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Each broad class Biochemists and Molecular Biologists into of enzymes includes subsets of enzymes with a systematic name and a common six major groups according to the type of name (e augmentin 375mg low price. The major groups are further subdivided so that each enzyme has an individual Enzyme Commission number augmentin 625mg lowest price. Oxidation-reduction reactions are very common Most enzymes have systematic names, in biochemical pathways and are catalyzed by a broad class of enzymes reflecting their activities. Whenever an oxidation-reduction reaction enzymes have common or trivial names, occurs, at least one substrate gains electrons and becomes reduced, and another which are shorter, reflect the activity of the substrate loses electrons and becomes oxidized. One subset of reactions is cat- enzyme in a less standardized way, and may alyzed by dehydrogenases, which accept and donate electrons in the form of not end in “ase”. For example, glucokinase hydride ions (H: ) or hydrogen atoms. Usually an electron-transferring coen- (common name) has the systematic name of zyme, such as NAD /NADH, acts as an electron donor or acceptor (e. In another subset of reactions, O2 donates either one or both of its oxygen atoms The “2” is the Enzyme Commission (EC) to an acceptor (for example, see xanthine oxidase, Fig. When this occurs, O2 number of the general class (transferase), followed by a period and “7”, the number of becomes reduced, and an electron donor is oxidized. Enzymes participating in reac- the subclass for transfer of phosphorus-con- tions with O2 are called hydroxylases and oxidases when one oxygen atom is incor- taining groups. The “1” denotes transfer to porated into a substrate and the other oxygen atom into water, or both atoms are an alcohol acceptor, and the final “2” is the incorporated into water. They are called oxygenases when both atoms of oxygen are specific number of the enzyme. Most hydroxylases and oxidases require metal ions, such as Fe2 , for electron transfer. Xanthine oxidase uses molybde- num for electron transfer to O. Transferases catalyze group transfer reactions—the 2 This enzyme accounts for the transfer of a functional group from one molecule to another. If the trans- human dietary requirement for molybde- ferred group is a high-energy phosphate (as shown in Fig. A common feature of these reactions is that the group being transferred exists as a good leaving group on the donor molecule. Another subset of group transfer reactions consists of transaminations (Fig. Enzymes catalyzing this last type of reaction are called transaminases CH2 CH2 or aminotransferases. The coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate is required for all – – COO COO transaminases (see Fig. Aspartate Oxaloacetate When the physiologically important aspect of the reaction is the compound synthe- sized, the transferase may be called a synthase. For example, the enzyme commonly PLP – – called glycogen synthase transfers a glucosyl residue from UDP-glucose to the end of a COO COO + glycogen molecule. Its systematic name is UDP-glucose-glycogen glycosyltransferase. In hydrolysis reactions, C-O, C-N, or C-S bonds are cleaved by the addition of H O in the form of OH and H to the atoms CH2 CH2 2 – – forming the bond (see, for example, Fig. The enzyme class names COO COO specify the group being cleaved (e. Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) on aspartate aminotrans- Lyases. The lyase class of enzymes consists of a diverse group of ferase transfers an amino group from aspartate enzymes cleaving C-C, C-O, and C-N bonds by means other than to the -keto acid ( -ketoglutarate) to form a hydrolysis or oxidation. Some of the enzymes catalyzing C-C bond new amino acid (glutamate). The enzyme used cleavage are called aldolases, decarboxylases (when carbon dioxide is released to be called glutamate-oxaloacetate transami- from a substrate), and thiolases (when the sulfur-containing nucleophile of cys- nase.

