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![]() ![]() By T. Gamal. Williams College. Patients commonly complain of pain in the throat and/or neck order 150mg zyban otc, with radiation to an ear generic zyban 150 mg amex. Onset is described as relatively sudden and associated symptoms include fever, malaise, and achiness. The patient may not complain of symptoms of hyper- or hypothyroidism during those phases; however, the severity of metabolic symptoms is quite variable. On physical examination, the thyroid region is very tender and enlarged. Depending on the phase during which diagnosis is made, thyroid studies may indicate an increase or decrease. If radioactive iodine uptake is performed, uptake will be low. Thyroid antibodies may be elevated in painful thyroiditis. CAROTIDYNIA Carotidynia is a self-limiting condition with unknown origin. The patient presents with sudden onset of sore throat and/or unilateral neck pain. The pain may radiate to the jaw or ear on the affected side. The pain may be worsened or trig- gered by exposure to cold temperature or by chewing or neck movement. The patient is afebrile, and physical findings include a normal oropharynx. The thyroid is nonpalpable, and there is no lymphadenopathy. However, palpation along the course of the carotid is quite painful. Hoarseness While the causes of hoarseness are typically self-limiting, it is important to consider a range of potential causes: laryngeal growths; gastroesophageal reflux; vocal cord paralysis; and tumors of the larynx, lung, or mediastinum. History When a patient presents with complaint of hoarseness or voice alteration, it is important to obtain an explanation of how the voice has changed—whether in tone, volume, and so on. Determine whether the onset was sudden or gradual, as well as whether the change has been constant or intermittent. It is also essential to determine the patient’s typical pattern of voice use, including whether any unusual use occurred before the onset of hoarseness. Examples of voice use would include singing, lecturing, shouting, and similar. The presence of asso- ciated symptoms, such as sore throat, neck pain, postnasal drainage, heartburn, and/or cough, is important. Identify past medical history of such conditions as thyroid disorders, pulmonary disease, gastroesophageal reflux, and malignancy. Ask about previous surgical history, as well as any trauma to the neck or chest. Physical Examination The physical examination specific to a complaint of hoarseness should include the ears, nose, throat, neck, and lungs, as well as cranial nerves (particularly CNs IX and X). When hoarseness is persistent or laryngeal structural disorders are considered, laryngoscopy should be performed to view any redness, edema, motion, and masses or polyps. Diagnostic Studies Diagnostic studies are not warranted for most cases of hoarseness, but chest radiographs are recommended to rule out pulmonary or mediastinal masses when the symptom persists or in individuals with history of smoking. OVERUSE Voice overuse/stress is a common cause of hoarseness. It can occur at any age and may be a recurrent problem for patients who use their voice extensively in lecturing, singing, or speaking in loud environments. The patient provides history consistent with voice overuse or abuse. The hoarseness may tend to occur toward the end of the day and be better the next morning after some period of rest. The hoarseness may be associated with a sensation of muscle tension and/or dis- comfort in the neck. Ear, Nose, Mouth, and Throat 115 Diagnostic Studies. POSTNASAL DISCHARGE Postnasal discharge (PND) associated with allergies or upper respiratory infections can cause hoarseness. Typical clinical manifestation with flexion of the elbow Fig zyban 150mg sale. Nerve metastasis of a carcinoid tumor in the muscu- locutaneous nerve purchase 150mg zyban with mastercard. B The nerve fascicles are in close connection with the tumor tissue. C Tumor strands within the nerve (arrow) 153 Fibers from C5–7. Sensory: lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve – radial aspect of forearm (see Fig. Wasting of biceps muscle may be noted, difficulties to flex and supinate (rotate Symptoms outward) the elbow, reduced sensation along radial border of forearm, pares- thesia/causalgia (chronic compression or after veinpuncture common), local forearm pain (chronic compression). Weakness of elbow supination more prominent than Signs elbow flexion (compensated by brachioradialis and pronator teres muscle). Hypesthesia along radial border of forearm – sensation becomes normal at wrist. Causes Abnormal strenuous exercise (carpet carrier, weight lifting) Entrapment: strap of a bag carried across the antecubital fossa Iatrogenic: malpositioning during anesthesia, veinpuncture (lateral antebrachi- al cutaneous nerve), tight bandage Neuralgic amyotrophy (isolated and in combination) Proximal humeral osteochondroma, nerve tumors, false aneurysm Trauma: anterior dislocation of shoulder (frequently associated with axillary nerve), traumatic arm extension, missiles. NCV: CMAP and SNAP (compared to unaffected side), EMG, Imaging Diagnosis C6 radiculopathy Differential diagnosis Ruptured biceps tendon Isolated complete trauma: operative, otherwise conservative Therapy Usually good Prognosis Braddom RL, Wolfe C (1977) Musculocutaneous nerve injury after heavy exercise. Arch References Phys Med Rehabil 59: 290–293 Juel VC, Kiely JM, Leone KV, et al (2000) Isolated musculocutaneous neuropathy caused by a proximal humeral exostosis. Neurology 54: 494–496 Patel R, Bassini L, Magill R (1991) Compression neuropathy of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve. Orthopedics 14: 173–174 Sander HW, Quinto CM, Elinzano H, et al (1997) Carpet