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![]() ![]() By G. Arokkh. Mesa State College. Oral hypoglyce 7 10 days before surgery and restart 6 h mics (continue up to day before surgery and postop) buy discount v-gel 30gm. If used following procedures 30gm v-gel free shipping, may give 1/3 to 1/2 long or inter angioplasty, continue for at least 6 weeks before mediate actinginsulindose. The (legally may exercise therapeutic privilege, but sel selection of guardian is based on patient’s wishes, dom used) values and beliefs more than his/her best interest judgment. It is unfair to begin rationing by denying resources (causation) to the most vulnerable patients 5. Financial considerations court/law, patient consent obtained, or if public inter should be taken into account, but do not justify est at stake (e. Frequent pulse check, intubaton, central line inserton, and medicatons may sometimes distract the team from this important task Airway—avoid hyperventilaton as this could increase ntrathoracic pressure. The normal values for individual institu Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors. Who established the Red Cross in the United recruited into nursing in lieu of serving jail States in 1882? Dorothea Dix vated the status of nursing to a respected occu- pation, improved the quality of nursing care, c. Counselor accurate description of nursing’s role, accord- ing to the American Nurses Association c. Increasing student awareness of sexually the greatest influence on the development of transmitted diseases by distributing nursing as a profession since the l950s? Large numbers of women began to health center work outside the home, asserting their b. Serving as a role model of health for practice in a wide variety of healthcare patients by maintaining a healthy weight settings. Male dominance in the healthcare profes- to use a wheelchair sion slowed the progress of professionalism e. Administering an insulin shot to a diabetic provide more easily controlled and less patient expensive staff for the hospital. Learning how to use a new piece of hospital demonstrate the aim of nursing to facilitate equipment would most likely occur in which coping? Which of the following nursing education programs attracts more men, minorities, and d. Assisting a patient and his/her family to nontraditional students and prepares nurses prepare for death to give care to patients in various structured e. Which of the following is used by the nurse knowledge to identify the patient’s healthcare needs and strengths and to establish and carry out a b. Which of the following nursing actions demonstrate the aim of nursing to promote d. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 7th Edition. Nurse practice acts are regulated by the administrators and physicians; males domi- federal government. The enforcement of rules and regulations belief that illness is caused by sin and gods’ does not fall within the scope of nurse displeasure existed; priests were physicians. Nurse practice acts establish the criteria for the education and licensure of nurses. Which of the following statements regarding 16th century, the 18th and 19th centuries, and nursing licenses are accurate? Nursing was broadened in all areas and was practiced in a wide variety of settings; c. The nursing license can be denied due to for family and delivering physical care and criminal actions. The role of medicine developed from the pre- cation, and women were more assertive and civilization era, through the eras signifying the independent. Place the events that defined these eras listed below in the correct chronologic order to follow this timeline. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 7th Edition. Practical nursing was developed to prepare is a professional organization for registered nurses to give bedside nursing care to nurses in the United States. Nursing has evolved through history from a tice, the , integrates both the art technical service to a knowledge-centered and science of nursing. The Object Stares Back: On the Nature of See- The biofeedback training may continue for several ing order 30gm v-gel. Even- tually they will need to produce the desired response without electronic feedback discount v-gel 30 gm mastercard, a goal which can be accom- Biofeedback plished through various methods. They may practice the learned response at the end of the training session or at A technique that allows individuals to monitor home between sessions. There can also be random trials their own physiological processes so they can learn to control them. An alternate strate- gy is the gradual and systematic removal of the feedback signal during the training sessions over a period of time. Biofeedback originated with the field of psy- After the initial training is completed, subjects may re- chophysiology, which measures physiological responses turn to the biofeedback facility to assess their retention as a way of studying human behavior. Today, Biofeedback training has been used in treating a biofeedback is also associated with behavioral medicine, number of different clinical problems. Monitoring of pa- which combines behavioral and biomedical science in tients’ heart rates has been used with some success to both clinical and research settings. Brain wave activity has also been of inter- est in connection with alpha waves, which are thought to characterize a desirable state of relaxed alertness. Pa- tients have been taught to increase their alpha rhythms in three or four 30-minute conditioning sessions. Clinicians have been particularly success- tional extremes of depression and mania (an elat- ful in their use of neuromuscular feedback to treat com- ed, euphoric mood). Tension headaches have been alleviated Bipolar disorder is classified among affective disor- through the reduction of frontalis (forehead) tension, and ders in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diag- relaxation of the face and neck muscles has been helpful nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. These patients may be unable to relax or contract mus- While this condition occurs equally in both males and fe- cles at will, and biofeedback can make them aware of males and in every ethnic and racial groups, it is more small, otherwise imperceptible changes in the desired di- common among well-educated, middle- and upper-in- rection and allow them to repeat and eventually increase come persons. However, In addition to its alleviation of physical complaints, some people go through four or more mood swings a neuromuscular