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![]() ![]() By J. Hamil. Southwestern Adventist University. It is important for physi- the history of opioid use is uncertain discount 100mcg synthroid mastercard, or no cians buy generic synthroid 50mcg on-line, staff members, and patients to under- signs of opioid withdrawal are evident. Some stand that doses of medication are eliminated former patients who have been released from more quickly from the bloodstream and medi- incarceration or are pregnant and are being cation effects wear off sooner than might be readmitted because they have a history of expected until sufficient levels are attained in addiction might have lost their tolerance. During induction, even without dosage of tolerance should be considered for any increases, each successive dose adds to what is patient who has abstained from opioids for present already in tissues until steady state is more than 5 days. The blood remains fairly steady because that drugís amount of opioid abuse estimated by patients rate of intake equals the rate of its breakdown usually gives only a rough idea of their toler- and excretion. Approximately four to five patient estimates of dollars spent per day on half-life times are needed to establish a steady opioids. For example, because transferred from methadone has a half-life of 24 to 36 hours, its other treatment pro- steady stateóthe time at which a relatively grams should start constant blood level should remain present in with medication the bodyóis achieved in 5 to 7. However, dosages identical to those prescribed at individuals may differ significantly in how long principle ìstart it takes to achieve steady state. Dosage adjustments Patients should stay on a given dosage for a low and go slowî in the first week of reasonable period before deciding how it will treatment should be ìhold. Patients who effects of a medica- wake up sick during the first few days of opioid tion last. In contrast, patients who wake up sick for pharmacotherapy because of concerns after the first week of treatmentówhen tissue about its cardiovascular effects. Outpatient programs are its extended duration of action can result in limited in this approach because patients can toxic blood levels leading to fatal overdose. W hereas 60 mg of Sunjic 2000), it is important to adjust methadone per day may be adequate for some methadone dosage carefully until stabilization patients, it has been reported that some and tolerance are established. Looking for clinical signs and listening drawal symptoms persist after 2 to 4 hours, the to patient-reported symptoms related to daily initial dose can be supplemented with another 5 doses or changes in dosage can lead to adjust- to 10 mg (Joseph et al. The total first- ments and more favorable outcomes (Leavitt et day dose of methadone allowed by Federal reg- al. Exhibit 5-1 illustrates the use of signs ulations is 40 mg unless a program physician and symptoms to determine optimal methadone documents in the patient record that 40 mg was dosages. Clinical Pharm acotherapy 67 Exhibit 5-1 Using Signs and Sym ptom s To Determ ine Optim al M ethadone Levels Adapted from Leavitt et al. It is important to understand No stated requirement exists for observed dos- that steady state is achieved after a dosage ing with buprenorphine, although guidelines change. Awaiting signs of withdrawal tablets without naloxone (sometimes called before administering the first dose is especially monotherapy tablets) are recommended during important for buprenorphine induction the first 2 days of induction for patients because, as explained in chapter 3, buprenor- attempting to transfer from a longer acting phine can precipitate withdrawal in some cir- opioid such as sustained-release morphine or cumstances (Johnson and Strain 1999). If levels of a full agonist are a factor and the withdrawal symptoms persist after 2 to 4 hours, buprenorphine-naloxone tablet is adminis- the initial dose can be supplemented with up to tered, it may be difficult to determine whether 4 mg for a maximum dose of 8 mg of buprenor- precipitated withdrawal is caused by the par- phine on the first day (Johnson et al. Three national evaluations of the buprenorphine-naloxone combination tablet For most patients who are appropriate found that direct induction with buprenor- candidates for induction with the combination phine alone was effective for most people who tablet, the initial target dose after induction were opioid addicted. However, buprenorphine should be 12 to 16 mg of buprenorphine in Clinical Pharm acotherapy 69 a 4-to-1 ratio to naloxone (i. The stabilization stage of opioid pharma- to this target dosage may be achieved over the cotherapy focuses on finding the right dosage first 3 days of treatment by doubling the dose for each patient. There is no single recommended dosage or even a fixed range of dosages for all Induction w ith naltrexone patients. For many patients, the therapeutic The standard procedure for induction to nal- dosage range of methadone may be in the trexone therapy is first to make certain that neighborhood of 80 to 120 mg per day (Joseph there is an absence of physiological dependence et al. Then the The desired responses to medication that patient is given 25 mg of naltrexone initially, usually reflect optimal dosage include (Joseph followed by 50 mg the next day if no withdrawal