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![]() ![]() By T. Mazin. University of Dayton. 2018. A new drug that came on the market in the fall of 2003 is Stalevo generic sarafem 10mg visa, a tablet that combines carbidopa buy 20 mg sarafem otc, levodopa, and enta- capone. The medication is designed specifically for Parkinson’s patients who have symptoms of "wearing off " that can occur with the long-term use of levodopa. In the November 1989 issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry, researchers reported successful results of a treatment called electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Research reports since 1953 indicate that ECT (very different from the older electric shock treatment) may have something to offer older patients who are unable to tolerate increased doses of Sinemet or whose symp- toms are unresponsive to higher doses. It may also offer hope to older people with Parkinson’s who experience psychotic distur- bances as a side effect of their medication and who need to be treated for these disturbances. While ECT has been used to treat severe depression in Par- kinson’s disease for some time, the idea of treating nondepressed Parkinson’s patients with ECT is much newer. Richard Abrams of the Chicago Medical School (in an editorial in the November 1989 issue of the American Journal of medications and therapies 87 Psychiatry), ECT is "safe, inexpensive, and widely available. In 1987, researchers in Scandinavia reported that nondepressed patients had a "significantly longer ‘on’ phase after the active treatment" with ECT. And in the United States in November 1989, researchers working with depressed patients reported "rapid improvement of motor symptoms" with the use of ECT. He suggests that if mainte- nance doses of ECT were administered every two to four weeks (or another period tailored to the individual) after the initial hos- pital course of ECT, it would keep patients free of symptoms. Abrams recommends "a therapeutic trial of ECT for every patient with intractable or drug resistant Parkinson’s disease, par- ticularly those with the on-off syndrome. Two of the four people experienced mental or emotional problems during the course of treatment, while two were much improved. As of 2002, there were more reports of ECT’s usefulness in several movement disorders. Pallidotomy (destroying part of the pallidum surgically) and thalamotomy (destroying part of the thalamus surgically) were quite common in the 1950s because adequate medical therapy 88 living well with parkinson’s didn’t exist. The development of levodopa, Sinemet, and other medications greatly reduced the need for pallidotomy and thalam- otomy, both of which are neuroablation procedures. In the late 1980s, when it was found that long-term medica- tions didn’t solve the problem for some people with Parkinson’s there was increased interest in the development of new techniques for pallidotomy and thalamotomy. These surgeries are performed using local anesthesia so that the patient can be monitored, thus providing feedback during the operation. A halo-type frame is fixed to the patient’s head, and MRI and CT scans are performed to determine the target area. The surgeon drills a small hole into the skull so that an electrode can be implanted. Microstimulation can be used to identify the exact location to produce a lesion with an electrothermal current. His decision to speak openly about his Parkinson’s has contrib- uted tremendously to increased awareness of the disease, in both Congress and the general public. In addition, Fox has formed his own foundation specifically to funnel money to researchers more quickly. Another surgical procedure, deep brain stimulation, involves placing an electrode in the thalamus, the subthalamus, or the pal- lidum. The electrode that stimulates these parts of the brain is linked by a wire coming out of the skull (and placed under the skin) to a small, programmable pulse generator beneath the skin of the patient’s chest. Unlike neuroablation, this procedure can be done on both sides of the brain to help with movement disorders on either side. In one type of implant, frag- ments of the patient’s own adrenal gland (the adrenal medulla) are grafted into a part of the brain known as the caudate nucleus. In another type of implant, dopamine-producing tissue from the brain of an aborted fetus is implanted into the caudate nucleus. In a third type of implant, not yet used on humans, animal cells that have been genetically altered to produce dopamine are implanted into the brain of a person with Parkinson’s. At first, medical scientists assumed that the implants acted as mini-pumps, pumping dopamine to the parts of the brain that needed it. Now they believe that successful implants, especially fetal implants, may grow and become integrated into the circuitry of the brain, replacing destroyed tissue. A memorable patient Happy ending She