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This drug effect is complex and variable cheap 625mg augmentin amex, with levodopa being unable to compensate for all the cognitive deficits observed in PD (7) cheap augmentin 375 mg without prescription. It depends on the duration of illness, the severity of motor signs, the presence of dementia, sleep disturbances, and possibly depression. For instance, in the early stages of PD, levodopa treatment can improve executive functions normally regulated by the prefrontal cortex. However, this improvement is incomplete and task specific. As the disease advances, patients with a stable clinical response to levodopa fail to exhibit a notable improvement in vigilance and executive function, and patients who exhibit motor fluctuations tend to exhibit transient deterioration in these functions (8). Finally, the effect of these drugs in patients with PD and dementia is likely to be more notable and complex. Other negative iatrogenic influences on cognitive function in PD include the use of drugs like anticholinergics and amantadine, often used to treat tremor and dyskinesias, and psychotropics used to treat sleep disturbances and affective symptoms. These drugs can negatively affect different aspects of memory and attention, particularly in already demented patients. Like these drug effects, many intercurrent medical illnesses and Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. DEMENTIA: THE PD/AD/LBD OVERLAP SYNDROMES Dementia occurs in approximately 20–30% of PD patients. It represents a major risk factor for the development of many behavioral disturbances, including psychotic symptoms. Dementia appears to be associated with the combined effect of age and the severity of extrapyramidal symptoms (9). Pathologically, up to 40% of autopsy cases with a primary diagnosis of PD have comorbid findings consistent with senile dementia of the Alzheimer’s type (SDAT) (10,11). Conversely, up to 30–40% of patients with SDAT have comorbid parkinsonian features and harbor Lewy body pathology that extends beyond the dopamine neurons in the brainstem to involve the frontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, and basal forebrain (12). These defects conspire with aminergic deficits to increase disability and the incidence of psychotropic-induced side effects. They also contribute to the progression of parkinsonian motor symptoms by narrowing the therapeutic window of all antiparkinsonian agents. Lewy body dementia (LBD) is an increasingly recognized syndrome in which dementia is accompanied by spontaneous parkinsonian features, depressive features, and apathy (5,13). Unlike SDAT, this form of dementia exhibits significant fluctuations in arousal ranging from ‘‘narcoleptic-like’’ sleep attacks to delirium in advanced cases. Sleep is often disrupted by sleep fragmentation due to rapid eye movement (REM)–related behavioral disorders. Patients have spontaneous features of PD and are extremely sensitive to drug-induced parkinsonism. Although parkinsonism associated with LBD can be indistinguishable from idiopathic PD, several clinical features tend to help differentiate the two. The course of LBD is more rapid than that of idiopathic PD (5–7 vs. Compared to SDAT patients, LBD patients have spontaneous and drug-induced visual hallucinations early in the course of the illness and frequently exhibit fixed delusions. Although memory is clearly impaired in both conditions, visuospatial and frontal neuropsycho- logical functions are more prominently affected in LBD than in SDAT. BEHAVIORAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS OF DEMENTIA IN PARKINSONIAN SYNDROMES Disturbances of behavior, mood, and perception are common in patients with dementia. These so-called behavioral psychological symptoms of Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. Clinically they include symptoms prominent in Alzheimer’s disease including apathy, depression, delusional jealousy, paranoia, auditory hallucinations, screaming, and agitation (14). Before DSM-IV helped codify these symptoms as a defined clinical entity, they were thought to be secondary to the distress associated with the dementing process (15). The mechanisms mediating this heterogeneous group of symptoms are poorly understood, but in Alzheimer’s disease and LBD, they appear to be linked to the accumulating cholinergic pathology (16). Clinical and research assessment methods are now being developed to assess these symptoms (17). The aim is to organize the complex array of symptoms of BPSD into logical and empiric clusters that can help guide research and, ultimately, treatment. Several such symptom clusters have been identified: apathy, aggression and agitation, depression, psychosis, and possibly dementia-associated delirium.

