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![]() ![]() By L. Marcus. Bastyr University. Subcutaneous and transdermal routes of administra- Mifepristone is a competitive antagonist of progesterone buy cheap precose 50 mg on-line. A single oral dose Hormone replacement therapy does not provide contra- of mifepristone is followed by gemeprost (a prostaglandin ception and a woman is considered potentially fertile for two that ripens and softens the cervix) buy precose 50 mg overnight delivery, as a vaginal pessary unless years after her last menstrual period if she is under 50 years of abortion is already complete. The patient is followed venous or arterial disease may use a low-oestrogen combined up at 8–12 days and surgical termination is essential if com- oral contraceptive pill to gain both relief of menopausal symp- plete abortion has not occurred. Uses and risk–benefit profile The relative contraindications include migraine, history of Small doses of oestrogen have been shown to alleviate the breast nodules and fibrocystic disease, pre-existing uterine vasomotor symptoms of the menopause, such as flushing, as fibroids, endometriosis, risk factors for thrombo-embolic well as menopausal vaginitis caused by oestrogen deficiency. In the main, the minimum effect- ive dose should be used for the shortest duration. However, the periods of treatment need to be limited, as retention, changes in liver function, depression and headache, again there is a risk of endometrial carcinoma. It is used for the treatment of Uses galactorrhoea and cyclical benign breast disease, as well as the There are a number of agents now available that are used in treatment of prolactinomas. The aromatase inhibitors block the conversion of androgens to oestrogens in the peripheral tissues. Currently licensed agents include anastrozole, Prostaglandins and oxytocics are used to induce abortion, or letrozole and exemestane. The commonly used drugs include oxy- management of advanced breast cancer in premenopausal tocin, ergometrine and the prostaglandins. It acts by initially stimulating and then depressing inducing uterine contractions with varying degrees of pain luteinizing hormone released by the pituitary, which in turn according to the strength of the contractions induced. Synthetic prostaglandin E2 (dinoprostone) is used for the Clomifene and tamoxifen are used in the treatment of induction of late (second-trimester) therapeutic abortion, female infertility due to oligomenorrhoea or secondary amen- because the uterus is sensitive to its actions at this stage, orrhoea (for example, that associated with polycystic ovarian whereas oxytocin only reliably causes uterine contraction later disease). As an adjunct, chori- labour in women with intact membranes regardless of parity onic gonadotrophin is sometimes used. Both are equally effective in inducing Clomifene is used primarily for anovulatory infertility. It tocin is preferred for this, because it lacks the many side is contraindicated in those with liver disease, ovarian cysts, effects of prostaglandin E2 that relate to its actions on extra- hormone-dependent tumours and abnormal uterine bleeding uterine tissues. Side effects of clomifene include visual disturbances, ovar- Dinoprostone is available as vaginal tablets, pessaries and ian hyperstimulation, hot flushes, abdominal discomfort, vaginal gels. Uterine include the use of prostaglandin E1 (alprostadil) in neonates activity must be monitored carefully and hyperstimulation with congenital heart defects that are ‘ductus-dependent’. Large doses of oxytocin can cause excessive fluid preserves the patency of the ductus arteriosus until surgical cor- retention. Conversely, in infants with inappropriately administration of vaginal prostaglandins. This is administered by intramuscular injection with the deliv- ery of the anterior shoulder. It is released from the pituitary by suckling and lates in the blood, bound to a plasma globulin. Any role in the initiation of labour concentration is variable, but should exceed 10nmol/L in is not established. Synthetic oxytocin is effective into the more active androgen dihydrotestosterone by a 5-α- when administered by any parenteral route, and is usually reductase enzyme. Both testosterone and dihydrotestosterone given as a constant-rate intravenous infusion to initiate or are inactivated in the liver. Androgens have a wide range of augment labour, often following artificial rupture of the mem- activities, the most important of which include actions on: branes. Ergometrine (an alkaloid derived from ergot, a fungus that infects rye) is a powerful oxytocic. The uterus is sensitive at all Testicular function is controlled by the anterior pituitary. It is given intramuscu- • Follicle-stimulating hormone acts on the seminiferous larly, or intravenously in emergency. If given intramuscularly, oxytocin acts by the hypothalamus via gonadotrophin-releasing hormone. Prostaglandins are involved in a wide range of physio- with low concentrations of circulating testosterone, replace- logical and pathological processes, including inflammation ment therapy improves secondary sex characteristics and may (see Chapter 26) and haemostasis and thrombosis (see restore erectile function and libido, but it does not restore fer- Chapter 30). In hypothalamic or pituitary dysfunction who wish to become addition, it has many other actions, including inhibition of fertile includes gonadotrophins or pulsatile gonadotrophin- acid secretion by the stomach, increased mucus secretion releasing hormone. Rowlings is admitted and treated for Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins best 25mg precose. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care buy precose 50 mg amex, 7th Edition. Assumption: He is after eating a bedtime snack of cheese and embarrassed by the conversation. A Hasidic Jewish man listens intently to a male physician, making direct eye contact a. One should eat a diet balanced with yin when asked how he copes with stress in the and yang foods and maintain harmony workplace. Proper diet, proper behavior, and exercise in fresh air are prescriptions for maintaining a. Illness is seen as preventable; nutrition is important, but not physical activity. Cystic fibrosis body’s life force and cannot be regenerated, it is likely that he belongs to which of the follow- 2. In which of the following ethnic groups would dominant and minority groups are true? The dominant group in the United States is currently composed of white middle-class c. A 79-year-old Native American woman is placed influence on the value system of society as in a nursing home by her son, who is no longer a whole. A minority group usually has some physical complains of the “bright lights and constant or cultural characteristic that identifies the activity. Which of the following is a value or belief commonly shared by members of the African Circle the letters that correspond to the best American culture? Lactase deficiency Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 7th Edition. Good health is achieved by the proper during the healing process is known as balance of yin and yang. A is a large group of people who care and may be consulted even if the are members of a larger cultural group but patient is also receiving traditional care. Dieting and extensive use of exercise and group has collectively, based on the group’s exercise facilities are common practices. The idea that one’s own ideas, practices, and beliefs are superior to, or are preferred to, 7. The patient’s illness is viewed as part of break down more rapidly than normal-shaped the whole. Folk healers frequently base treatments ences in cultures and proceeds as though they on humoral pathology (curanderas). Describe how you would advise impoverished as strange are known as and may patients who are not meeting their healthcare result in psychological discomfort or needs due to the following conditions: disturbances. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 7th Edition. Living in overcrowded conditions; absence How my beliefs differ: of running water and adequate sanitation: Nursing actions for patient: c. Explain why the following groups of people are at high risk for living in poverty. Families headed by single women: may affect the interaction of a nurse with a patient in this situation: A nurse attempts to perform a nursing history on an Appalachian woman admitted to the hospital with chest pain. Patient refuses to answer questions and refers to her “granny” woman as a source of information. Patient’s extended family is present during the interview and answers each question before the patient has a chance to speak. How would you respond to the individual special herb prepared by her folk healer to nursing needs of the following patients? Routes of Transmission The main route is from person to person by direct contact cheap 25 mg precose, but eggs can stick to fibers generic 25 mg precose fast delivery, so clothing and bedding should be handled with care (see Sub- heading 6. Clothing or bedding should be handled with gloves and either laundered or incinerated. Treatment of a detainee in custody is good in theory but probably imprac- tical because the whole body has to be treated. The eggs and larvae fleas can survive for months and are reactivated in response to animal or human activity. Because animal fleas jump off humans after biting, most detainees with flea bites will not have fleas, unless they are human fleas. After use, the cell should be vacuumed and cleaned with a proprietary insecticide. Any bedding should be removed wearing gloves, bagged, and either laundered or incinerated. General Information Bedbugs live and lay eggs on walls, floors, furniture, and bedding. Bedbugs are rarely found on the person but may be brought in on clothing or other personal effects. Management in Custody The detainee does not need to be treated, but the cell should deemed out of use until it can be vacuumed and professionally cleaned with an insecticide solution. Any bedding or clothing should be handled with gloves and disposed of as appropriate. Epidemiology Staphylococcus aureus is commonly carried on the skin or in the nose of healthy people. Approximately 25–30% of the population is colonized with the bacteria but remain well (43). From time to time, the bacteria cause minor skin infections that usually do not require antibiotic treatment. During the last 50 years, the bacteria have become increasingly resistant to penicillin-based antibiotics (44), and in the last 20 years, they have become resistant to an increasing number of alternative antibiotics. Like nonresistant staphylococci, it may remain undetected as a reservoir in colonized individuals but can also produce clinical disease. It is more common in individuals who are elderly, debilitated, or immunocompromised or those with open wounds. Route of Transmission The bacteria are usually spread via the hands of staff after contact with colonized or infected detainees or devices, items (e. Staff should wear gloves when touching mucous membranes, nonintact skin, blood or other body fluids, or any items that could be contaminated. They should also be encour- aged to their