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Is the purpose of the letter to answer a complaint, for instance, in which case you can consider it a success if you hear no more about it? Or is it to invite someone to do something, in which case your success can be measured by whether they do it (see brief setting)? In a few cases, the person to whom you are ostensibly writing the letter will not be your real audience. Being clear about this before you start will help you to avoid failing to please either. Once you have decided on your audience, write as if you were speaking directly to him or her. This should not be seen as an opportunity to impress (see putting on the posh overcoat). Unless you deliberately want to scare off the recipient of your letter (see political writing), use the words and constructions that you think he or she will be comfortable with. Most people say that they like one side of paper only, so do what they ask. Brevity of course always takes a little longer, but you will normally find it worth the effort. Remember that it is the design, not the words, that will give the first impression. Leave it for a while, 73 THE A–Z OF MEDICAL WRITING preferably overnight. This applies particularly to letters written in anger: by the next day a less confrontational alternative will usually have suggested itself. Letters to the Editor These are usually fairly short pieces of writing (two to three paragraphs) submitted for publication. Many people look down on them, which is a shame because they are difficult to do well, and are often more widely read than longer pieces. They give people the chance to write for publication, and, if accepted, to see how their work is used. Look carefully at the letters in the target publication, and work out how long (or how short) it should be. You will have few words to play with for this so weigh up carefully what you need to say. But lists 74 LISTS can be limiting: they are one-dimensional and tend to establish links between thoughts and ideas that can be difficult to alter. Some teachers on effective writing techniques now recommend more flexible ways of planning (see branching). Literature (1) The term used to describe a piece of writing that is still read and valued, sometimes centuries after it first appeared, because of some enduring qualities that are often hard to define. It has usually been written because the writer has some kind of impulse to write. It differs from the kind of writing dealt with in this book, where the purpose is not to please the writer (or satisfy his or her demons) but to put a message across to a target audience (see effective writing). Since the quality of writing in journals is usually extremely poor (see style), this is a clever piece of marketing on behalf of the academic community. Macro-editing This refers to the under-used technique of asking one or two major questions when you are considering a piece of writing in draft, rather than throwing at it all kinds of detailed but minor difficulties (see micro-editing; balanced feedback). Traditionally magazines have been divided into two groups: • The business press comprises publications sent to specific groups, (such as doctors, lawyers, elevator manufacturers) often without charge. The basic principle of writing for a magazine is similar to that used for writing for a scientific journal: identify your market, create your product, and sell it. This has been observed at in favour of flexors is reminiscent of data in the cat buy evista 60mg cheap. At elbow level cheap 60mg evista otc, there is evidence for a profound and symmetrical reciprocal Ia inhibition between flexors Critique of the tests to study reciprocal and extensors. Interneurones responsible for the disynaptic Resume´ ´ 237 inhibition between wrist muscles are activated by mechanism responsible for the absence of increased group I afferents from a variety of muscles, not reciprocal Ia inhibition during tonic contractions: it only the antagonist but also the target muscle and reducestheefficacyoftheartificialconditioningvol- muscles operating at the elbow. This widespread leyindischargingIainterneurones,andpreventsthe convergence is consistent with mediation through central facilitation of Ia interneurones from mani- interneurones of non-reciprocal group I inhibition. Facilitation-occlusion curves for soleus, reflecting (iii) Origin and function: Increased peroneal- convergence of the two conditioning volleys onto induced reciprocal Ia inhibition may be due to common Ia interneurones, reveal facilitation of Ia a descending drive onto Ia interneurones and/or interneuronesonlywhentheperonealvolleyisweak. Inflexion–extensionmovements,the ticospinalvolleys,and(iii)stimulationofthevestibu- stretch-induced Ia discharge triggered in the antag- lar apparatus. This can produce two Motor tasks and physiological undesirable effects: a stretch reflex in the antagonis- implications tic soleus muscle, and inhibition of agonist tibialis anterior motoneurones through extensor-coupled Voluntary contraction of the Ia interneurones. The unwanted stretch reflex may antagonistic muscle be minimised by several mechanisms (addressed in A depression of the soleus H reflex precedes and Chapter 11), and