et al. The first dose usually is smaller to abstinence minimize naltrexoneís side effects, such as nau- ï Elimination of drug hunger or craving sea and vomiting, and to ensure that patients have been abstinent from opioids for the ï Blockade of euphoric effects of self- requisite time (Stine et al. In contrast, a patient is stabi- it increasingly difficult to achieve complete lized when he or she no longer exhibits drug- blockade in patients through cross-tolerance; seeking behavior or craving. The correct consequently, some patients require dosages (steady-state) medication dosage contributes to considerably greater than 120 mg per day to a patientís stabilization, but it is only one of achieve this effect. For perception or physical or emotional response example, if the goal is to suppress opioid with- ï Tolerance for most analgesic effects produced drawal symptoms, then dose increases can be by treatment medication (see ìPain less frequent (e. It may cause pain 100 mcg synthroid amex, especially in the lower back; pathological fractures; loss of stature; and hairline fractures synthroid 125 mcg line. It is performed by inserting small surgical instruments to remove and repair damaged tissue, such as cartilage fragments or torn ligaments. Pathology Fractures Joints are especially vulnerable to constant wear A broken bone is called a fracture. Repeated motion, disease, trauma, and types of fractures are classified by extent of damage. An (2) open (compound) fracture Other disorders of structure and bone strength— involves a broken bone and an external wound that such as osteoporosis, which occurs primarily in leads to the site of fracture. Fragments of bone elderly women—affect the health of the muscu- commonly protrude through the skin. An branch of medicine concerned with prevention, (5) impacted fracture occurs when the bone is bro- diagnosis, care, and treatment of musculoskeletal ken and one end is wedged into the interior of disorders. An (6) incomplete fracture occurs diagnoses and treatment of musculoskeletal disor- when the line of fracture does not completely ders is known as an orthopedist. A (7) greenstick frac- employ medical, physical, and surgical methods to ture is when the broken bone does not extend restore function that has been lost as a result of through the entire thickness of the bone; that is, musculoskeletal injury or disease. Another physi- one side of the bone is broken and one side of the cian who specializes in treating joint disease is the bone is bent. The term greenstick refers to new branches on requires proper alignment of bones, muscles, liga- a tree that bend rather than break. A pathic physicians combine manipulative proce- (8) Colles fracture, a break at the lower end of the dures with state-of-the-art methods of medical radius, occurs just above the wrist. It causes dis- treatment, including prescribing drugs and per- placement of the hand and usually occurs as a result forming surgeries. A hairline frac- ture is a minor fracture in which all portions of the bone are in perfect alignment. The fracture is seen Bone Disorders on radiographic examination as a very thin hairline Disorders involving the bones include fractures, between the two segments but not extending entire- infections, osteoporosis, and spinal curvatures. For instance, the long bones of Unlike other repairs of the body, bones some- the arms usually mend twice as fast as those of the times require months to heal. Age also plays an important role in bone frac- ence the rate at which fractures heal. Some fractures ture healing rate; older patients require more time need to be immobilized to ensure that bones unite for healing. In most cases, this the injured area and the nutritive state of the individ- is achieved with bandages, casts, traction, or a fixa- ual are crucial to the healing process. Certain fractures, particularly those with bone fragments, require surgery to reposition Infections and fix bones securely, so that surrounding tissues Infection of the bone and bone marrow is called heal. Bacteria from an acute infection in bances of protein metabolism, protein deficiency, dis- another area of the body find their way to the use of bones due to prolonged periods of immobiliza- injured bone and establish the infection. Deformity osteomyelitis is good; prognosis for the chronic associated with osteoporosis is usually the result of form of the disease is poor. Paget disease, also known as osteitis deformans, is a chronic inflammation of bones resulting in Spinal Curvatures thickening and softening of bones. It can occur in Any persistent, abnormal deviation of the vertebral any bone but most commonly affects the long column from its normal position may cause an bones of the legs, the lower spine, the pelvis, and abnormal spinal curvature. This disease is found in persons over age tions are scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis. Scoliosis, or C-shaped curvature of the Osteoporosis is a common metabolic bone disorder spine, may be congenital, caused by chronic poor in the elderly, particularly in postmenopausal posture during childhood while the vertebrae are women and especially women older than age 60. It still growing, or the result of one leg being longer is characterized by decreased bone density that than the other. Treatment depends on the severity occurs when the rate of bone resorption (loss of of the curvature and may vary from exercises, Normal Scoliosis Kyphosis Lordosis Figure 10-11. Untreated scoliosis may result in pul- between ages 23 and 35 but can affect people of any monary insufficiency (curvature may decrease lung age group. Intensified aggravations (exacerbations) capacity), back pain, sciatica, disk disease, or even of this disease are commonly associated with peri- degenerative arthritis. If you think you have an anxiety disorder buy synthroid 100 mcg lowest price, be very careful about your use of drugs or alcohol purchase synthroid 75mcg on-line. Chapter 3 Sorting Through the Brain and Biology In This Chapter ▶ Looking at the anxious brain ▶ Exploring what anxiety does to the body ▶ Uncovering anxiety imposters ost people with anxiety describe uncomfortable physical symptoms Mthat go along with their worries. They may experience heart palpita- tions, nausea, dizziness, sweats, or muscle tension. Those symptoms are evi- dence that anxiety is truly a disorder of both the mind and the body. In this chapter, we review some of the biological roots of anxiety, as well as the consequences of chronic stress on health. Then we tell you about medi- cations or food that can actually make you feel anxious. Examining the Anxious Brain The brain takes in information about the world through sight, taste, smell, sound, and touch. Constantly scanning the world for meaning, the brain inte- grates information from the past with the present and plans what actions to take. Some of these structures are partic- ularly involved in producing feelings of anxiety, fear, and stress. These brain structures communicate with one another by sending chemical messengers, known as neurotransmitters, back and forth among them. Seeing how the brain’s circuits are connected Think of the brain as having many interconnected circuits. The limbic system (particu- larly the amygdala) registers danger and threats and gives rise to reflexive fear responses. For example, the limbic system could set off alarms reflex- ively upon seeing a snake. However, the frontal lobes may signal the system to calm down as it processes the fact that the snake is in a glass cage. In anxiety disorders, either the limbic system or the frontal lobes (or both) may fail to function properly. Thus, the limbic system may trigger fear responses too easily and too often, or the frontal lobes may fail to use logic to quell the fears set off by the limbic system. Communicating chemicals Neurotransmitters help nerve cells communicate feelings, fears, emotions, thoughts, and actions through an intricate orchestration. Four major neu- rotransmitter systems and some of their functions include ✓ The noradrenergic system, which produces norepinephrine and epinephrine. It also stimulates organs required in the fight-or-flight response (see the following section). Dopamine disruptions cause problems with attention, motivation, and alertness, and appear to be quite important in the development of fear responses. As these neurotransmitters pulse through your brain, the brain circuitry involved in fear and anxiety lights up. Your body then responds with a full- system alert known as the fight-or-flight response. Chapter 3: Sorting Through the Brain and Biology 39 Preparing to Fight or Flee When danger presents itself, you reflexively prepare to stand and fight or run like you’ve never run before. Your body responds to threats by preparing for action in three different ways: physically, mentally, and behaviorally. It tells the adrenal glands to rev up production of adrena- line and noradrenaline. Your heart pounds faster and you start breathing more rapidly, sending increased oxygen to your lungs while blood flows to the large muscles, preparing them to fight or flee from danger. All senses on high alert, scan for more danger Pupils widen to Brain sends message to let in more light nervous system to get ready Sweating increases, keeping body cool and slippery so aggressor can’t grab hold Heart beats harder and faster Digestion stops to Lungs pull in more oxygen, allow more energy preparing for movement for fight or flight Muscles tense, poised Adrenal glands pump Figure 3-1: potent adrenaline Blood flow decreases to hands and noradrenaline and feet so they won’t bleed as When much if injured; also increases presented blood flow to large muscles with danger, your body prepares Blood flow increases itself to flee to large muscle groups in arms and legs for better or stand and kicking, hitting, and running fight. Those pening in reality — affects the immune system who felt themselves to be at a lower status and the tendency to come down with colds. Sheldon Cohen and colleagues nomic status were not so predictive of who have conducted research on the role of stress would get colds. Ross also states that by checking his dosette box regularly 50 mcg synthroid with mastercard, he becomes aware of missed dosages (“you’ll know if you’ve taken them or you haven’t taken them”) synthroid 100 mcg fast delivery. Knowledge of skipped dosages may enable consumers to intervene appropriately and potentially restore adherence. It could also raise consumers’ awareness of potential symptom fluctuations and increased risk of relapse. In the extracts below, Katherine and Margaret also highlight the 159 benefits of dosette boxes and medication packs enabling consumers to monitor their