had been admitted that Saturday morning as an "acute She immediately looked better and back on the ward we fed abdomen cheap sarafem 20mg on-line," but the surgical registrar could not make a diagnosis her on solid food from the fourth day 10mg sarafem with amex. Her mother, despite six other siblings to emphasised her concerns with her first sentence to me over the look after, was, I felt, better able than the ward to feed and refeed telephone: "If you don’t see her she’ll die. Severe She came to outpatients regularly and gained no weight for five abdominal pain and vomiting continued. Very weak, she was carried everywhere, but then one day scaphoid and not significantly tender. X ray examinations were I heard her little footsteps as well as her parents’ approaching the unhelpful. Once released the which we compromised in order to maintain her appetite) and circulation seemed to recover and the surgical registrar closed up some iron later in her teens. She improved but 18 hours later she remaining bowel grew and its mucosa hypertrophied, but as a girl collapsed in severe pain and peripheral circulatory failure. She is now 37, has three lovely children, morning I had gathered sufficient evidence of the success of such all breast fed after appropriately supplemented pregnancies. She is management, via long distance telephone calls, to be able to fully active and a recent health check found "nothing to cause persuade the consultant to resect as much as necessary. Patricia Mortimer, retired paediatrician,Enfield 342 BMJ VOLUME 317 1 AUGUST 1998 www. Drug and HIV prevention at the Hindelbank peniten- Hepatitis A, B und C als desmoterische Infektionen. Kurzevaluation des Pilotprojekts Drogen- und Aidspräven- Spread of bloodborne viruses among Australian prison entrants. Wissenschaftliche Begleitung und 28 Anon C, del Olmo JA, Llovet F, Serra MA, Gilabert S, Rodriguez F, et al. Beurteilung des geplanten Spritzentauschprogramms im Rahmen eines Virus C de la hepatitis entre la poblacion penitenciaria de Valencia. Hannover: Krimi- 29 Ford PM, White C, Kaufmann H, MacTavish J, Pearson M, Ford S, et al. This series of eight evidence is increasingly accessible through infor- articles The aim of evidence based practice is to integrate mation services that combine high quality evidence analysing the current best evidence from research with clinical with information technology. However, there are gap between policy and practice several barriers to the successful application of research and research evidence to health care. We discuss both the Practitioners have difficulty finding, assessing, practice prospects for harnessing evidence to improve health interpreting, and applying current best evidence care and the problems that readers—clinicians, Faculty of Health planners, and patients—will need to overcome to enjoy New evidence based services (such as electronic Sciences,McMaster the benefits of research (box). University,1200 databases, systematic reviews, and journals that Main St West, The aim of evidence based health care is to provide summarise evidence) make accessing current best Hamilton,Ontario, the means by which current best evidence from evidence feasible and easy in clinical settings Canada L8N 3Z5 research can be judiciously and conscientiously Brian Haynes, applied in the prevention, detection, and care of health professor of clinical Progress is slow in creating evidence based epidemiology and disorders. Rather than attempting Andrew Haines, professor of primary health care Problems in implementing evidence based medicine and possible solutions Correspondence to: Professor Haynes bhaynes@fhs. Developing Applying the policies Making clinical evidence based decisions Steps from research to practice Synthesising clinical policies Generating evidence the evidence The boxes to the right of the wedge (figure) represent from research the three steps that are needed to harness research evi- dence for healthcare practice. These steps include syn- thesising the evidence; developing clinical policy from the evidence; and applying the policy at the right place, The path from the generation of evidence to the application of evidence in the right way, and at the right time. All three steps must be negotiated to form a valid connection between to dissect all these barriers, we present a simple model evidence and practice. We will consider some barriers along this Most results from research appear first in peer path and some bridges that are being constructed over reviewed journals, but the small number of clinically the barriers. Models for critically appraising evidence Generating research evidence 8 have been developed and disseminated, but applying The path begins with biomedical research: the shape of these is time consuming. The newest bridges that can the wedge symbolises the process of testing innova- be used to overcome this barrier include abstracting tions in health