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![]() ![]() By Z. Irmak. Wheeling Jesuit University. The autonomic failure is more severe than that seen in idiopathic PD and occurs early in MSA purchase 10 mg zetia free shipping. The response to levodopa is usually not as dramatic or sustained in MSA as in PD (47) cheap 10 mg zetia visa. However, it must be noted that several patients with MSA may initially respond to levodopa, but the benefit usually declines within one or 2 years of treatment (48). Levodopa-induced dyskinesias may Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. These dyskinesias typically involve the face and neck but may involve the extremities as well (49,50). It is clear, therefore, that the presence of levodopa dyskinesias cannot be used to make a definite diagnosis of PD. The situation is further complicated by the fact that patients with PD may develop autonomic dysfunction including postural hypotension, urinary problems, constipation, impotence, and sweating disturbances. This autonomic dysfunction in PD may be worsened by dopaminergic therapy. Autonomic dysfunction tends to be severe in MSA and occurs early (51). On urodynamic testing, there is a combination of detrusor hyperreflexia and urethral sphincter weakness (53). In addition, neurogenic anal and urethral sphincter abnormalities are very common in MSA (54). However, this finding is not diagnostic and may occur in other conditions like PSP (55). Neuroimaging may show nonspecific abnormalities like diffuse hypointensity involving the putamen, but more specific findings include a strip of lateral putaminal hyperintensity or pontine atrophy with an abnormal cross sign in the pons. Dementia with Lewy Bodies In this disorder, Lewy bodies are found in widespread areas of the neocortex as well as the brain stem and diencephalic neurons (57). Some of these patients may have associated neurofibrillary tangles consistent with coincidental Alzheimer’s disease. The parkinsonian syndrome of DLB may be indistinguishable from PD. However, these patients have early-onset dementia and may have hallucinations, delusions, and even psychosis in the absence of dopaminergic therapy (58,59). Another characteristic feature is wide fluctuations in cognitive status. Rarely, the patients with DLB may develop supranuclear gaze palsy, resulting in confusion with PSP (31,32). Some patients respond partially and temporarily to dopaminergic therapy. The electroencephalo- graphic (EEG) recording in DLB may be abnormal with background posterior slowing and frontally dominant burst activity that is not a feature of PD. CBGD typically presents in the 6th or 7th decade with slowly progressive unilateral, tremulous, apraxic, and rigid upper limb (61). The disorder tends to be gradually progressive with progressive gait disturbances, cortical sensory loss, and stimulus Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. Jerky useless lower extremity is uncommon but may occur. Rarely these patients may develop Babinski signs and supranuclear gaze palsy. When typical, the clinical picture is distinct and easily recognizable. However, atypical cases may be confused with PSP, and the myoclonic jerking may be confused with the rest tremor of PD. The gait disturbance typically consists of slightly wide based apraxic gait rather than the typical festinating gait of PD. Fixed limb dystonia may be prominent and strongly suggests CBGD, but some patients with PSP may also have asymmetrical limb dystonia (24). Patients with CBGD do not benefit from levodopa, and the course is relentlessly progressive. For example discount zetia 10 mg amex, the need for the eye to function properly before the optical cortex will organize and function appropriately is well documented generic 10 mg zetia with mastercard. The scope of this text, however, makes it impossible to give a full discription of these techniques. In the 1990s, the theory of neurologic development was slowly changing to a more complex, circular theory in which subsystems are recognized to interact. In this the- ory, the psychologic state and behavior of children are also recognized as be- ing important in their motor function. Complex interactions exist between lower reflexes and cortical motor movement patterns, in which the inter- actions and impacts are both from the higher function to the lower function and vice versa. However, this change in approach is not universally adapted, because neurologic pediatric physical therapy is a small subspecialty of the much larger physical therapy discipline. In gen- eral, physical therapists tend to have clinical aptitudes that are similar to those of orthopaedic surgeons. Clinicians with a treatment approach like to identify a specific problem, then apply a cure to make the problem go away. This approach was feasible in the early therapy protocols based on the hier- archical development theory; however, it often frustrated the child, the family, and the therapist. Developing a concept where the child, family, physician, and therapist are one team whose goal is to make the child as in- dependent as he or she can be when growing up is a much more functional approach. With this approach, an experienced therapist is the ideal head coach of the team, because this is the individual who knows the child best from a medical perspective and has the best relationship with the child, family, educators, and physicians. Unfortunately, because of frequent changes in therapists, this role of head coach often falls to the family. For some fam- ilies, this works well, but for others, it does not. The therapist who takes on the role of coach of a child’s motor impair- ment management team has to develop a good relationship with the