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![]() ![]() By Q. Arakos. Monterey Institute of International Studies. 2018. Aspden RM generic baclofen 10 mg without a prescription, Porter RW (1994) Nerve traction during correction ing cheap baclofen 25mg overnight delivery, these functions are only possible if the joints can be of knee flexion deformity. Baumann JU, Ruetsch H, Schurmann K (1980) Distal hamstring small contractions. Int the knee flexor lengthening procedure must be performed Orthop 3: 305–9 towards the end of the ability to walk, when the muscles are 3. Baumann JU (1992) Behandlungskonzepte bei Kniefehlstellung increasingly degenerated, and in such a way that sufficient im Rahmen neurologischer Grunderkrankungen. Orthopäde 21: 323–31 length can be obtained directly by the operation without 4. Beals RK (2001) Treatment of knee contracture in cerebral palsy the need for protracted follow-up treatment. For this rea- by hamstring lengthening, posterior capsulotomy, and quadri- son, tendon lengthening procedures are preferable to those ceps mechanism shortening. Brunner R, Döderlein L (1996) Pathological fractures in patients the operation is part of the follow-up management. J Pediatr Orthop B 5: 232–8 In muscular dystrophy patients in particular, the equi- 7. Chambers H, Lauer A, Kaufman K, Cardelia JM, Sutherland D nus foot represents a key stabilizing component in stand- (1998) Prediction of outcome after rectus femoris surgery in ce- ing and walking. The slight equinus foot position locks rebral palsy: the role of cocontraction of the rectus femoris and the upper part of the ankle and prevents dorsiflexion. J Pediatr Orthop 18: 703–11 indirectly extends the knee and the patient is able to hold 8. Dhawlikar SH, Root L, Mann RL (1992) Distal lengthening of the hamstrings in patients who have cerebral palsy. J Bone Joint Surg (Am) 74: 1385–91 surgery is indicated to correct this equinus deformity. Forst R, Forst J (1995) Importance of lower limb surgery in the contrary, the ankles must be stabilized with an ortho- Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This brace must be 106–11 prepared with a slight backward lean in order to stabilize 10. Gage JR, Perry J, Hicks RR, Koop S, Werntz JR (1987) Rectus femo- ris transfer to improve knee function of children with cerebral the knee indirectly and thus achieve the same effect as a palsy. Gage JR (1990) Surgical treatment of knee dysfunction in cere- extension moment acts on the knee to stabilizes the joint bral palsy. Mac Keith, Lon- slight equinus foot is invariably helpful as these can lock don the lower leg in relation to the foot and prevent forward 13. Nene AV, Evans GA, Patrick JH (1993) Simultaneous multiple operations for spastic diplegia. Outcome and functional as- movement, thereby helping to produce the indirect ex- sessment of walking in 18 patients. Severe equinus deformities, however, 488–94 require correction but only to -5° to 0° of dorsiflexion. Dev Med Child Neu- A slight hyperextension of the knee of up to 5° is ac- rol 29: 153–8 ceptable, whereas a more pronounced hyperextension can 15. Rethieften S, Tolo VT, Reynolds RAK, Kay R (1999) Outcome of hamstring lengthening and distal rectus femoris transfer sur- overstretch the knee capsule and lead to later problems in gery. Reimers J (1990) Functional changes in the antagonists af- prevented indirectly by corresponding orthotic provision ter lengthening the agonists in cerebral palsy. Quadriceps for the lower leg and foot, and the forward or backward strength before and after distal hamstring lengthening. Outcome of bilizing the knee are difficult to produce and hardly ever hamstring lengthening and distal rectus femoris transfer sur- produce the desired result. J Pediatr Orthop B 8: 75–9 able during the day with a high-fitting orthosis, a low-fit- 18. Rideau Y (1986) Prophylactic surgery for scoliosis in Duchenne ting orthosis should always be used if possible. Dev Med Child Neurol 28: 398–9 have unjustified and unproven concerns about possible 19. Most studies of infection 50% fewer days with URI symptoms proven baclofen 25 mg, but the same and exercise are relatively small and rely on patient number of separate URIs compared to controls baclofen 10mg without prescription. Also, other fac- NKCA at 6 weeks was negatively correlated with URI tors such as pathogen exposure, stress, sleep, nutri- symptom days (Nieman et al, 1990b). The exercise group, however, had significantly fewer URIs than the control group (3/14 vs. A comparison group of elite elderly athletes had significantly higher NKCA and lymphocyte activity and even fewer URIs (1/12). NKCA and lymphocyte proliferative response were significantly higher in the rowers. Days of self-reported URI symptoms, however, were similar in both groups and did not correlate with immunologic changes. Transillumination and FEVER radiographs of the sinuses are generally not useful (Fagnan, 1998). Analgesics and decongestants in doses discussed all caloric and oxygen demand and insensible fluid above. Nasal saline rinses, 1/ tsp of table salt in 8 oz of 4 increased risk of injury (Brenner et al, 1984). Placing a warm washcloth over (650–1000 mg q 4–6 h) and nonsteroidal anti-inflam- the affected sinus and its corresponding nostril may matory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (800 mg TID) also help. Sedating antihistamines are not recommended When an athlete is dehydrated, using NSAIDs during because they increase mucous viscosity and may exercise may reduce renal blood flow and precipitate impede sinus drainage. Antibiotics should cover the most