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![]() ![]() By U. Asaru. Swarthmore College. However purchase voveran 50mg mastercard, there are situations where an adaptive secondary change over time can become part of the primary problem buy cheap voveran 50mg on-line. An example of such a problem is the combination of toe walking with hemi- plegia in young children. The mechanical system prefers to be symmetric, and in young children who have great strength for their body weight, if forced to toe walk on one side, will usually prefer to toe walk on both sides (Case 7. If children have a pure hemiplegic pattern and the unaffected ankle has full range of motion, an orthotic is needed only on the affected side. This orthotic will stop the toe walking on the opposite side as well. If the toe walking has been ignored in older children and they have been walking on their toes for 4 to 6 years, the unaffected side, even if there is no neurologic pathology, will have become contracted; therefore, they cannot walk feet flat comfortably. The adaptive deformity has now become a primary impairment in its own right and if surgical treatment is planned, the unaffected leg must be addressed as well. Foot and Ankle The foot has the role of being a stable segment aligned with the forward line of progression and providing a moment arm connected to the floor. The ankle provides the primary energy output for mobility and provides motor output for postural control, as well as being part of the shock absorption function during weight acceptance. The Foot as a Stable, Stiff Segment The primary role of the foot segment is to provide a stable, stiff connection to the ground during stance phase. The primary problems occurring at the foot are foot deformities that preclude a stable base of support. These de- formities are mainly planovalgus, and less commonly, varus deformity. An- other problem is the loss of stiffness of the foot segment, which occurs because of increased range of motion in the midfoot allowing for midfoot dorsiflex- ion, also called midfoot break. This combination of foot pathology leads to less stability of the foot as a stiff segment and further leads to less stable sup- port with the ground by focusing the pressure into a smaller contact area (Case 7. The primary cause of foot deformities is poor motor control, which is added to by the mechanics forcing this deformity into progression. The degree of dysfunc- tion caused by the foot deformity is best assessed with a pedobarograph, where only pressure on the medial midfoot would suggest a very severe foot deformity with poor mechanical function. Also, an assessment of the ankle moment often demonstrates low plantar flexion moment in late stance, but a high or normal plantar flexion moment in early stance. A foot that has lost its stiffness also cannot provide support against which the gastrocnemius muscle can work to provide push-off power. Secondary Adaptations When a foot is unstable, balancing and motor control subsystems are stressed and one response is to increase the stiffness at the proximal joint through increased tone and increased motor co-contraction, especially at the knee. The vastus muscles, as primary knee extenders, are usually activated to as- sist with maintaining upright posture with the knee in flexion as part of the crouched gait pattern. These secondary changes, especially in adolescents with greatly increased body mass, add to the pathomechanics causing a foot deformity to become more severe. Most often, the foot is the initial primary cause of the crouched gait pattern (Case 7. On physical examination she significant toe walking on the right as well. This toe walk- was noted to have Ashworth grade 2 tone in the left gas- ing was felt to be compensatory for the left ankle equi- trocnemius, −5° of ankle dorsiflexion with both knees ex- nus. An open Z-lengthening of the tendon Achilles was tended and knee flexion, and 3+ ankle reflex. The right performed, and she walked with a flat foot strike. Over ankle had 10° of dorsiflexion with knee extension, 15° the next 10 years, she continued to have intermittent toe with knee flexion, normal muscle tone, and normal re- walking related to rapid growth spurts, and persisted flexes. Examination of the remaining lower extremities with premature heel rise on the left. By the time she was normal, and the left upper extremity had no in- reached full maturity at age 15 years, she desired a final creased tone, but seemed clumsier with rapid movements. The energy barrier to the transition state is lowered in the enzyme-catalyzed reaction by the formation of additional bonds between the substrate and enzyme in the transition state complex generic voveran 50 mg without prescription. The energy is provided by substrate binding to the enzyme purchase 50mg voveran overnight delivery. The enzyme does not, how- ever, change the energy levels of the substrate or product. Other enzymes increase their repertoire by employing cofactors to provide a functional group with the right size, shape, and properties. Cofactors are nonprotein compounds