the activation of extensor-coupled accompanies a voluntary ankle dorsiflexion, due to Ia interneurones can be prevented by the discharge changes in at least three mechanisms: reciprocal Ia of tibialis anterior-coupled Ia interneurones. Dur- inhibition, presynaptic inhibition of soleus Ia termi- ing the dynamic phase of rapid shortening (concen- nals, and longer-latency propriospinally mediated tric) contractions, spindle endings in the contract- inhibition. In this chapter, only the changes in recip- ing muscle will be unloaded and may be silenced, rocal Ia inhibition are considered. This find- Reciprocal Ia inhibition directed to active motoneu- ing indicates that, during dorsiflexion, the natural rones is depressed during voluntary contractions Ia discharge decreases the efficacy of the peroneal of the corresponding muscle, and the stronger the volley in activating Ia interneurones. Par- depression,whichoccursatthesynapsebetweenthe allel descending activation of active motoneurones Ia fibre and the Ia interneurone, is the most likely and coupled Ia interneurones produces, through 238 Reciprocal Ia inhibition mutual inhibition of Ia interneurones, inhibition flexors to dorsiflexors is probably enhanced during of the opposite Ia interneurones directed to the the stance phase. This provides a further exam- antagonistic motoneurones are kept inactive during ple of the depression of reciprocal Ia inhibition to appropriate phases of the walking cycle. This modu- motoneurones activated in a movement of flexion- lationis,however,lessmarkedthanduringvoluntary extension in order to prevent their undesirable contractions at equivalent levels of EMG activity. Studies in patients and clinical implications Co-contractions During co-contractions of dorsi- and plantar flex- Methodology ors of the ankle, reciprocal inhibition is depressed So far, changes in transmission in the pathway of with respect to rest, and always smaller than the sum reciprocal Ia inhibition have been investigated in of the effects evoked by isolated dorsi- and plantar patientsonlyatanklelevel,mainlyfromtheperoneal flexion. Reciprocal the conditioning stimulus selectively to the deep Ia inhibition is maximally depressed even at low peroneal nerve, using conditioning stimuli that are co-contraction levels, indicating a decoupling of not above 1×MT. The pathway mediating reciprocal Ia inhibition is actively inhibited during such con- Spasticity tractions, through increased presynaptic inhibition Resting conditions on Ia terminals and increased recurrent inhibition. Functionally the decrease in reciprocal Ia inhibi- Different studies have reported quite variable find- tion ensures unopposed activation of antagonistic ings. In patients with focal lesions (either cerebral or motoneurone pools during co-contractions. This reveals a coupling of Thus, corticospinal lesions reduce reciprocal Ia motoneurones and corresponding Ia interneurones inhibition of ankle extensors and release recipro- during automatic postural adjustments. Walking TheamountofreciprocalIainhibitionbetweenankle During voluntary dorsiflexion flexors and extensors is modulated, with prominent inhibition from dorsiflexors to plantar flexors dur- The normal increase in reciprocal Ia inhibition ingtheswingphase,whereasinhibitionfromplantar observed at the onset of the movement has not been References 239 found. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery an unwanted stretch reflex of the triceps surae in and Psychiatry, 40, 910–19. Synaptic connections to indi- Plasticity vidual tibialis anterior motoneurons in man. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 41, 684– Regular peroneal stimulation has been shown to 9. Plastic changes occurring in Reciprocal inhibition between wrist flexors and extensors the pathway of reciprocal Ia inhibition after training in man: a new set of interneurones? Journal of Physiology couldbeafactor intheapparentlyconflictingresults (London), 487, 221–35. Inhibition of H-reflex in wrist flexors by group I afferents in the radial nerve. Evidence for mutual inhibition of oppo- bition is increased in both directions. Evidence for recurrent inhibition of reciprocal inhibition (iii) In patients with hyperekplexia, the deficit in between antagonistic ankle muscles in man. Experimental glycine results in a loss of reciprocal Ia inhibition at Brain Research, 152, 133–6. Alteredcorticospinalprojections because the pathway mediating this inhibition is to lower limb motoneurons in subjects with cerebral palsy. Corticospinal input onto motor neurones projecting to ankle muscles in individuals with REFERENCES cerebral palsy. Despite this purchase 60mg evista amex, input-output models of the type described here provide excellent predictive models of cortical neuron behavior evista 60mg. Depending on the circumstances, kernels to the third order, and sometimes even to the second order alone, can account for 80–90% of the variance of hippocampal neu- ron output. Until recently, high-order nonlinearities have been di‰cult to estimate accurately; traditional kernel estimation methods (e. To circumvent these problems, we have developed several novel methods for estimating nonlinearities that are signif- A Neural Prosthesis