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![]() ![]() By X. Hamil. Texas A&M University, Commerce. What three things does the central limit theorem tell us about the sampling distribution of means? Poindexter received a 55 on a biology test 1X 5 502 and a 45 on a philosophy test 1X 5 502 lozol 1.5 mg free shipping. He is considering whether to ask his two professors to curve the grades using z-scores lozol 1.5 mg with visa. For the data in question 13, find the raw scores that correspond to the following: (a) z 511. In a normal distribution, what proportion of all scores would fall into each of the following areas? Poindexter may be classified as having a math dysfunction—and not have to take statistics—if he scores below the 25th percentile on a diagnostic test. Approximately what raw score is the cutoff score for him to avoid taking statistics? The job in City A pays $47,000 and the average cost of living there is $65,000, with a standard deviation of $15,000. The job in City B pays $70,000, but the average cost of living there is $85,000, with a standard deviation of $20,000. Suppose you own shares of a company’s stock, the price of which has risen so that, over the past ten trading days, its mean selling price is $14. A researcher develops a test for selecting intellectually gifted children, with a of 56 and a σX of 8. Slug says that because this X is so close to the of 56, this sample could hardly be considered gifted. A researcher reports that a sample mean produced a relatively large positive or negative z score. What does a relatively small standard deviation indicate about the scores in a sample? What is the difference between the normal distributions we’ve seen in previous chapters and (a) a z-distribution and (b) a sampling distribution of means? The formula for transforming a z-score in a into a z-score on the sampling distribution of sample into a raw score is means is X 5 1z21S 2 1 X X 2 X z 5 σX 3. Also that the phrase “accounting for variance” refers to accurately predicting Y scores. Your goals in this chapter are to learn ■ The logic of correlational research and how it is interpreted. S ■ The logic of inferring a population correlation based on a sample correlation. Recall that in research we want to not only demonstrate a relationship but also describe and summarize the relationship. The one remaining type of descriptive statistic for us to discuss is used to summarize relationships, and it is called the correlation coefficient. In the following sections, we’ll consider when these statistics are used and what they tell us. Then we’ll see how to compute the two most common versions of the correla- tion coefficient. Then, X stands for the scores on one variable, and Y stands for the scores on the other variable. If not, there must be a rational system for pairing the scores (for example, pairing the scores of roommates). Thus, ©Y is the sum of the Y scores, ©Y 2 is the sum of the squared Y scores, and 1©Y 22 is the squared sum of the Y scores. First, 1©X21©Y2 indicates to first find the sum of the Xs and the sum of the Ys and then multiply the two sums together. Finally, D stands for the numerical difference between the X and Y scores in a pair, which you find by subtracting one from the other. Recall that a relationship is present when, as the X scores increase, the corresponding Y scores change in a consistent fashion. Whenever we find a relationship, we then want to know its characteristics: What pattern is formed, how consistently do the scores change together, and what direction do the scores change? The best—and easiest—way to answer these questions is to compute a correlation coefficient. Amniotic fluid bilirubin Hemolytic disease of the Direct spectrophotometric Bilirubin has peak absorbance at 450 nm discount lozol 2.5mg amex. Gene Specific sequence of nucleotides (1 lozol 2.5mg online,000–4,000) at particular location on chromosome. Starts at 5’end with promoter region that initiates transcription & ends at 3’end with terminator sequence that ends transcription. Present in nucleus & in cytoplasm where it’s associated with ribosomes (free or attached to endoplasmic reticulum). A pentose sugar with nitrogen base attached to 1’C & 1–3 phosphate groups attached to 5’C. Superscript (prime) differentiates Cs in sugar from Cs in bases, which are numbered 1–9. Base pairs Purine from 1 strand of nucleic acid & pyrimidine from another strand joined by hydrogen (H) bonds. Composition Repeating nucleotides linked by phosphodiester bonds between 5’ Repeating nucleotides linked by phosphate group of 1 sugar & 3’hydroxyl group of next. Synthesis on 5’–3’template is discontinuous, forming lagging strand of disconnected Okazaki fragments. Hybridization Pairing of complementary strands of nucleic acid, 1 from sample & 1 a reagent. Labeled with fluorescent or chemiluminescent dyes, enzymes, or radioisotopes to produce visible sign of hybridization. Lysis of cells, isolation by phenol-chloroform extraction or binding to silica, precipitation in alcohol. Can be stored suspended in ethanol for several months at –20°C or long term at –70°C. Target amplification Technique to↑amount of target nucleic acid in sample through in vitro replication, e. Probe amplification Technique to↑amount of probe bound to target so very small amounts of nucleic acid can be detected, e. Signal amplification Technique to↑signal generated so that very small amounts of nucleic acid can be detected, e. Polymerase Enzyme that assembles nucleotides to produce new strand