family and child. In general, this relationship does not work well if the parent or child does not like the therapist. Also, the therapist has to have some under- standing of behavior management techniques to get the most cooperation from a child. Being aware of medical and other family issues is also important. The physical therapist should understand how to access social services and medical help in the community that may be needed by the family. One of the problems of this expanded role of pediatric therapists is that many therapists do not believe they have the training needed to take on this role. Most phys- ical therapy training programs are at the master’s degree level; however, the amount of training in pediatrics is minimal in many programs where there is a much greater allure to sports medicine and other adult rehabilitation di- rections. This experience mirrors what happens in orthopaedic training. Currently, there are a few well-developed specialty training programs for pe- diatric therapists, and none as well organized as the fellowship programs in pediatric orthopaedics. The trend to standardize this pediatric training is moving ahead and should train therapists who are much better equipped to take on the role in which they are currently expected to function. Many of these protocols have high regional concentrations of use, often in the area in which the sys- tem was initially developed and popularized. The same theories of therapy are widely used among both occupational and physical therapy. Neurodevelopmental Treatment Approach (NDT): Bobath Technique The NDT treatment approach was developed in England in the 1940s and 1950s by Dr. Bobath based on their understanding of neurologic development and experience gained in treating children. Based on the hierarchical concept of under- standing development, this approach focused first on correcting abnormal tone through the use of range-of-motion exercises, encouraging normal mo- tor patterns, and positioning. Second, abnormal primitive reflexes are ad- dressed through the use of extinction by repeated stimulation. Another ex- ample is neck flexion as the child is falling backward to prevent the head from hitting. Thus buy 10 mg zetia with visa, amino acids are often grouped by polarity of the side chain (charged discount 10mg zetia with visa, 2 1 nonpolar hydrophobic,oruncharged polar) or by structural features (aliphatic, cyclic, or aromatic). The side chains of the nonpolar hydrophobic amino acids (alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, and methionine) cluster together to exclude water in the hydrophobic effect. The uncharged polar amino acids (serine, threonine, tyrosine, asparagine, and glutamine) participate in hydro- gen bonding. Cysteine, which contains a sulfhydryl group, forms disulfide bonds. Heme groupHeme group The negatively charged acidic amino acids (aspartate and glutamate) form ionic (electrostatic) bonds with positively charged molecules, such as the basic amino acids (lysine, arginine, and histidine). The charge on the amino acid at a particular pH is determined by the pKa of each group that has a dissociable proton. Mutations in the genetic α2 α1 code result in proteins with an altered primary structure. Mutations resulting in single amino acid substitutions can affect the functioning of a protein or can con- fer an advantage specific to a tissue or a set of circumstances. Many proteins such as hemoglobin exist in the human population as polymorphisms (genetically determined variations in primary structure. The primary structure of some proteins, such as creatine kinase, can also vary between tissues (tissue-specific isozymes) or between intracellular locations in the same tissue. Electrophoretic separation of tissue-specific isozymes has been useful in medicine as a means of identifying the tissue site of injury. In addition to the amino acids encoded by DNA that – Carboxyl COO group form the primary structure of proteins, many proteins contain specific amino acids Amino + that have been modified by phosphorylation, oxidation, carboxylation, or other H3N C H group reactions. When these reactions are enzyme-catalyzed, they are referred to as α-Carbon R post-translational modifications. General structure of the amino acids found in proteins. THE WAITING ROOM Will Sichel is a 17-year-old boy who came to the hospital emergency room with severe pain in his lower back, abdomen, and legs, which began after a 2-day history of nausea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis. He was diagnosed as having sickle cell disease at age 3 years and has been admitted to the hospital on numerous occasions for similar vaso-occlusive sickle cell crises. On admission, the patient’s hemoglobin level in peripheral venous blood was 7. The hematocrit or packed cell volume (the percentage of the total volume of blood made up by red blood cells) was 23. His serum total bilirubin level (a pigment derived from hemoglobin degradation) was 2. An x-ray of his abdomen showed radiopaque stones in his gallbladder. With chronic hemolysis (red blood cell destruction), the amount of heme degraded to bilirubin is increased. These stones are the result of the chronic excretion of excessive amounts of bilirubin from the liver into the bile, leading to bilirubinate crystal deposition in the gallbladder lumen. Cal Kulis is an 18-year-old boy who was brought to the hospital by his The term calculus is used to mother because of the sudden onset of severe pain in the left flank radiat- describe any abnormal concretion ing around his left side toward his pubic area. His urine was reddish-brown (concrete-like precipitate) of min- eral salts. These almost always form within in color, and