common causative pathogens, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenza, and Moraxella catarr- RHINORRHEA AND NASAL CONGESTION halis. Appropriate first-line choices include 10–14 day regimens of amoxicillin (500 mg TID), The most common complaints related to infections in and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole DS (one pill athletes are rhinorrhea and nasal congestion, most bid). Second-line choices include cefuroxime commonly seen with URIs and acute sinusitis. Typical findings include nasal mucosa edema and erythema, rhinorrhea, oropharyngeal erythema, and cervical lymphadenopathy. Oral or nasal decongestants can help relieve conges- Focusing treatment on the underlying infection, ces- tion, but side effects can include nervousness, insom- sation of smoking, and adequate hydration may pro- nia, tachycardia, and increased blood pressure. Sedating antihistamines are good choices for If the cough is especially irritating, however, cough sneezing and rhinorrhea as their anticholinergic medicines may be tried. Side effects can include sedation, dry such as codeine (10–30 mg q 3–4 h). It will suppress mouth, urinary retention, blurry vision, and consti- cough as well as provide sedation to help the pation (Levy and Kelly, 1999). Nonnarcotic options include dextromethorphan impair sweating and increase the risk of heat (10–20 mg q4h), benzonatate (100 mg TID), and exhaustion or heat stroke (Lillegard, Butcher, and guaifenesin (600–1200 mg bid) (Simon, 1995). Nasal ipratropium can provide the anticholinergic symptoms, but cough, productive or nonproductive, is effect of the nonsedating antihistamines without typically the most predominant feature (Levy and the systemic side effects. Atypical bacteria such as cators are unilateral sinus pain and tenderness, puru- Mycoplasma pneumonia and Chlamydia trachomatis lent rhinorrhea, lack of response to standard URI may also cause bronchitis in a small percentage of therapy, sinus pain with leaning forward, maxillary cases (Williamson, 1999). CHAPTER 31 INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND THE ATHLETE 177 Pulmonary findings are variable and can range from 7–14 days), an oral second-generation cephalosporin normal to diffuse rhonchi, and/or wheezing. Chest X- such as cefuroxime (250–500 mg bid for 7–14 days), rays are usually normal but may be useful to exclude amoxicillin/clavulanate (875 mg bid for 7–14 days), other diseases (Williamson, 1999). Bronchodilators such as albuterol (1–2 puffs Pneumonia patients, by virtue of their damaged pul- q 4–6 h) may be useful, especially in patients with monary parenchyma, will require more time to recover wheezing or cough that increases with activity. Absolute rest while the Antibiotics are often not indicated in the first 2 weeks patient is symptomatic is critical to avoid prolonged since most cases are viral. SORE THROAT Antibiotic treatment should primarily target Bordetella species (Gilbert, Moellering and Sande, 2002). The Common infectious causes of acute pharyngitis include first line choice is erythromycin estolate (500 mg qid viral URIs, group A beta-hemolytic strep (GABHS), for 14 days). This chapter examines the most commonly employed approaches to the treatment of chronic pain as well as the empir- ical evidence (or lack thereof) pertaining to their efficacy buy 25 mg baclofen. Widely used cog- nitive/behavioral approaches are featured generic 10 mg baclofen amex, but psychodynamic perspec- tives are also examined. The manner in which medication usage relates to 10 HADJISTAVROPOULOS AND CRAIG psychological treatment (e. More- over, a discussion of how psychological interventions can be applied with postsurgical and presurgical pain patients is included. The last section of the volume focuses on current controversies and ethi- cal issues. Craig and Thomas Hadjistavropoulos reviews current controversies, including critical analyses of the definition of pain, frequent unavailability of psychological interventions for chronic pain, the use of self-report as a gold standard in pain assessment, fears about the implementation of certain biomedical interventions and others. The final chapter by Thomas Hadjistavropoulos presents a discussion of ethical standards put forth by organizations of pain researchers and psy- chological associations. The presentation of these standards is supple- mented by a discussion of ethical theory traditions on which such stan- dards are based. The chapter also provides coverage of various ethical concerns that are unique to the field of pain, as well as an overview of con- cerns that are especially relevant to psychologists. We hope that the views presented herein will provide both a better ap- preciation of state-of-the-art developments in the psychology of pain and a greater appreciation of the richness and complexity of the pain experience. Sex-related differences in the effects of morphine and stress on visceral pain. Prevalence of chronic pain in the British population: A telephone survey of 1037 households. Gender differences in pain ratings and pupil reactions to painful pressure stimuli. An application of behavior modification tech- nique to a problem of chronic pain. A theoretical framework for understanding self- report and observational measures of pain: A communications model. Sensitivity to cold pressor pain in dysmenorrheic and non-dysmenorrheic women as a function of menstrual cycle phase. Montreal: Canadian Consortium on Pain Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Management. Abdominal pain and ir- ritable bowel syndrome in adolescents: A community-based