of nucleic acid. Originally isolated from bacteriumThermus aquaticusin hot springs of Yellowstone National Park. Annealing (hybridization) 50°–70°C/ Primers attach to both template strands by binding with complementary 20–90 sec. Housekeeping gene detected control) & unrelated target (house- Differentiates true neg from false keeping gene or other nucleic neg due to amplification failure. Final probe is branched & carries signal-generating enzymes that act on chemiluminescent substrate. Cleavage-based amplification Isothermal method that uses primary probe, invader Detection of cystic fibrosis, factor (Invader technology) probe, reporter probe. Labeled probe (signal-generating probe) that anneals to different site on target added. Hybridized typing,Mycobacteriaspeciation complexes visualized with Biotin-Streptavidin method. Liquid-phase hybridization Target nucleic acid & probe interact in aqueous solution. After cancers/diseases, classification of amplification, sample & control nucleic acids labeled with leukemias, tumor staging, determi- 2 different fluorescent dyes & loaded onto chip. Single-stranded fragments transferred (blotted) to solid support medium by capillary action. Sequencing ladder 4-lane gel electrophoresis pattern obtained from dideoxy chain termination sequencing. Because alco- hol poisoning can be deadly buy 2.5 mg lozol with amex, emergency treatment is alkalosis Relatively too much base in the blood necessary 1.5 mg lozol free shipping. The alcohol use in pregnancy The consumption of pH of an alkalotic body measures above normal. Deficiency of this enzyme leads zation founded to assist people addicted to alcohol to the three cardinal features of alkaptonuria (the in breaking old behavior patterns and gaining sup- presence of homogentisic acid in the urine), port for consistently living a sober lifestyle. Urine that turns dark is a alcoholism Physical dependence on alcohol to characteristic feature. Common allergens include ragweed ical dependence and then making lifestyle changes pollen, animal dander, and mold. In some allergic conjunctivitis Inflammation of the cases, medication and hospitalization are necessary. An allergic reaction can If the skin reddens and, more importantly, if it occur when the immune system attacks a normally swells, the test is read as positive, and allergy to that harmless substance. In the melee, cells called mast cells release tiny protein particles shed or excreted by cock- a variety of strong chemicals, including histamine, roaches. Removing cockroach allergens irritating and causes itching and swelling and can from the home is not an easy job, but it can go far also lead to lung airway narrowing and throat tight- in reducing the frequency and severity of asthma ening, as is found in asthma, as well as to loss of and other allergic reactions. For example, this is how hay fever and aller- gic pink eye (conjunctivitis) occur. See also allergic allograft The transplant of an organ or tissue conjunctivitis; allergic rhinitis; anaphylactic from one individual to another of the same species shock; asthma. For example, a transplant from one person to another, but not an identical allergic rhinitis Medical term for hay fever, an twin, is an allograft. Also nose, sneezing, nose and eye itching, and tearing of known as an allogeneic graft or a homograft. Postnasal dripping of clear mucus frequently causes a cough, loss of smell is common, and occa- allopath A term sometimes applied to a physi- sionally loss of taste. Also cian who practices allopathy, or conventional medi- known as June cold and summer cold. The term “allopathy” was person with allergic rhinitis: rubbing his or her coined to designate conventional medicine as nose with the index finger. Allopathy is also known as con- allergy Hypersensitivity of the body’s immune ventional medicine. This form of alopecia capitis totalis; alopecia universalis; treatment is very effective for allergies to pollen, alopecia, traumatic. Common causes include the use of caustic hair straighteners, especially those that allergy scratch test See allergy skin test. Treatment options include, for lung dis- begins with rapid hair loss on discrete areas of the ease, replacement of the missing alpha-1 antit- scalp and sometimes progresses to complete bald- rypsin. It seems to be caused by an alpha-fetoprotein A plasma protein normally autoimmune mechanism, wherein the body’s own produced by a fetus, principally in the fetus’s liver, immune system attacks the hair follicles and dis- the fetal gastrointestinal tract, and the yolk sac, a rupts normal hair formation. Alopecia areata is structure temporarily present during embryonic sometimes associated with allergic disorders, thy- development. The longer the the fetal circulation and appears in the mother’s period of time of hair loss, the less chance that the blood. Alport syndrome involves inflammation alpha cell, pancreatic A type of cell found in of the kidney (nephritis), often progressing to kid- areas within the pancreas called the islets of ney failure, and sensory nerve hearing loss. Alpha cells make and release glucagon, Progression to kidney failure is gradual and usually which raises the level of glucose (sugar) in the occurs in males before 50 years of age. The other two main classes is using a special diet to treat cancer instead of are called beta interferon and gamma interferon. Complementary medicine is different from Alpha Omega Alpha An honor society, the med- alternative medicine. Whereas complementary med- ical school equivalent of Phi Beta Kappa of under- icine is used together with conventional medicine, graduate school. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency leads to damage of various organs, espe- altitude illness See altitude sickness. At sea level the concentration of oxygen is about 21 per- amaurosis fugax A symptom that is often cent, and the barometric pressure averages 760 mm described as a shade coming down over the eye. As altitude increases, the concentration remains Amaurosis fugax is a partial or complete loss of the same, but the number of oxygen molecules per sight that is temporary. Maximum velopharyngeal pan 1.5mg lozol for sale, 2Fujita Health Univesity discount lozol 1.5mg on-line, Department of Rehabilitation Medi- pressure of 3 ml thin liquid was signifcantly larger than that of 3 cine I, Toyoake, Japan, 3Johns Hopkins Univerisity, Department of ml thin liquid (p<0. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of respiratory phase on the shape and size of pharynx and larynx. For patients after radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal measurement to fnd unmet needs in post stroke patient. Without the proper nutritional support, even the best rehabilitation regimen may not yield targeted results. Lin1 In this study, we analyzed the current situation of tube feeding and 1Changhua Christian Hospital, Physical Medicine & Rehabilita- dysphagia therapy in our rehabilitation ward. Material and Meth- tion, Changhua, Taiwan ods: Patients admitted into our rehabilitation ward from Jan 2012 to Dec 2014 (three years) were screened. However, its design was based on Delphi rehabilitation ward during the three year period. The patients were requested to answer the questionnaire and to viding the nutritional needs of patients with post-stroke dysphagia. Hundred Supervision, Kita-ku- Tokyo, Japan and thirty nine subjects participated to the inter-rater reliability as- sessment; thirty were enrolled in the intra-rater reliability assess- Introduction/Background: There are few well-established statistical ment. Two observers measured the spinal sagittal curves of each methods to assess the validities of content (Selected items of measure- participant with the surface goniometer IncliMed®. Hundred and ment) and of construct (Meaning of measurement) in psychometric thirty nine subjects were measured by the two raters within a tem- measures such questionnaire. There has been only choice to depend poral range of 10 minutes, in the same setting. Thirty returned at a upon the opinion of experts with long experience or upon the com- mean distance of 28 days for the intra-rater data collection. We present a new method ment limit and coeffcient of repeatability were calculated according to confrm the items structure in questionnaire, which is refected in to the linear regression analysis, and the Bland and Altman method content and construct validities, using statistical calculation in place applied to obtain the average of the differences and the standard er- of expert’s knowledge. Results: The inter-observer vari- for psychometric assessment usually deal with categorical data as ability for IncliMed® measurements was ±11° both for the kyphosis form of a contingency table. Conclu- with graphical model could provide domain structures to describe the sion: The IncliMed® method represents a reliable, non-invasive and degree of association among items. The proposed method is intended user-friendly tool for the clinical measurement and monitoring of to estimate the probability distribution on the basis of the comparison the spinal sagittal curves in children and adolescents. Results: This combined method could provide do- 146 main structures supported content and/or construct validity by com- puter software automatically. Conclusion: With this approach we will be able to analyze the relationship of each of the questionnaire items mathematically of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran and to confrm latent structures within outcome instruments. Introduction/Background: Strategic planning has been used and ap- plied for many industrial disciplines. Urabe5 tion medicine is among those medical specialties that seems to be 1Nishi-Hiroshima Rehabilitation Hospital, Department of Rehabili- analyzed in this way. Once the appropriate (and correct) data has been composed Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 3Kawakita and analyzed, the capabilities of the specialty are evaluated. The strengths and weaknesses of the feld are inter- Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kyoto, Japan nal factors, while opportunities and threats normally are a result of external factors playing their part. Once the appropriate (and correct) data has been composed core set might be a useful clinical assessment tool for measuring and analyzed, the capabilities of the specialty are evaluated. The strengths and weaknesses of the feld are in- at four medical institutions in Japan were enrolled. Results: During the period between May 1 and Oct 31, the data of 25 patients (11 men, 14 women). Mueller1 1University Clinic of Munich, Orthopedic Surgery- Physical Medi- Introduction/Background: Core strength training, which usually done on stable surfaces, is an effective way to enhance physical ft- cine and Rehabilitation, Munich, Germany ness in youth. Previous study revealed that core strength training Introduction/Background: Local anesthetics are frequently preferred on unstable surfaces could improve some components of physical