adherence: Katherine, 5/2/09 L: Where do you keep your medication? K: I keep it in a dosette actually because when I get unwell, I actually don’t remember if I’ve taken it or not. So when your symptoms get worse, it’s like, probably because you’re paying attention to, you know, some of the stuff that you’re hearing or seeing and that sort of thing, you don’t really think about your medication. Like I might’ve taken it and then I just totally forget and then I take another lot and then I wouldn’t be able to wake up and I think, oh shit, like I’ve doubled it. K: Yeah, that’s right so I keep it in a dosette so I can keep track of it like that. And then if I’m feeling really stressed, I actually write it down, that I’ve taken it. Margaret, 4/2/09 M: I did, I thought, I remember, then I thought, no that that was last night. I thought, I’ll just go and check my medication pack and it was still there, so I took my tablets. Katherine directly attributes her decision to store medication in a dosette box to memory difficulties related to her medication taking during symptom fluctuations (“because when I get unwell, I actually don’t remember if I’ve taken it or not. Katherine also recalls past difficulties monitoring her adherence in the absence of her dosette box which lead to over-medicating and sedating side effects as a result (“then I take another lot and then I wouldn’t be able to wake up and I think, oh shit, I’ve doubled it”) and contrasts this experience with being able to “keep track” of her medication. Thus, medication packs and dosette boxes may also be useful from preventing consumers from taking too much medication. Margaret recalls an incident whereby checking her medication pack supported her adherence by helping her to avoid a skipped dosage when she could not remember whether or not she had taken her medication (“I thought, I’ll just go and check my medication pack and it was still there, so I took my tablets. In addition to enabling consumers to monitor their adherence, Travis highlights in the following extract how medication packs can also enable social supports to monitor consumers’ adherence: Travis, 19/2/09 T: Nah, I get a medication pack. I mean, you know, it makes it easy but definitely it would help for someone that actually needs it, like I don’t really need it but um for 161 someone that can’t remember if they take they’re tablets and stuff like that, which happens a lot, you know, it’s really good because even if their carer comes over and looks and says, well you missed this day and that day. Above, when asked whether his medication pack is helpful, Travis concurs and, thus, medication packs are co-constructed as facilitating medication-taking (“it makes it easy”). He highlights the particular benefits of medication packs for consumers experiencing adherence difficulties as a result of forgetfulness (“for someone that can’t remember if they take they’re tablets…it’s really good”). Unlike previous extracts, which highlighted how medication packs can facilitate consumers to monitor their own adherence, Travis states that they can also enable carers to monitor consumers’ adherence. Travis could be seen to imply that having consumers’ medication packs to refer to can open up conversations between carers and consumers in relation to adherence (“if their carer comes over and looks and says, well you missed this day and that day”). Such conversations may raise consumers’ awareness of, and thereby support, their adherence. Consistently, side effects were associated with non-adherence for many interviewees in the present study. When queried about their experiences with antipsychotic medication, the 162 majority of interviewees alluded to their experiences of side effects at some stage. Consistent with the literature, the types and severity of side effects reported by participants varied between types of medications and between different interviewees, as did their tolerability (Barnes et al. Studies have additionally found that side effects of antipsychotic medications are inversely associated with quality of life (Resnick et al. This was also reflected in interviewees’ talk which frequently highlighted the impact of side effects on their every day functioning, lives and appearances to the outside world, as highlighted in previous qualitative research (i. Although the variation of side effects raised by interviewees is not captured in the extracts that will follow, those presented all link adherence decisions and negative evaluations of medication to the experience of side effects. The below extract represents a strong anti-adherence account whereby Diana talks about “fighting” against taking her medication on the grounds that she experienced intolerable side effects that she likened to additional illness “symptoms”: Diana, 11/02/2009 D: They [medication] made it [illness] really bad. They made their own side effects and also um made-, when I first went to hospital I thought I’d take it and eventually it’s gonna go away and they said, it won’t go away straight away. So that’s alright, I took it and this stuff is really horrible stuff to take, it’s not like, (inaudible) or anything like that, it’s just, it gives you another effect on what mental illness is already doing because the medication wasn’t making me think very well, you know what I mean? Synthroid
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