care and eliminating those that lack services that critically appraise studies in which the merit (figure). The broad edge of the wedge represents results are ready to be applied to clinical settings; these the initial testing of innovations, which usually occurs appraisals are then summarised in a journal. Products or developed so that eventually most clinical specialties processes with merit then undergo field trials; these will have their own. More importantly, the Cochrane initial studies aim to assess toxicity and to estimate effi- Collaboration has pledged to summarise all ran- cacy. The extension catheter is now connected to the previously prepped programmable pump and secured to the pump with a 2-0 braided tie buy generic sarafem 10mg on line. Pumps with a previously attached catheter must be placed into the pocket at the time of catheter tunneling order 20mg sarafem visa. The Synchromed pump in its Dacron pouch may be placed without need for further suturing. Some pumps without this pouch have anchoring loops manufactured around the pump circumference, but their use may be problematic. At least two stitches are necessary to prevent rotation, and three may be necessary to prevent flipping (it happens! This usually requires a dermal or fascial stitch, with the risk that the anchor will be painful. If this technique is used, the stitches should be placed into the pocket first, then through the pump suture loops, whereupon the pump is placed into the pocket and the sutures tied. If the pocket is carefully fashioned, even a pump lacking a Dacron pouch may be placed with- out suturing, especially in thin patients. An interrupted, inverted layer of 2-0 absorbable suture in the abdomen and 3-0 absorbable suture in the back will suffice, followed by apposing the skin edges with Steri- Strips. If tension is a problem, surgical staples should be used to rein- force the closure. Outcomes While the majority of patients with chronic pain, either cancer related or not, are adequately managed with oral analgesic medications, elec- trostimulation, or behavioral techniques, studies indicate that only about half the patients so treated for back pain or neuropathic pain achieve good reduction in their pain, and a full 21% are unresponsive to opioid therapy. In a retrospective mul- ticenter study of the use of intraspinal morphine for all types of pain, 32. Cancer pa- tients were treated with higher initial doses and escalated to a stable level more rapidly than patients with non-cancer-related pain. The long-term stability of dos- ing in the cancer population has also been documented elsewhere. It is probable that about 5 to 10% of those in the cancer pain popula- tion are candidates for an implantable pump system using the selec- tion criteria noted earlier. Non-Cancer-Related Pain The use of intrathecal opioids for pain not due to cancer has burgeoned in recent years in spite of a lack of prospective studies. The most de- finitive data to date supporting such an increase in use are provided by the survey of physicians in the United States by Paice, Penn, and Shortt,17 cited in connection with cancer-related pain and including data on pain not related to cancer, and in the retrospective study by European authors Winkelmuller and Winkelmuller. Doses for neuropathic pain tended to be higher at 6 months than for somatic or visceral pain. These patients exhibited a linear in- crease in dose over time, eventually reaching stable levels by one year at 9. The best ini- tial response was seen in the nociceptive pain group, with a 77% ini- tial reduction in pain intensity that declined to 48% at last follow-up. Deafferentation and neuropathic pain groups benefited from therapy and in fact over the long term showed the best results, with 68 and 62% pain reduction as measured by VAS, respectively. While these results are impressive in a population of patients unre- sponsive to more conventional methods, prospective studies compar- ing this and alternative therapies would more rigorously establish in- trathecal infusion of medication as a treatment of choice. The current acceptance in clinical practice empirically validates the technique but also makes prospective and certainly randomized studies difficult to implement. Complications Any technique involving a surgical procedure, prosthetic device, and the infusion of medication will have complications. With implantable drug administration systems, complications may be divided into three categories: surgical complications, device-related complications, and drug-related complications. Surgical Complications In the perioperative period, bleeding with the subsequent development of a pocket hematoma is perhaps the most troublesome and prevent- able problem. Meticulous attention to hemostasis during pump pocket formation will avoid this problem. An additional aid in prevention is the placement of an abdominal binder, such as a 6 in. Ace