for intraarticular pain Management and in arthroscopic surgery. Nakanami Introduction/Background: It was suggested that posture train- 1Kanazawa Medical University buy lozol 2.5mg mastercard, Rehabilitation Medicine best lozol 1.5 mg, Uchi- ing support with spinal orthosis including weighted kyphorthosis nada, Japan, 2Tonami General Hospital, Rehabilitation Medicine, can improve balance in patients with osteoporosis. The aim of Tonami, Japan this study was to determine the effects of weighted kyphorthosis on improving dynamic balance tests in women with osteoporosis. A new method patients were assigned into two groups: 1) control group who re- for estimating in vivo bone mineral density and characterizing the ceived 4-week home-based daily exercise program and 2) inter- shape of cancellous bone has been proposed using the result of ul- vention group (weighted kyphorthosis) who performed exercises trasonic inspection for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Patients Methods: The method is based on two-dimensional bone area frac- were assessed using computerized balance tests by Balance Master tions (percent bone area between bone and bone marrow) calculat- (NeuroCom) (Limits of Stability, Step Quick Turn, Sit to Stand and ed from the difference in the speed of ultrasonic wave propagation Walk across tests) before and 4 weeks after start of treatment. Improvement in right turn time in step quick characterization is based on the image simulation procedure em- turn, end point excursion and mean of excursion parameters of ploying eight random variable from a computer and the statistical Limits of Stability was more signifcant in orthosis group in com- result of fractal analysis for numerous cancellous bone patterns. Conclusion: This ultrasonic testing confrmed the presence of an effective intervention in postmenopausal women in order to re- local osteoporosis on the affected side of the hemiplegics as well duce the risk of falling. Material and Methods: One hundred and forty four women Introduction/Background: Obesity is a chronic disease that results were divided into four groups according to the time past meno- from metabolic disorders of energy homeostasis. All groups were subdivided development of diabetes or high blood pressure, but also diseases of into osteoporosis group (t-score <–2. We have examined 59 patients, of which there osteoporosis group compared to non-osteoporosis group but there were 43 women and 16 men. C-telopeptide was increased in os- exam the patients were divided into 3 groups (≥29. Conclusion: No specifc biochemi- tained results for patients in each group are differed in subsequent cal markers regarding the duration of menopause were found. Hip (femoral head), Knee (femoral condyle), Tibia can be considered as one of the factors infuencing on behavior of and Metatarsal bone are the affected sites. Khachnaoui1 consultation is especially paralysis of the extensors of the fngers 1Sahloul Hospital, Rehabilitation, Sousse, Tunisia and thumb ulnar extensor carpi. Material and Methods: A 35 year old patient, who is a farmer, without any particular medical history Introduction/Background: Achondroplasia is the most common consulted for a weakness in his left hand to progressive appearance inherited bone dysplasia. Electromyographic exami- We report the case of a young woman with achondroplasia which nation objectifed conduction block on the forearm posterior interos- presented paraplegia by spinal stenosis. Histological examination confrmed the diagnosis of lipoma from low back pain radiating to both legs and not systematized. Results: The evolution after 6 months of rehabilitation She had diffculty in micturition with leaks evolving for several was marked by improvement of symptoms and pain. The evolution is marked by a worsening of the symptoms The electromyographic examination is still disrupted. It visualizes and limiting the walking perimeter with diffculties increasingly a motor impairment with conduction block and neurogenic path. We report the case of a patient with a syndrome of posterior cid paraplegia complicating spinal stenosis, especially at L2-L3 interosseous nerve secondary to compression by a paraostéal lipo- level. The patient received a decompression surgery by L2-L3-L4 ma, surgical excision with radial neurolysis followed by rehabilita- laminectomy. Neurologically, the patient presents paraparesis with tive care adapted enabled good functional recovery after 6 months. Cu- taneo abdominal refexes are present and musculoskeletal refexes are abolished in the lower limbs. However, at the urinary level, it has conducted to North Staffordshire Rehabilitation Centre, Physical Rehabilitation 2 bladder drainage by intermittent self-catheterization. Conclusion: Medicine, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom; North Staffordshire The main vertebral deformities in achondroplastic patient are the Rehabilitation Centre, Physcial Rehabilitation Medicine, Stoke-on- magnum foramen narrows and spinal stenosis. If symptomatic, pa- Trent, United Kingdom tient will present with neurological signs of myelopathy or equina Introduction/Background: Transient bone barrow oedema is a rare, cauda syndrome, as a function of the compression seat. The aim of this study is to ences of neurological signs indicate a decompression surgery. Material and 315 Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study from the data collected through our bespoke database. Lozol
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