carrier‘s palsy; musculocutaneous neuropathy. Neurology 48: 1731–1732 Young AW, Redmond D, Belandes BV (1990) Isolated lesion of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 71: 25 154 Median nerve Genetic testing NCV/EMG Laboratory Imaging Biopsy ++ + –? Transsection of the me- dian nerve and sural nerve inter- plantate in a 24 month follow up. A Orators hand prior to op- eration, B after 24 months the long flexors of the thumb and particularily the index finger show increased mobility Fig. A Local painful swelling of the left volar wrist, sensory loss in median nerve distribution. B After confirma- tion with ultrasound the median nerve was released. C Residual deficits were a sensory loss of the volar sides of the fingers (marked with a ball pen) Fig. Trophic changes after a median nerve transsection and nerve implantation. B Shows glossy skin over index finger, and trophic chang- es of the nailbed 157 Fig. Complete transsection of the median nerve at the up- per arm. Ulcer due to sensory loss at the tip of the index finger. B Sensory loss is accentuated at the tip of the fingers, but also palm is in- volved. C Dorsal view of the hand, delineating the sensory impairment Fig. This patient suffered from a com- plete median nerve transsection at the upper arm. The patient wears a glove to avoid these sensations 158 Anatomy Fibers for the median nerve are found in the lateral and medial cord of the brachial plexus, C5–T1. The nerve runs along the lateral wall of the axilla, adjacent to the axillary artery, continuing through the upper arm close to the brachial artery, and then medial to the biceps tendon. Other drugs that might cause bleeding include aspirin order zyban 150 mg free shipping, NSAIDs cheap 150mg zyban amex, nasal sprays, and Ginkgo biloba. HISTORY A thorough medication history, including prescription and OTC/herbal preparations, will alert the practitioner to the cause of the epistaxis. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Other than the nasal bleeding, the patient who is over-anticoagulated may have bruis- ing over the body from everyday minor contusions, particularly on the limbs. Bleeding from the gums also is commonly seen with over-anticoagulation. If the patient is taking anticoagulants, a prothrombin time with international normal- ization ratio should be done. Hematologic Disorders The hematologic disorders that are likely to cause increased bleeding include thrombocy- topenia, leukemia, aplastic anemia, and hereditary coagulopathies. Multiple hematologic disorders can be seen with liver disease, including anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, leukocytosis, and impaired synthesis of clotting factors causing increased prothrombin time. HISTORY A history of hematologic disorders will quickly point the practitioner toward the cause of the bleeding. Ask the patient about easy bruisability, fatigue, shortness of breath, fever, or frequent infections. Inquire as to a personal or family history of liver disease and about EtOH use and/or abuse. Determine whether there are any risk factors for hepatitis. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Except for the epistaxis, the physical exam may be unremarkable. The patient could have fever, bruising, or petechiae that might indicate leukemia, thrombocytopenia, or coag- ulopathies. A rapid heart rate and/or heart murmur may be present with longstanding ane- mia. Check for any signs of cyanosis around the lips or nails. Examine the abdomen for hepatomegaly or ascites, which would indicate liver disease. If hematologic disorders are suspected, a CBC, platelet count, liver profile, and coagu- lation studies should be done. A bone marrow aspiration may need to be performed by the hematologist/oncologist to confirm the diagnosis. Such abuse can run the gamut of socioeco- nomic class, age, and gender. HISTORY A history of any kind of illegal drug use or alcohol abuse should alert the practitioner to the possibility of cocaine use. Patients often are not forthcoming with information about drug use, so an astute practitioner should be alert for personality changes and other signs and symptoms that might raise a suspicion for cocaine use. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Typical symptoms associated with cocaine use are tachycardia, tachypnea, elevated blood pressure, arrhythmias, dilated pupils, nervousness, euphoria, hallucinations, and fri- ability of the nasal mucosa leading to epistaxis. An overdose may lead to tremors, seizures, delirium, respiratory failure, and cardiovascular collapse. A drug screening should be performed for those suspected of cocaine abuse. Electrocardiogram, blood pressure monitoring, and pulse oximetry may be necessary until the heart and respiratory rates and blood pressure return to a normal range. Mucosal Dryness, Irritation, and Infection Dry climates, especially during the winter months, may cause nasal mucosal irritation and bleeding. The bleeding is usually scanty rather than profuse, as might be seen with other causes of epistaxis. Over-the-counter nasal sprays and corticosteroid or antihistamine nasal sprays can lead to a drying of the mucosal lining of the nose and may cause bleeding. Infection, particularly if it has been recurrent or chronic, can lead to sinus and mucosal inflammation and irritation resulting in bleeding. Again, the bleeding tends to be scanty rather than profuse unless the infection is severe enough to erode the mucosal surface. HISTORY For those living in a dry climate, a history of outdoor work or hobbies or a work or home environment without a humidifier may lead to mucosal dryness. Zyban
10 of 10 - Review by T. Gamal Votes: 263 votes Total customer reviews: 263
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