wrap, around the abdomen and lightly compressing the fresh pump pocket for 24 to 48 hours. This compression dressing helps to avoid the accumulation of blood or fluid in the pocket. The possibility of epidural and intrathecal hemorrhage is frequently mentioned, with the obvious risk of neurological injury. Learning communication skills and practicing them through role playing in session provides the couple with alternatives to problematic behaviors and can instill a sense of compe- tence in each of them order sarafem 20mg without a prescription. Role playing in session allows the therapist to help the couple refine their responses to each other 20 mg sarafem sale. As treatment continues, the therapist can support the couple in communicating their fears, particularly as issues of trust, intimacy, and sexuality surface. Identification of cognitive distortions that are common in trauma survivors can be changed from "I am damaged goods" (Sgroi, 1982) to statements of empowerment such as, "I am strong for having survived this pain" or "I will not allow what others have done to me to stop me from having a happy life. CASE STUDY In contrast to the other couples we have described, both of whom have been comprised of relatively high-functioning individuals, Glenda and James re- flect a different picture. She has been married four times and presents for couple’s therapy with her fifth husband, James (58), who was a construction worker until his accident two years ago. Glenda is chronically unemployed, she does not concentrate well, has poor follow 284 SPECIAL ISSUES FACED BY COUPLES through, and is chronically depressed. Glenda’s brothers and sisters are all gainfully employed and property owners; one brother is even on the city council. Early in their relationship, James was attracted to Glenda because she was sensitive and seemed to need him so much. James is also get- ting upset because she just doesn’t seem to be able to hold down a job and his meager disability check can’t support them both. After an early molestation by an uncle, Glenda was raped at age 13, and sexually abused in the immediate aftermath by her older brother. While some years ago Glenda was in individual therapy for her abuse issues, she has not been able to afford treatment in some time. A referral to a low-fee counseling clinic has allowed her to resume individual therapy. After six months in this therapy, she returned with James for adjunctive therapy to explore their issues as a couple, paid for by state assistance. Persons with economic challenges must often cope with day-to-day survival in addition to the abuse issues presented here. James’s relatively recent physical disability further compli- cates the presentation. Glenda’s chronic unemployment, poor concentra- tion, and follow-through have led to the diagnosis of a depressive disorder and the prescription of an antidepressant medication. James has suffered a physical loss due to his accident and a significant loss in his ability to pro- vide financially. James is angry that Glenda cannot hold down a job and that she has retreated emotionally from him. Part of the assessment in cases of couples with sexual abuse includes assessing for domestic violence and substance abuse. Harway and Han- sen (1994, 2004) detail how to do an assessment for domestic violence. Holtzworth-Munroe, Clements, and Farris (Chapter 17, this volume) fur- ther detail interventions with this population. While James denies any substance use, he does admit to having hit Glenda because he is "just so frustrated sometimes that I can’t help it. As James’s abusive behavior curtails, the slow building of trust between Glenda and him begins. Glenda has said to James, "Every man in my life has betrayed me sooner or later, so what’s the use of trusting you or letting you into my life. The couples therapist can utilize Glenda’s sense of betrayal and distrust to help her understand that she has the power to modify her thoughts and feelings relative to this issue Treating Couples with Sexual Abuse Issues 285 and that she is capable of communicating her needs in a relationship. This is something that abuse survivors rarely consider, since in the past they have had choices taken from them. As James and Glenda learn to resolve their interpersonal issues, the cou- ple becomes willing to discuss the estrangement in their sexual relationship, which began shortly after their marriage. Glenda relates that during inter- course with James, she sometimes has "flashes" of her uncle who molested her and wants to "scream" and "get away" from James, but forces herself to complete sexual intercourse so James is not disappointed with her. She fur- ther states that during the abuse by her brother, she sometimes experienced an orgasm and has felt deep shame since that time. Sarafem
8 of 10 - Review by T. Mazin Votes: 77 votes Total customer reviews: 77
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