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![]() ![]() By V. Stan. Susquehanna University. 2018. These individuals often need pillows or supports for side lying and prone lying cheap rogaine 5 60 ml without prescription. Wedges are often helpful to position these children into the prone po- sition cheap rogaine 5 60 ml on-line, which allows them to still have interaction with others in the room. These lying supports are most beneficial in school environments; however, some parents find them helpful in the home environment as well. For indi- viduals with severe deformity, especially those with severe scoliosis, deflat- able Styrofoam bean bags are the ideal positioning device. These bags can be reconfigured every time children are placed in different positions, and when they are deflated, they are very stable. Standers Children who are not able to ambulate with a device still benefit from being in a position other than sitting and lying. An upright standing posture will provide stimulation to the bones in the lower extremities, encourage children to work on head and trunk control, improve respiratory function by aerat- ing different parts of the lungs, and stimulate gastric motility. In addition, children would be placed in a position to experience the world from the per- spective of standing upright instead of sitting or lying. There is no research that specifically and objectively quantifies each of these benefits or defines 6. Durable Medical Equipment 233 how much standing is required to gain these benefits. The exact position and amount of weight bearing and time of weight bearing is an especially prob- lematic concern for children with severe osteoporosis and osteopenia who have an increased risk of fracture. The major cause of the decreased bone stock results from the bones getting no weight stimulation; however, how much stimulation is required and at what level has not been documented. Like most biological systems, a little stimulation presumably is better than none, but there probably is a therapeutic dose that needs to be reached to make a measurable impact. We recommend that the minimal goal is to get children to stand with as much weight bearing as possible for a minimum of 1 hour per day. For children who can tolerate standing, moving to 2 hours per day is desirable. The standing program should be initiated between 24 and 30 months of age. Some children do not like standing and parents need to encourage standing in connection with activities that they enjoy. For ex- ample, children may be allowed to watch a favorite video, television, or listen to specific music only while in the stander. As children get heavier and near adult size, placing them in standers may become too difficult for families. Continuing standing in the school environment is encouraged so long as standers that fit these individuals are available and the caregivers can get them into the stander (Figure 6. The specific stander that is most appropriate for a specific child depends on the child’s level of function. Children who walk with walkers do not need to spend time standing as well unless the amount of walking is extremely limited to minimal therapy walking. Bath chairs or bathing frames Prone Standers can be constructed from PVC pipe or pur- Standers in which children lean forward and are supported on the anterior chased from vendors. There are many types aspect of the body are called prone standers. Children should be inclined forward 10° to 20° with a tray on the front of the stander. This is the ideal position for children to use their hands for fine motor skills, such as writing and coloring. The main posterior restraint for the prone stander is a belt at the level of the but- tocks and chest to hold children in place. These standers are also available with wheels, with the goal being that children can self-propel the stander around the room while being in an upright position. Self-propelling seldom works with individuals with CP who need to use a prone stander because few have sufficient arm coordination or strength to push themselves. Mean age of Abnormal if Gross motor skill development not present by: Lifts head when prone 1 month 3 months Supports chest in prone position 3 months 4 months Rolls prone to supine 4 months 6 months Sits independently when placed 6 months 9 months Pulls to stand discount rogaine 5 60 ml amex, cruises 9 months 12 months Walks independently 12 months 18 months Walks up stair steps 18 months 24 months Kicks a ball 24 months 30 months Jumps with both feet off the floor 30 months 36 months Hops on one foot with holding on 36 months 42 months Source: Adapted in part from Standards in Pediatric Orthopedics by R buy rogaine 5 60 ml without a prescription. This categorization has direct implications for treatment. All mature motor activities should be un- der volitional control with a few exceptions of basic responses, such as the fright response or withdrawal from noxious stimuli (e. Motor activities that are not completely under volitional control are termed “movement disorders” and can be separated into tremor, chorea, athetosis, dystonia, and ballismus. Tremor, a rhythmic movement of small magnitudes that usually involves smaller joints, is not a common feature in children with CP. Chorea involves jerky movements, most commonly including the digits, and has varying degrees of magnitude of the range of motion. Athetosis is large motions of the more proximal joints, often with an extensor pattern pre- dominating. Fanning