that participate in the catalytic Because most vitamins function as process. They are generally divided into three categories: coenzymes, metal ions coenzymes, the symptoms of vita- 2 2 2 2 (e. Thus, drugs and toxins that inhibit proteins required for A. Functional Groups on Amino Acid Side Chains coenzyme synthesis (e. Serine, cysteine, lysine, and histidine can participate in covalent the symptoms of a vitamin deficiency. This type of deficiency is called a functional defi- ciency, whereas an inadequate intake is called Table 8. Some Functional Groups in the Active Site a dietary deficiency. Most coenzymes are tightly bound to Function of Amino Acid Enzyme Example their enzymes and do not dissociate during Coyalent intermediates the course of the reaction. However, a func- Cysteine–SH Glyceraldehyde 3–phosphate dehydrogenase Serine–OH Acetylcholinesterase tional or dietary vitamin deficiency that Lysine–NH Aldolase 2 decreases the level of a coenzyme will result Histidine–NH Phosphoglucomutase in the presence of the apoenzyme in cells (an Acid–base catalysis enzyme devoid of cofactor). Histidine–NH Chymotrypsin Ethanol is an “antivitamin” that decreases Aspartate–COOH Pepsin the cellular content of almost every coenzyme. Stabilization of anion formed during the reaction For example, ethanol inhibits the absorption Peptide backbone–NH Chymotrypsin of thiamine, and acetaldehyde produced from Arginine–NH Carboxypeptidase A Serine–OH Alcohol dehydrogenase ethanol oxidation displaces pyridoxal phos- phate from its protein binding sites, thereby Stabilization of cation formed during the reaction Aspartate–COO Lysozyme accelerating its degradation. Histidine, because it has a pKa that can donate and accept a proton at neu- Nucleophiles carry full or partial tral pH, often participates in acid-base catalysis. Most of the polar amino acid side negative charges (like the oxygen chains are nucleophilic and participate in nucleophilic catalysis by stabilizing more atom in the serine -OH) or have a nitrogen that can act as an electron-donating positively charged groups that develop during the reaction. Coenzymes in Catalysis ysis are carried out by nucleophilic groups. Electrophiles carry full or partial positive Coenzymes are complex nonprotein organic molecules that participate in catalysis charges (e. In the human, used as an electrophilic group in chy- they are usually (but not always) synthesized from vitamins. In general, nucleophilic and involved in catalyzing a specific type of reaction for a class of substrates with cer- electrophilic catalysis occur when the tain structural features. Coenzymes can be divided into two general classes: activa- respective nucleophilic or electrophilic tion-transfer coenzymes and oxidation-reduction coenzymes. ACTIVATION-TRANSFER COENZYMES The activation-transfer coenzymes usually participate directly in catalysis by form- Although coenzymes look as though ing a covalent bond with a portion of the substrate; the tightly held substrate moiety they should be able to catalyze reac- is then activated for transfer, addition of water, or some other reaction. The portion tions autonomously (on their own), they have almost no catalytic power when not of the coenzyme that forms a covalent bond with the substrate is its functional group. A separate portion of the coenzyme binds tightly to the enzyme. Thiamine pyrophosphate provides a good illustration of the manner in which coenzymes participate in catalysis (Fig. It is synthesized in human cells from the vitamin thiamine by the addition of a pyrophosphate. This pyrophos- 2 phate provides negatively charged oxygen atoms that chelate Mg , which then binds tightly to the enzyme. The functional group that extends into the active site is the reactive carbon atom with a dissociable proton (see Fig. AI Troster buy 50 mg voveran otc,¨ JA Fields voveran 50mg mastercard, JA Testa, RH Paul, CR Blanco, KA Hames, DP Salmon, WW Beatty. Cortical and subcortical influences on clustering and switching in the performance of verbal fluency tasks. AI Troster, JA Fields, AM Paolo, R Pahwa, WC Koller. Visual confrontation¨ naming in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease with dementia (abstr) Neurology 46 (suppl): A292–293, 1996. M Freedman, P Rivoira, N Butters, DS Sax, RG Feldman. RH Paul, JR Graber, DC Bowlby, JA Testa, MJ Harnish, WW Beatty. Neurodegenerative Disease: Biological, Cognitive, and Clinical Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp 184–196. Cerebral blood flow and cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease. SJ Huber, DL Freidenberg, EC Shuttleworth, GW Paulson, JA Christy. Neuropsychological impairments associated with severity of Parkinson’s disease. Heterogeneity of cognitive impairment in progressive supranuclear palsy, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. KK Gnanalingham, EJ Byrne, A Thornton, MA Sambrook, P Bannister. Motor and cognitive function in Lewy body dementia: comparison with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Neuropsychological performance in Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Psychiatric