biofeedback has been an effective tool in month, while others may only experience a mood swing the treatment of chronic anxiety, even when it has resist- every five years. Even for patients the one that is most likely to have biological origins, who have been able to achieve relaxation through other specifically an imbalance in the brain’s chemistry. Ge- means, such as meditation or progressive relaxation, netic factors play an important role in the disease. In one biofeedback can be a valuable supplementary technique study, one-fourth of the children who had one manic-de- that offers special advantages, such as allowing a thera- pressive parent became manic-depressive themselves, pist to track closely the points at which a patient tenses and three-fourths of those with two manic-depressive up and try to learn what thoughts are associated with the parents developed the disorder. Biofeedback-induced relaxation of forehead disorder being shared by identical twins is also excep- muscles has also been effective in treating asthma. It is character- ported instances in which lithium was not as effective ized by feelings of sadness, apathy, and loss of energy. Other possible symptoms include sleep disturbances; significant changes in appetite or weight; languid move- Many great artists, writers, musicians, and other ments; feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt; people prominent in both creative and other fields have lack of concentration; and preoccupation with death or suffered from bipolar disorder, including composers suicide. When they shift to a manic state, people with Robert Schumann and Gustav Mahler, painter Vincent bipolar disorder become elated and overly talkative, van Gogh, writers Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath, and speaking loudly and rapidly and abruptly switching from actresses Patty Duke and Kristy McNichol. Plunging into many work, social, or reports that 38 percent of all Pulitzer Prize-winning academic activities at once, they are in constant motion poets have had the symptoms of bipolar disorder. They also demonstrate grandiosity— an exaggerated sense of their own powers, which leads Further Reading them to believe they can do things beyond the power of Duke, Patty. People in a manic phase typically become irritable or angry when others try to tone down their ideas or behavior, or when Birth order they have difficulty carrying out all the activities they A chronological sequence of the birth of children have begun. Mania creates enormous turmoil in the lives of its Research has correlated birth order with such as- victims, many of whom turn to drugs or alcohol as a way pects of life as temperament and behavior. For example, of coping with the anxiety generated by their condi- first-born children, when compared to their siblings, tend tion—61 percent of persons with bipolar disorder have to score slightly higher on intelligence tests and to attain substance abuse or dependency problems. Some psycholo- percent of those who fail to receive adequate treatment gists believe that birth order is a significant factor in the for bipolar disorder commit suicide. As part dividuals commonly suffer from it for as long as seven to of his view that patients need to be understood in the con- ten years without being diagnosed or treated. Lithium, a child’s position in the family is associated with certain which stabilizes the brain chemicals involved in mood problems that are responded to in similar ways by other swings, is used to treat both the mania and depression of children in the same birth position. This drug, which is taken by millions of was not the numerical birth position itself that mattered people throughout the world, halts symptoms of mania in but rather the situation that tended to accompany that po- 70 percent of those who take it, usually working within sition, and the child’s reaction to it. In some cases we might simply ask the client if she feels better order v-gel 30gm visa, and in other cases we may directly measure behavior: Can the client now get in the airplane and take a flight? In every case the scientists evaluating the therapy must keep in mind the potential that other effects rather than the treatment itself might be important 30gm v-gel sale, that some treatments that seem effective might not be, and that some treatments might actually be harmful, at least in the sense that money and time are spent on programs or drugs that do not work. One threat to the validity of outcome research studies is natural improvement—the possibility that people might get better over time, even without treatment. People who begin therapy or join a self-help group do so because they are feeling bad or engaging in unhealthy behaviors. After being in a program over a period of time, people frequently feel that they are getting better. But it is possible that they would have improved even if they had not attended the program, and that the program is not actually making a difference. To demonstrate that the treatment is effective, the people who participate in it must be compared with another group of people who do not get treatment. Another possibility is that therapy works, but that it doesn‘t really matter which type of therapy it is. Nonspecific treatment effects occur when the patient gets better over time simply by coming Attributed to Charles Stangor Saylor. The idea is that therapy works, in the sense that it is better than doing nothing, but that all therapies are pretty much equal in what they are able to accomplish. Finally, placebo effects are improvements that occur as a result of the expectation that one will get better rather than from the actual effects of a treatment. Effectiveness of Psychological Therapy Thousands of studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of psychotherapy, and by and large they find evidence that it works. Some outcome studies compare a group that gets treatment with another (control) group that gets no treatment. For instance, Ruwaard, Broeksteeg, [2] Schrieken, Emmelkamp, and Lange (2010) found that patients who interacted with a therapist over a website showed more reduction in symptoms of panic disorder than did a similar group of patients who were on a waiting list but did not get therapy. Although studies such as this one control for the possibility of natural improvement (the treatment group improved more than the control group, which would not have happened if both groups had only been improving naturally over time), they do not control for either nonspecific treatment effects or for