and extension of the digits is included as a part of the proximal movement. Each patient has a relatively consistent pattern of athetosis. Dystonia is a slow motion with a torsional element, which may be localized to one limb or involve the whole body. Over time, the motions vary greatly, and the pattern may completely reverse, such as going from full- extension external rotation in the upper extremity to full flexion and internal rotation. Dystonia can be confused with spasticity because, within a very short time period, if the changes are not seen, the dystonic limb looks very similar to a spastic contracted limb. Ballismus, the most rare movement disorder, involves random motion in large, fast patterns focused on the whole limb. Motor control and planning of specific motor patterns requires a com- bination of learning to plan the motor task and then execute the functional motor task. This concept is best visualized in the context of a central motor program generator, which suggests that, like computer software, there is a program in the brain that allows walking. For the more basic motions such as walking, the central program generator is part of the innate neural struc- ture, but for others, such as learning gymnastic exercises, it is a substantially learned pattern. Children who do not have function of this basic motor gen- erator for gait cannot walk, and there is no way to teach or implant this in- nate ability. If there is some damage to the brain involving the central motor generator, gait patterns such as crouched gait more typically develop, which probably represents a more immature version of bipedal gait. These gait problems are discussed further in the chapter on treating problems of gait in children with CP (see Chapter 7). A normal child will demonstrate equilibrium reactions such that they will re- spond by extending the arms in the direction of the expected fall to catch themselves or by flexing forward into a ball if they are falling backward (B1). By an automatic reflex, the child will move the head in the opposite di- rection of the fall to prevent striking the head as the primary area of contact. A child lack- ing these equilibrium responses will fall over like a falling tree with no protective response when given a small push (B2). This is a very poor prognostic sign for independent ambula- tion, although some children can learn to con- trol this response with appropriate therapy. Balance, which means the ability to maintain one’s position in space in a stable orientation, is required for normal motor functioning. A lack of bal- ance causes children to overcompensate for a movement and be unable to stand in one place. Also, feedback to the motion and position in space is important for maintaining motor function. In children with CP, sensory feedback may be considered part of the balance spectrum as well, but the problems that are usually con- sidered in this spectrum do not typically come under the umbrella of ataxia. For example, when a child stands and starts to lean, the lean should be per- ceived and corrected. Children with ataxia often overrespond by having ex- cessive movement in the opposite direction. Obtaining medical notes from physician visits can be another mechanism for the therapist to stay informed 60 ml rogaine 5 sale. The treatment program at this age buy rogaine 5 60 ml on-line, which is carried out by either a physical or occupational therapist, usu- ally includes a combination of stimulation through handling the children, sensory stimulation through positional changes, and getting the children into correct seating. Many of the techniques used in infant stimulation ap- proaches are combinations of NDT, sensory motor, and sensory integration approaches. Therapy frequency at this age may be two or three times a week; however, care should be taken not to place too high a burden on new par- ents with many medical visits. We have seen one very frustrated mother who was scheduled to see 21 medical practitioners for an 18-month-old child who had been discharged from an intensive care unit (Table 5. This num- ber is far too much of a burden, and the therapists are in a good position to sense this and help parents decide what is reasonable. This is especially help- ful when there are frequent team-generated treatment plans saying, for ex- ample, that a child should have four physical therapy treatment sessions in a week; however, due to the therapists’ schedules, he will be scheduled to see three different therapists in 1 week. This is the worst kind of fragmented care, and it is very frustrating to parents. To parents and children, therapy is an intimate relationship and there is little benefit when it is scheduled based on whoever can be found to do therapy that day. Many of these par- ents will become very confused after hearing slightly different assessments from each therapist, often with different words to describe the same concern. This scenario is to be avoided; it is far better to have fewer sessions with a consistent therapist. The efficacy of early childhood therapy has not been well documented objectively, with most studies showing no or marginal measurable benefit. This time continues to be crucial in the parents’ coming to under- stand their children’s disabilities as the impairments are slowly becoming more apparent. A close, consistent relationship with a single therapist is es- pecially beneficial during this time. This is the period where setting concrete short-term goals works well because