study. International Association for the Study of Pain Ad Hoc Subcommittee for Psychology Curricu- lum. The tragedy of dementia: Clinically assessing pain in the confused, non- verbal elderly. Sensory motivational and central controlled determinants of pain: A new conceptual model. An epidemiologic analysis of pain in the elderly: The Iowa 65+ Rural Health Study. Sex differences in the an- tagonism of swim stress-induced analgesia: Effects of gonadectomy and estrogen replace- ment. Gender differences in pain per- ception and patterns of cerebral activation during noxious heat stimulation in humans. Expressing pain: The communication and interpretation of facial pain signals. Some embryological, neurological, psychiatric and psychoanalytic impli- cations of the body scheme. CHAPTER 1 The Gate Control Theory: Reaching for the Brain Ronald Melzack Department of Psychology, McGill University Joel Katz Department of Psychology, Toronto General Hospital Theories of pain, like all scientific theories, evolve as a result of the accumu- lation of new facts as well as leaps of the imagination (Kuhn, 1970). The gate control theory’s most revolutionary contribution to understanding pain was its emphasis on central neural mechanisms (Melzack & Wall, 1965). The the- ory forced the medical and biological sciences to accept the brain as an ac- tive system that filters, selects, and modulates inputs. The dorsal horns, too, were not merely passive transmission stations but sites at which dynamic ac- tivities—inhibition, excitation, and modulation—occurred. The great challenge ahead of us is to understand how the brain functions. A comprehensive assessment is a complex task cheap 25mg baclofen overnight delivery, involving an exploration of broad range of ar- eas buy 25 mg baclofen with mastercard, and should be administered by an experienced health psychologist. The importance of psychologists in the assessment and treatment of chronic pain has been accepted by a number of agencies and governmental bodies in the United States, Canada, and England (e. Social Security Administration, Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board). In fact, the Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facil- ities in the United States requires involvement of psychologists in treatment for multidisciplinary treatment programs to be certified. In contrast to acute pain where the focus of assessment and treatment is on cure, in chronic pain the focus is often on self-management. A thorough psychological assessment al- lows health care professionals to examine what factors in a patient’s history and current situation, including emotional well-being, social support, and behavioral factors, might interfere with their functioning. The information ob- tained should assist in treatment planning, specifically the matching of treatment components to the needs of individual patients. Once the whole person is evaluated, treatment can focus on an individual’s unique needs and characteristics. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Preparation of this chapter was supported in part by grants from the Na- tional Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (AR/ AI44724, AR47298) and the National Institute of Child Health and Human De- velopment/National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (HD33989) awarded to Dennis C. User’s guide for the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM–IV axis I disorders SCID–1: Clinician version. On the utility of the West Haven–Yale Mul- tidimensional Pain Inventory. The variable responding scale for detection of random responding on the Multidimensional Pain Inventory. As- sessing patients with chronic pain using the basic personality inventory as a complement to the multidimensional pain inventory. Psychological screening in the surgical treatment of lumbar disc herni- ation. Chronic pain prevalence and analgesic prescribing in a general medical popu- lation. Genuine, suppressed, and faked facial behavior dur- ing exacerbation of chronic low back pain. Cognitive-behavioral profiles among differ- ent categories of orofacial pain patients: Diagnostic and treatment implications. Confirmatory factor analysis of a 4-factor model of chronic pain evaluation. Predicting treatment response in depressed and non-depressed chronic pain patients. A biopsychosocial overview of pretreatment screening of patients with pain. A comparison of nine neuropsychological tests, four tests of malingering, and behavioral observations. The development and preliminary validation of an in- strument to assess patients’ attitudes toward pain. Patient beliefs predict patient functioning: Further support for a cognitive-behavioral model of chronic pain. Tempormandibular disorders, headaches, and neck pain following motor vehicle accidents and the effects of litigation: Review of the literature. A population-based study of the relationship between sexual abuse and back pain: Establishing a link. The Multidimensional Pain In- ventory and symptom exaggeration in chronic low back pain patients. Paper presented at the 14th Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society, Los Angeles. International Association for the Study of Pain, Subcommittee on Taxonomy, chronic pain syndromes and definitions of pain terms. A comparative analysis of measures used in the as- sessment of chronic pain patients. Psychological Assessment: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 5, 111–120. An interpersonally based model of chronic pain: An application of attachment theory. Baclofen
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