for Hippocampal Memory Function 249 icantly more e‰cient and result in substantially improved kernel estimates (Krieger et al. Several of the new methods involve the use of feedforward artificial neural networks (ANN). We have compared the Volterra-Wiener (cross-correlation) and ANN models in terms of their prediction ability on test data. The results showed two major advantages of the new-generation methodologies: (1) a significant reduc- tion in the required data length (by a factor of at least 10) to achieve similar or better levels of prediction accuracy, and (2) an ability to model higher-order nonlinearities that could not be detected using traditional kernel estimation methods. In addition, we have recently developed methods capable of estimating nonstationary processes, and demonstrated their e‰cacy with long-term forms of hippocampal cellular plasticity (Xie et al. The ability to ac- curately characterize nonstationarities provides the opportunity to extend the appli- cability of this approach to modeling adaptive properties of hippocampal and other cortical neural systems as well. In total, the kernel functions represent an experimentally based model that is highly accurate in describing the functional dynamics of the neuron in terms of the probability of neuron output as a function of the recent history of the input. In addi- tion, because of the broadband nature of the test stimulus, the model generalizes to a wide range of input conditions, even to input patterns that are not explicitly included in the random impulse train. As such, the kernels not only provide the basis for a biologically realistic neural network model, but also perhaps an ideal basis for an implantable neural prosthesis. An input-output model can be sub- stituted for a neuron on which the model is experimentally based, without regard to the variability in neural representations that must exist from individual to individ- ual, or the nearly infinite range of environmental stimuli that would give rise to those representations. Neural Network Models with Biologically Realistic Dynamics Conventional, Artificial Neural Networks Brainlike processing is often modeled mathematically as artificial neural networks, or networks of processing elements that interact through connections. In artificial neural network models, a connection between processing elements—despite the com- plexity of the synaptic nonlinear dynamics described earlier—is represented as a sin- gle number to scale the amplitude of the output signal of a processing element. Berger and colleagues parameters of an artificial neural network can be optimized to perform a desired task by changing the strengths of connections according to what are termed learning rules, that is, algorithms for when and by how much the connection strengths are changed during optimization. This simplification of a synapse as a number results in two fundamental limitations. First, although a processing element can be connected to a large number of other processing elements, it can transmit only one, identical signal to all other elements. Second, only the connection strength can be changed during the optimization process, which amounts to merely changing the gain of the output signal of a processing element. In this scheme, processing elements are assumed to transmit information by variation in a series of point-process (i. By including these dynamic processes, each network connection transforms a sequence of input events into another sequence of output events. In the brain, it has been demonstrated that the functional properties of multiple synaptic outputs that arise from a given neuron are not identical. This characteristic of the brain also has been incorporated as a second fundamental property of dynamic synapse neural net- works. Although the same essential dynamics are included in each synapse originat- ing from a given processing unit, the precise values of time constants governing those dynamics are varied. The consequence arising from this second property is that each processing element transmits a spatiotemporal output signal, which, in principle, gives rise to an exponential growth in coding capacity. Like the nonlinear dynamics described earlier and included in the dynamic synapse network models, this learning algorithm also is based on experimentally determined, adaptive properties of hippocampal cor- tical neurons (which cannot be reviewed here; see Xie et al. The combination of nonlinear dynamics and dynamic learning algorithm provides a high degree of robustness against noise, which is a major issue in processing real biological signals in the brain, as well as real-world A Neural Prosthesis for Hippocampal Memory Function 251 Figure 12. Berger and colleagues signals, as demonstrated in our case studies of speaker-independent speech recogni- tion described in the following paragraphs. Application to Speech Recognition Current state-of-the-art speech recognition technology is based on complex, multi- stage processing that is not biologically based. Although commercial systems can demonstrate impressive performance, they are still far from performing at the level of human listeners. Evista
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