- gic to sulfites and may experience life-threatening asthma at- tacks if they ingest foods processed with these preservatives National Asthma Education and (eg, beer, wine, dried fruit). Patients with severe the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the asthma should be cautioned against ingesting food and drug National Institutes of Health (NIH) established the NAEPP. The NAEPP assembled a group of experts who established Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a common dis- Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma. Asthma that worsens at night may be lected aspects, mainly related to children, were updated in associated with nighttime acid reflux.

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They must be used cau- sium levels; the usual range is 20 to 60 mEq per 24 hours zudena 100 mg mastercard. They should not be mixed with other electrolyte-containing fluids order 100 mg zudena free shipping, such as milk or fruit juices. Sodium Preparations Sodium chloride (NaCl) injection is available in several con- centrations and sizes for IV use. However, deficiencies and excesses may be equally How Can You Avoid This Medication Error? Jean Watson, a postoperative patient, has a low serum potassium • Clients with other nutritional deficiencies are likely to on her second postoperative day (2. Cur- deficiencies are likely to be multiple, with overlapping rently, she has 1000 cc 5% D/. Measures to increase urine output, such as forc- blood cells, hemoglobin, and hematocrit. Reduced val- ing fluids, help to increase output of some minerals in the ues may indicate iron deficiency anemia, and further urine and therefore prevent excess states from developing. Next, use oral mineral supple- chloride, and potassium; carbon dioxide content, a ments. Use parenteral supplements only for clear-cut indi- measure of bicarbonate, is also assessed. The use values is sodium, 135 to 145 mEq/L; chloride, 95 to of tap water is contraindicated because it is hypotonic and 105 mEq/L; potassium, 3. For the same reason, only small amounts of ice chips or Nursing Diagnoses water are allowed per hour. Clients often request ice chips • Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements or water frequently and in larger amounts than desirable; related to mineral–electrolyte deficiency the nurse must explain the reason for the restrictions. Planning/Goals • Interview and observe for signs of mineral–electrolyte The client will: deficiency or excess. Nutritionists • Take mineral–electrolyte drugs as prescribed usually recommend dietary intake of nutrients rather than phar- • Avoid adverse effects of drug preparations maceutical supplements. In addition, some studies indicate that the people most likely to take dietary supplements are those Interventions who have an adequate diet. In deciding whether to take min- Implement measures to prevent mineral–electrolyte disorders: eral supplements or advise clients to take them, health care • Promote a varied diet. A diet adequate in protein and calo- providers should consider the following factors: ries usually provides adequate minerals and electrolytes. An exception is iron, which is often needed as a dietary • In general, recommended daily doses should not be ex- supplement in women and children. For age and gender groups contain different amounts of clients able to eat, foods high in iron may delay onset of some minerals (eg, postmenopausal women need less iron deficiency anemia, foods high in potassium may iron than younger women). This should be considered prevent hypokalemia with diuretic therapy, and salty in choosing a product. For people rary use in the presence of deficiency or a period of unable to eat, IV fluids and electrolytes are usually increased need (eg, pregnancy). In general, oral food intake or tube feeding is taken otherwise because of the risk of accumulation and preferable to IV therapy. CHAPTER 32 MINERALS AND ELECTROLYTES 483 CLIENT TEACHING GUIDELINES Mineral Supplements General Considerations Self- or Caregiver Administration ✔ The best source of minerals and electrolytes is a well- ✔ Take iron preparations with or after meals, with ap- balanced diet with a variety of foods. A well-balanced diet proximately 8 oz of fluid, to prevent stomach upset. Do contains all the minerals needed for health in most peo- not take iron with coffee or other caffeine-containing ple. An exception is iron, which is often needed as a di- beverages, because caffeine decreases absorption. Note that herbal (Take iron and caffeine preparations at least 2 hours preparations of chamomile, feverfew, and St. Do not crush or chew slow-release tablets or may inhibit iron absorption. Acute iron intox- improve the taste, dilute the drug, and decrease gastric ication is a common problem among small children and irritation.

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