his urinalysis showed the presence of many red blood cells. When his the cavity of a hollow organ, such as the kid- urine was acidified with acetic acid, clusters of flat hexagonal transparent crystals ney (kidney or renal stones) or the lumen of of cystine were noted. An x-ray of his abdomen showed radiopaque calculi (stones) a duct (e. There was no family history of kidney stone disease. Di Abietes, who has type 1 diabetes mellitus, was giving herself subcuta- neous injections of insulin regular NPH beef insulin twice daily after her disease was first diagnosed (see Chapters 4 and 5). It dif- fers from receptor-mediated transcytosis in that the protein binds nonspecifically to the membrane and not to a distinct receptor 10mg zetia for sale. SYNTHESIS OF SMALL NITROGEN-CONTAINING NEUROTRANSMITTERS Molecules that serve as neurotransmitters fall into two basic structural categories: (1) small nitrogen-containing molecules zetia 10 mg lowest price, and (2) neuropeptides. The major small nitrogen-containing molecule neurotransmitters include glutamate, -aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine, acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and his- tamine. Additional neurotransmitters that fall into this category include epinephrine, aspartate, and nitric oxide. In general, each neuron synthesizes only those neuro- transmitters that it uses for transmission through a synapse or to another cell. The neuronal tracts are often identified by their neurotransmitter; for example, a dopaminergic tract synthesizes and releases the neurotransmitter dopamine. Neuropeptides are usually small peptides, which are synthesized and processed in the CNS. Some of these peptides have targets within the CNS (such as endor- phins, which bind to opioid receptors and block pain signals), whereas others are released into the circulation to bind to receptors on other organs (such as growth hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone). Many neuropeptides are synthesized as a larger precursor, which is then cleaved to produce the active peptides. Until recently, the assumption was that a neuron only synthesized and released a single neurotransmitter. More recent evidence suggests that a neuron may contain (1) more than one small molecule neurotransmitter, (2) more than one neuropeptide neuro- transmitter, or (3) both types of neurotransmitters. The differential release of the various neurotransmitters is the result of the neuron altering its frequency and pat- tern of firing. General Features of Neurotransmitter Synthesis A number of features are common to the synthesis, secretion, and metabolism of most small nitrogen-containing neurotransmitters (Table 48. Most of these neurotrans- mitters are synthesized from amino acids, intermediates of glycolysis and the TCA cycle, and O2 in the cytoplasm of the presynaptic terminal. The rate of synthesis is CHAPTER 48 / METABOLISM OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 887 Table 48. Features Common to Neurotransmittersa • Synthesis from amino acid and common metabolic precursors usually occurs in the cyto- plasm of the presynaptic nerve terminal. The synthetic enzymes are transported by fast axonal transport from the cell body, where they are synthesized, to the presynaptic terminal. The enzymatic inactiva- tion may occur in the postsynaptic terminal, the presynaptic terminal, or an adjacent astro- cyte or microglial cell. Nitric oxide is an exception to most of these gener- alities. Some neurotransmitters (epinephrine, serotonin, and histamine) are also secreted by cells other than neurons. Their synthesis and secretion by non-neuronal cells follows other principles. Once synthe- sized, the neurotransmitters are transported into storage vesicles by an ATP-requiring pump linked with the proton gradient. Release from the storage vesicle is trig- Drugs have been developed that gered by the nerve impulse that depolarizes the postsynaptic membrane and block neurotransmitter uptake into causes an influx of Ca2 ions through voltage-gated calcium channels. Reserpine, which of Ca2 promotes fusion of the vesicle with the synaptic membrane and release of blocks catecholamine uptake into vesicles, had been used as an antihypertensive and the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft. The transmission across the synapse antiepileptic drug for many years, but it was is completed by binding of the neurotransmitter to a receptor on the postsynaptic noted that a small percentage of patients on membrane (Fig. Animals treated with reserpine showed naptic terminal, uptake into glial cells, diffusion away from the synapse, or enzy- signs of lethargy and poor appetite, similar matic inactivation. The enzymatic inactivation may occur in the postsynaptic termi- to depression in humans. Thus, a link was nal, the presynaptic terminal or an adjacent astrocyte microglia cell, or in forged between monoamine release and endothelial cells in the brain capillaries. Action potential Presynaptic neuron Storage vesicles Ca2+ An action potential in the containing neuro- 2+ presynaptic neuron allows Ca transmitter to enter and stimulate exocytosis Ca2+ of the neurotransmitter Synaptic cleft Postsynaptic The neurotransmitter binds to neuron proteins in the membrane of the postsynaptic neuron, causing channels to open that allow the nerve impulse to be propagated The neurotransmitter is then rapidly degraded, or internalized by either the pre-synaptic cell or glial cells (reuptake) Fig. Nitric oxide, because it is a gas, is an exception to most of these generalities. Some neurotransmitters are syn- thesized and secreted by both neurons and other cells (e. Zetia
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