wash hands with an antimicrobial agent regardless of whether gloves have been worn. After use, gloves should be disposed of in a yellow hazard bag and not allowed to touch surfaces. Masks and gowns should only be worn when conducting procedures that generate aerosols of blood or other body fluids. Because this is an unlikely scenario in the custodial setting, masks and gowns should not be necessary. Gloves should be worn when handling bedding or clothing, and all items should be disposed of appropriately. The cell should be cleaned professionally after use if there is any risk that it has been contaminated. Epidemiology During the last decade, there has been an increasing awareness of the bacterial flora colonizing injection sites that may potentially lead to life-threat- ening infection (48). By June 12, 2000, a total of 42 cases (18 definite and 24 probable) had been reported. Until the end of 1999, there were no cases reported to the Public Health Leadership Society. The main purpose in transfusing blood is to restore the oxygen- carrying capacity of the intravascular volume purchase 25mg precose with mastercard. Fully cross-matched blood is preferable (eg order precose 50 mg fast delivery, type B, Rh-negative, antibody negative); however, this process may take more than 1 hour, which is inappropriate for the unstable trauma Trauma Answers 163 patient. Type-specific blood (eg, type A, Rh negative, unknown antibody) can be provided by most blood banks within 30 minutes. If type-specific blood is unavailable, type O packed cells are indicated for patients who are unstable. To reduce sensitization and future complications, type O, Rh-negative blood is reserved for women of childbearing age. Whole blood is not used because the extra plasma can contribute to transfusion associated circulatory overload, a potentially dan- gerous complication. However, if type O, Rh-negative blood is unavailable, then type O, Rh-positive blood should be administered to women. The retroperitoneum can accommodate up to 4 L of blood after severe pelvic trauma. However, the initial and simplest modality to use in a patient in shock from a pelvis fracture is placement of a pelvic binding garment. This device can be applied easily and rapidly and is typically effective in tamponading bleeding and stabiliz- ing the pelvis. However, venography is not useful in managing these patients: even when venous bleeding is localized, embolization is ineffective because of the exten- sive anastomoses and valveless collateral flow. Angiography is indicated when 164 Emergency Medicine hypovolemia persists in a patient with a major pelvic fracture, despite con- trol of hemorrhage from other sources. Since angiography typically takes place in the angiography suite, patients should have a pelvic binding device applied, prior to being transferred to angiography. It may also occur from vascular pathology, such as laceration or thrombosis of the anterior spinal artery. The syndrome is characterized by different degrees of paralysis and loss of pain and temper- ature sensation below the level of injury. Its hallmark is the preservation of the posterior columns, maintaining position, touch, and vibratory sensation. Central cord syndrome (b) is often seen in patients with degenerative arthritis of the cervical vertebrae, whose necks are subjected to forced hyperextension. This is seen typically in a forward Syndrome Neurologic Deficits Anterior cord B/L paralysis below lesion, loss of pain and tempera- ture, preservation of proprioception and vibratory function Central cord Lower extremity paralysis > upper extremity paralysis, some loss of pain and temperature with upper > lower Brown-Séquard Ipsilateral: paresis, loss of proprioception, and vibratory sensation Contralateral: loss of pain and temperature Cauda equina Variable motor and sensory loss in lower extremities, bowel/bladder dysfunction, saddle anesthesia Trauma Answers 165 fall onto the face in an elderly person. Patients often have greater sensorimo- tor neurologic deficits in the upper extremities compared to the lower extremities. Cauda equina injury (d) causes peripheral nerve injury rather than direct spinal cord damage. Its presentation may include variable motor and sensory loss in the lower extremities, sciatica, bowel and bladder dys- function, and saddle anesthesia. Brown-Séquard syndrome (e) results in ipsi- lateral loss of motor strength, vibratory sensation, and proprioception, and contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation. The simplest and quickest way to establish this is by inserting a 14-gauge catheter into the thoracic cavity in the second intercostal space in the midclavicular line. Needle thoracos- tomy is necessary when a patient’s vital signs are unstable; otherwise, direct insertion of a chest tube is adequate for suspicion of a hemo- or pneumoth- orax. This increased pressure causes the ipsilateral lung to collapse, shifting the mediastinum away from the injured lung, compromising vena caval blood return to the heart. The severely altered preload results in reduced stroke volume, increased cardiac output, and hypotension. As the brain mass decreases in size with age, there is greater stretching and tension of the bridging veins that pass from the brain to the dural sinuses. Geriatric patients are thus more susceptible to the development of hypoxia and respiratory infections following trauma. Fractured pelvic bones bleed briskly and can lacerate surrounding soft tissues and disrupt their extensive arterial and venous networks. Precose
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