The blood group substances are oligosaccharide components of glycolipids and glycoproteins found in most cell membranes 625 mg augmentin free shipping. Those located on red blood cells have been studied extensively discount 625mg augmentin otc. A single genetic locus with two alleles determines an individual’s blood type. These genes encode glycosyltransferases involved in the synthesis of the oligosaccharides of the blood group substances. Most individuals can synthesize the H substance, an oligosaccharide that contains a fucose linked to a galactose at the nonreducing end of the blood group substance (see Fig. Type A individuals produce an N-acetylgalactosamine transferase (encoded by the A gene) that attaches N-acetylgalactosamine to the galactose residue of the H substance. Type B individuals produce a galactosyltransferase (encoded by the B gene) that links galactose to the galactose residue of the H substance. Type AB individuals have both alle- les and produce both transferases. Thus, some of the oligosaccharides of their blood group substances contain N-acetylgalactosamine and some contain galactose. Type O individu- als produce a defective transferase, and, therefore, they do not attach either N-acetyl- galactosamine or galactose to the H substance. Thus, individuals of blood type O have only the H substance. Synthesis drate portion of the GM1 ganglio- side to allow its catalytic subunit to Cerebrosides are synthesized from ceramide and UDP-glucose or UDP-galactose. Gangliosides contain oligosaccha- rides produced from UDP-sugars and CMP-NANA, which is the precursor for the N-acetylneuraminic acid residues that branch from the linear chain. The synthesis Erna Nemdy determined that a patient’s blood type was AB. The of the sphingolipids is described in more detail in Chapter 33. Their lipid component give this patient a blood transfusion and, becomes part of the membrane of the secretory vesicle that buds from the trans face because AB blood is rare and an adequate of the Golgi. After the vesicle membrane fuses with the cell membrane, the lipid amount was not available in the blood bank, component of the glycolipid remains in the outer layer of the cell membrane, and he requested type A blood. Should Erna give the carbohydrate component extends into the extracellular space. Defective Enzymes in the Gangliosidoses which belongs to a group of gan- Disease Enzyme Deficiency Accumulated Lipid gliosidoses that include Fabry’s Fucosidosis -Fucosidase Cer–Glc–Gal–GalNAc–Gal:Fuc and Gaucher’s diseases. They mainly affect H-isoantigen the brain, the skin, and the reticuloendothe- Generalized GM1- -galactosidase Cer–Glc–Gal(NeuAc)–GalNAc:Gal lial system (e. In these gangliosidosis G ganglioside M1 diseases, complex lipids accumulate. Each Tay-Sachs disease Hexosaminidase A Cer–Glc–Gal(NeuAc):GalNAc of these lipids contains a ceramide as part of G ganglioside M2 its structure (Table 30. The rate at which Tay-Sachs variant or Hexosaminidase A and B Cer–Glc–Gal–Gal:GalNAc the lipid is synthesized is normal. However, Sandhoff disease Globoside plus G ganglioside M2 the lysosomal enzyme required to degrade it Fabry’s disease -Galactosidase Cer–Glc–Gal:Gal is not very active, either because it is made Globotriaosylceramide in deficient quantities because of a mutation Ceramide lactoside Ceramide lactosidase Cer–Glc:Gal in a gene that specifically codes for the lipidosis ( -galactosidase) Ceramide lactoside enzyme or because a critical protein Metachromatic Arylsulfatase A Cer–Gal:OSO3 required to activate the enzyme is deficient. Farber’s disease Ceramidase Acyl:sphingosine Ceramide NeuAc, N-acetylneuraminic acid; Cer, ceramide: Glc, glucose; Gal, galactose; Fuc, fucose : site of deficient enzyme reaction. CLINICAL COMMENTS During her stint in the hospital blood bank, Erna Nemdy learned that the importance of the ABO blood group system in transfusion therapy is based on two principles (Table 30. These antibodies may arise as a result of previous exposure to cross-reacting antigens in bacteria and foods or to blood trans- fusions. As a result, these antibodies may cause intravascular destruction of a large number of incompatible red blood cells given during a blood transfusion. Individuals with type AB blood have both A and B anti- gens and do not produce antibodies to either. They can safely receive red blood cells from individuals of A, B, AB, or O blood type.

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