of the children’s rapid maturation, and this is also when much of children’s play and free exploration time is motor based if they have sufficient motor ability for self movement. There are many developing adaptive equipment needs that also have to be assessed, fitted, and ordered for the children during this phase. Therapy, Education, and Other Treatment Modalities 161 Table 5. All the professionals treating a 2-year-old child who had a prolonged stay in the newborn intensive care unit. Nurses evaluating the child but providing no direct care • Home visiting nurse • Special high-risk newborn program nurse • School nurse 2. Physical therapist • Home visiting therapist • Two school therapists 3. Speech therapist • School therapist • Special feeding therapist • Home visiting therapist 5. Social workers • Home visiting social worker • Medical counseling social worker for high-risk newborns 6. Special coordinators • Neonatal special program coordinator • Early childhood program coordinator 8. Doctors • General pediatrician • Developmental pediatrician • Neonatologist • Neurologist • Orthopaedist • Neurosurgeon • Ophthalmologist The mother was visiting 21 medical professionals, many at least once a week, who were often giving the mother conflicting recommendations. Adaptive seating is important in this period, es- pecially for feeding, toileting, and floor sitting. In establishing a treatment approach, most therapists borrow from the three predominant approaches, combined with using a model of teaching a task that involves cognitive understanding and repetition. This early childhood period is also a time when concepts from dynamic motor theory can be employed, with the goal of trying to alter the system in ways that will allow a task to find a new chaotic attractor. Therapy frequency at this age is variable, usually between two to four sessions per week while progress is documented. Some children will develop periods of frustration, and it may be better to give them a break of several months, and then restart therapy again. In normal gait cheap rogaine 5 60 ml otc, the brain tries to keep the energy cost of walking low so individuals do not tire out generic 60 ml rogaine 5 mastercard. Understanding the mechani- cal components of the musculoskeletal system and how this system responds to brain impairments is crucial to clinical decision making, which is directed at producing functional improvement in a specific abnormal gait. In the end, the brain, with its given ability, tries to find a pattern of movement that al- lows individuals to be stable, mobile, and move with the energy available. Gait Cycle Gait is a cyclic event just like the beating heart, and just as understanding the cardiac cycles is important to understanding the heart, all the under- 7. Gait 289 standing of human gait falls into understanding the cycles of gait and the function of each cycle (Figure 7. Clinical descriptions of gait events fol- low the general pattern and naming convention popularized by Perry. This two-phase function of gait is analogous to the heart, which fills with blood during its first phase and empties itself of blood during its second phase. The tasks of each phase of gait are simple; however, each of these phases is bro- ken down further. The gait cycle of one limb is called a step and the right and left concurrent steps are known as a stride. The step of a walking cycle has two phases in which both feet are on the ground, a time called double sup- port. The step cycle of running has two periods in which neither foot is in contact with the floor, called float or flight times. Therefore, the difference between running and walking is that walking has double support and run- ning has flight time (Figure 7. This also means that walking always has a longer stance phase than swing phase and running always has a longer swing phase than stance phase. Some basic quantitative definitions of the phases of gait are called the temporal spatial characteristics of gait. The temporal spatial characteristics include the step length, which is the distance the foot moves during a single swing phase measured in centimeters or meters, and the stride length, which is the combination of the right and left step length. Stance phase is measured as support time by the amount of time the foot is in contact with the floor. Swing phase is measured as the swing time, or the amount of time the foot is moving forward, usually equal to the time the foot is not in contact with the floor. The amount of time in seconds or minutes is measured, and both support and swing times are given as a ratio of total step time. For normal walking, the support time is 60% and swing time is 40%. The time when both feet are in contact with the ground is called double support, and each double support is 10% of the cycle. Each step has an initial double support and a second double support. Each stride also has only two double support times because the right initial double support is the same as the left second double support. Also, the time when only one foot is in contact with the ground is called single limb support time, and in normal gait, it is 40% of the step cycle. By knowing the time in seconds of a stride, the number of strides per time unit can be calculated, which is called cadence and is measured as strides per minute. By knowing the stride length and the cadence, the velocity of gait can be calculated, usually expressed as centimeters per second (cm/s) or me- ters per minute (m/min). There is