placebo effects. The people in the treatment group might have improved simply by being in the therapy (nonspecific effects), or they may have improved because they expected the treatment to help them (placebo effects). An alternative is to compare a group that gets “real‖ therapy with a group that gets only a [3] placebo. However, one-half of the patients were randomly assigned to actually receive the antianxiety drug Paxil, while the other half received a placebo drug that did not have any medical properties. The researchers ruled out the possibility that only placebo effects were occurring because they found that both groups improved over the 8 weeks, but the group that received Paxil improved significantly more than the placebo group did. If the researchers believe that their treatment is going to work, why would they deprive some of their participants, who are in need of help, of the possibility for improvement by putting them in a control group? Social skills training augments the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy for social anxiety disorder. These studies are advantageous because they compare the specific effects of one type of treatment with another, while allowing all patients to get treatment. Research Focus: Meta-Analyzing Clinical Outcomes Because there are thousands of studies testing the effectiveness of psychotherapy, and the independent and dependent variables in the studies vary widely, the results are often combined using a meta-analysis. A meta- analysis is a statistical technique that uses the results of existing studies to integrate and draw conclusions about those studies. In one important meta-analysis analyzing the effect of psychotherapy, Smith, Glass, and Miller [7] (1980) summarized studies that compared different types of therapy or that compared the effectiveness of therapy against a control group. To find the studies, the researchers systematically searched computer databases and the reference sections of previous research reports to locate every study that met the inclusion criteria. Over 475 studies were located, and these studies used over 10,000 research participants. The results of each of these studies were systematically coded, and a measure of the effectiveness of treatment known as the effect size was created for each study. Smith and her colleagues found that the average effect size for the influence of therapy was 0. Te most recent and highly publicized of Bitemarks 327 these cases is that of Kennedy Brewer in Mississippi v-gel 30 gm visa. Brewer was convicted in 1995 of the murder and sexual assault of Christine Jackson cheap 30 gm v-gel visa. Te body of the three-year-old victim had been found in a nearby creek on a Tuesday morn- ing, the third day afer her Saturday night disappearance. Michael West, examined Christine Jackson on May 9, 1992, and wrote in his May 14, 1992, report that nineteen human bitemarks were found on the body, and that “the bitemarks found on the body of Christina [sic] Jackson are peri-mortem in nature. West later testifed that “indeed and without doubt” and that “to a reasonable degree of medical certainty” the teeth of Mr. Brewer made fve of those marks, and that it was “highly con- sistent and probable that the other fourteen bite mark patterns were also inficted by Brewer” (West in original trial transcript in Brewer v. Souviron, testifed that the patterned injuries on the body were not human bites at all but were patterns that were made by other means. Tere could be fsh activity or turtle activity or who—God knows what” (Souviron in original trial transcript in Brewer v. Neither profle included Brewer but did point to another man, Justin Albert Johnson, who, ironically, had also been an early suspect in Jackson’s murder. Johnson later confessed to killing Christine Jackson and another young girl who had been similarly sexually assaulted and murdered. In that earlier case, Levon Brooks had also been wrongly convicted based, in part, on Dr. He testifed that “it could be no one else but Levon Brooks that bit this girl’s arm. How can an “expert” ignore the circum- stances and disregard the crime scene information? How can patterns with no class or individual characteristics of human teeth in patterned injuries found on a body that had been in water for more than two days be judged to be human bitemarks? To then associate those patterns to a suspect with any level of certainty seems unthinkable. Perhaps, an understanding of alter- native explanations to human teeth causing the marks should have been considered more seriously, especially in a case in which human bitemarks seemed unlikely. Souviron provided viable and testable theories for possible alternatives—the marks may have come from activity by insects, fsh, turtles, or other sources not readily apparent. Wallace, suggested that crayfsh, which were very abundant in the stream where the victim was found, were likely suspects and could have lef such marks on the victim’s body through normal feeding activity. Incredibly, the odontologist in this case associated only the upper inci- sor teeth to all of the “bitemarks”; there were no lower teeth marks identi- fed. West performed a simple test to determine if the patterns on the skin were in fact bitemarks of the type Bitemarks 329 Figure 14. An incision through a mark will reveal if there is the subepidermal hemorrhage ofen associated with human bitemarks (Figures 14. Alternatively, either could have harvested tissue from one or more of the patterned injuries. West had a history of simi- larly outrageous fndings in other cases (Keko, Harrison, Maxwell). He had identifed shoe marks on human skin and knife handle rivets on the hand of a murder suspect. He had made dramatic, overreaching statements in court, including conclusions to absolute certainty, “indeed and without doubt,” and incredible estimates of his own error rates, “something less than my savior, Jesus Christ. Tat the liberty, and indeed the life, of a human being is ofen in question and may depend upon the quality of experts’ opinions is of paramount importance and cannot be overemphasized. We cannot be too cautious, too conservative, or too diligent when analyzing the potential asso- ciation of a suspect to a bitemark. We should also recognize that eyewitnesses may be wrong or may have reason to lie. Since that time more programs and more comprehensive programs 332 Forensic dentistry have become available. V-gel
10 of 10 - Review by G. Arokkh Votes: 292 votes Total customer reviews: 292
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