features in diffuse Lewy body disease: a clinicopathologic study using Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease comparison groups. DM Jacobs, K Marder, LJ Cote, M Sano, Y Stern, R Mayeux. Neuropsy- chological characteristics of preclinical dementia in Parkinson’s disease. F Mahieux, G Fenelon, A Flahault, MJ Manifacier, D Michelet, F Boller. Neuropsychological prediction of dementia in Parkinson’s disease. G Dooneief, E Mirabello, K Bell, K Marder, Y Stern, R Mayeux. An estimate of the incidence of depression in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. JP Hubble, T Cao, RE Hassanein, JS Neuberger, WC Koller. SA Cole, JL Woodard, JL Juncos, JL Kogos, EA Youngstrom, RL Watts. SE Starkstein, HS Mayberg, R Leiguarda, TJ Preziosi, RG Robinson. A prospective longitudinal study of depression, cognitive decline, and physical impairments in patients with Parkinson’s disease. M Sano, Y Stern, J Williams, L Cote, R Rosenstein, R Mayeux. Coexisting dementia and depression in Parkinson’s disease. JA Fields, S Norman, KA Straits-Troster,¨ AI Troster. Memory in Neurodegenerative Disease: Biological, Cognitive, and Clinical Perspectives. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp 314–337. G Kuzis, L Sabe, C Tiberti, R Leiguarda, SE Starkstein. Kinematics: Measurement of the displacement of the body segments during gait generic voveran 50mg on line, usually defined as angular change of the distal segment relative to its proximal articulated segment generic voveran 50mg amex, or motion relative to a global coordinate system. Joint velocity: Amount of joint motion per unit time. Joint acceleration: Change in the velocity per unit time. Joint jerk: Change in the acceleration per unit time. Kinetics: Measurement of the forces acting upon the body segments. Joint moments (torque): Force applied at a defined distance from a point that generates rotation motion if it is not opposed (force times distance). Joint force (joint reaction force): The force a joint experiences defined in three planes and three moments. Joint power: Net joint moment times the joint’s angular velocity. Normalized kinetics: Dividing the kinetic measure by the body weight in kilograms to obtain a number that can be compared over growth and to different-sized individuals. Unless an equal and opposite moment is applied, a joint motion occurs. This distance from the center of the joint motion to the application of the force is called the moment arm. Joint power is the application of the moment over a specific distance per unit time, which is defined in units called watts. Angular joint power is defined as being positive when motion, which is produced by concentric or shorten- ing contractions of muscle, occurs. Angular joint power is negative when the motion is being controlled by an eccentric or a lengthening contraction. Absorption of power is the typical term used instead of negative power. The term strength is very confusing as it is used in clinical care related to muscles. Often, strength is used in some combination to mean how much force a muscle can apply, how much work it can do, or how much angular power it can generate. All these definitions of strength are very confusing in 254 Cerebral Palsy Management the clinical literature. For the remainder of this discussion, the term strength is be used unless it is used to mean force unrelated to any time or distance parameters. The best way to use strength is to define the total limit of stress (force per unit area) or strain (length change per unit length) in a specific given environment. For example, it would be technically correct to say that a board of the same size and shape is stronger if it is made of steel rather than wood. Application of these mechanical concepts of understanding the function of the mechanical subsystems will be important to combine all parts into a functional, whole musculoskeletal system. Muscle Mechanics Energy Production Based on the understanding of Newtonian physics, a change in movement state cannot occur unless there is an output of energy. In the human body, this output of energy occurs through the muscles, which are constructed of small subunits called sarcomeres (Figure 7. Sarcomeres have actin and myosin subunits that form chemical bonds, causing the actin and myosin sub- units to overlap when they are stimulated by electrical depolarization pro- duced by the motor neuron. The chemical energy needed for this shortening action of the sarcomere may be produced by aerobic metabolism, where Figure 7. The microanatomy of the muscle fiber starts with sarcomeres, which are the building blocks of the muscle fibers. The sar- comeres are made of thin actin molecules that slide over the thicker myosin. With max- imum elongation, there is only a small area of overlap. At rest, the fibers have approxi- mately 50% overlap, and at full contraction, there is complete overlap. The chemical re- action causing this overlapping of the actin and myosin is the force-generating mecha- nism of muscle. Voveran
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