still large variation between the use of cm/s or m/min; however, for the convenience of staying with a consistent numeric system for the remainder of this text, cm/s is the format used. The final tem- poral spatial measure is step width, measured from some aspect of the foot as the medial lateral distance between the two feet during the gait cycle. Stance Phase The role of stance phase in gait is to provide support on the ground for the body. This support function includes complex and transitional demands. The transition from swing phase to stance phase is called initial contact and is important in defining how the limb will move into weight bearing. The first time component of a step cycle is the loading response, which requires the limb to obtain foot stability on the floor, preserve forward progress of the body, and absorb the shock of the sudden transfer of weight. Loading time is equivalent to initial double support time and ends with the beginning of single limb support. There is little evidence to support the long-term use of benzodiazepines in the treatment of BPSD-associated agitation generic rogaine 5 60 ml with mastercard. In the acute setting order rogaine 5 60 ml with amex, short- Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. Because many of the patients with agitation in the setting of PD and LBD are probably already taking an atypical antipsychotic and several antiparkinsonian agents, it is important to anticipate the profound effects on blood pressure and arousal that may result from the combination. PSYCHIATRIC SYMPTOMS Depression Depression affects up to 50% of patients and may be present at any stage of the illness or even precede the onset of motor symptoms (28,29). Although depression correlates poorly with the severity of motor symptoms (30), it is probably the single most important contributor to poor quality of life in PD (2,3). Depression can also have a negative impact on cognition and motor function even in the face of optimally treated motor symptoms (31–34). Depression in PD may be difficult to recognize because many of its symptoms overlap those of PD. This overlap includes psychomotor retardation, loss of energy, decreased motivation, social withdrawal, poor sleep, and somatic com- plaints (29). Personality changes in the form of apathy, lack of assertiveness, and indecisiveness are also common, further obscuring the differential. It is important to rule out other medical conditions like hypothyroidism, vitamin deficiencies (e. Testosterone deficiency can be associated with otherwise refractory depression, loss of libido, fatigue, and other nonmotor symptoms (35). Various lines of evidence suggest that depression in PD is an intrinsic part of the illness rather than a reaction to disability. Nonetheless, the psychosocial stressors that result from the illness often trigger or compound already existing depression. Depression in PD seldom reaches suicidal proportions except in cases with preexisting affective illness. On the other hand, even subclinical or mild depression can affect quality of life and impair cognition and motor function. There is no consensus on whether treating minor depression is warranted in PD, but if there is any doubt that the symptoms are interfering with quality of life, depression should be treated. Management of bipolar illness in PD is complicated by the fact that dopamine agonists are capable of triggering a manic episode. These patients are best managed with mood stabilizers, appropriate antidepressants, and occasionally atypical antipsychotics. With these provisions, the judicious use Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. Among the mood stabilizers, lithium carbonate is poorly tolerated, as are large doses of valproic acid due to their potential to aggravate tremor and possibly other parkinsonian symptoms (24,27). Other potential mood stabilizers not formally tested in PD for which there are few data in PD include carbamazepine, lamotrigine, and topiramate. Anxiety Generalized anxiety disorders are also associated with PD. As in many other conditions, anxiety can appear in isolation or as an accompaniment to depression in PD (36). Unlike other conditions, in PD, anxiety can be due to an akathesia equivalent mediated by ‘‘dopamine hunger’’ (i. This is compounded by the advent of motor fluctuation, which can precipitate panic attacks during the ‘‘off’’ periods (37,38). During the ‘‘off’’ periods associated anxiety is the most disabling to the patients. Patients describe a feeling of ‘‘doom’’ reminiscent of a drug withdrawal reaction. Anxiety increases as patients become demented, and it can be particularly severe in patients with LBD and delusions. PSYCHOTIC SYMPTOMS Hallucination and Delusions The incidence of psychotic symptoms in PD varies greatly, ranging from 6 to 40%, depending on the age group of the population surveyed and the number of demented patients in the survey (39,40). Leading up to the first psychotic symptom, many patients exhibit behavioral changes, becoming erratic, temperamental, unreasonable, demanding, and seemingly self- centered, with apparent disregard for the needs of others. These personality changes can be multifactorial due to, for instance, emerging depression, conceptual disorganization due to emerging dementia, or mild delusional thinking due to drug-induced psychosis. The relation between the drugs, particularly dopamine agonists, and the psychotic symptoms is complex. Rogaine 5
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