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Reducing liver cancer disparities: A community-based hepatitis-B preven- tion program for Asian-American communities. Knowledge about hepatitis B and predictors of hepatitis B vaccination among Vietnamese American college students. A randomized intervention trial to reduce the lending of used injection equipment among injection drug users infected with hepatitis C. Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C http://www. Why we should routinely screen Asian Ameri- can adults for hepatitis B: A cross-sectional study of Asians in California. Secondary syringe exchange among users of 23 California syringe exchange programs. Risk perceptions and barriers to hepatitis B screening and vaccination among Vietnamese immigrants. Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of hepatitis B screening and vaccination and liver cancer risks among Vietnamese Americans. Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of Chinese hepatitis B screening and vaccination. Awareness and use of hepatitis B vaccine among homosexual male clients of a Boston community health center. A comparison of trends in the in- cidence of hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in the United States. The perceptions and aspirations illicit drug users hold toward health care staff and the care they receive. Gender differences in syringeGender differences in syringe exchange program use in Oslo, Norway. Hepatitis B vaccina- tion in adolescents: Knowledge, perceived risk, and compliance. Awareness and utilization of the hepatitis B vaccine among young men in the Ann Arbor area who have sex with men. Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C http://www. The social production of hepatitis C risk among injecting drug users: A qualitative synthesis. Hepatitis C and its risk management among drug injectors in London: Renewing harm reduction in the context of uncertainty. Current prac- tice patterns of primary care physicians in the management of patients with hepatitis C. Hepatitis B vaccination coverage levels among healthcare workers in the United States, 2002-2003. Adolescents’ knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors regarding hepatitis B: Insights and implications for programs targeting vaccine-preventable diseases. Hepatitis C disease among injection drug us- ers: Knowledge, perceived risk and willingness to receive treatment. In the following waiting lists purchase atrovent 20mcg with amex, and diffculties providing timely access discussion we identify those features of medical practice that to services order 20 mcg atrovent. The ups We asked physicians to identify the parts of their work that Some sample comments are: they liked or enjoyed the most or that gave them the greatest “I hate making people wait. I know by the time they see me they’re going to were: be angry, ’cause they’ve had to wait […] On the other hand, 1. Through this encounters they have on a day-to-day basis and begins to awareness, they can enhance the ups and hopefully learn to understand what types of patient encounters cause stress better understand the downs—even when they cannot entirely and why. Patient care remains the predominant reward access issues with colleagues, as the physician recognizes for most physicians, and collegial support has been shown to the value of sharing experiences, advice and information. The physician pledges to a twice-yearly meeting with a mentor to consider workload and career commitments, Key references including and beyond direct patient care. Physician stress: results from the Physician ence at least yearly to maintain and update clinical skills. Prepared for the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research and the Calgary Health Region. Almost half of participants (49 • describe some of the unique issues faced by sick or dis- per cent) felt that they neglected their own health (Uallachain abled physicians, 2007). These fndings highlight the need to improve physi- • discuss the importance of health promotion and disease cians’ awareness of their own health needs, beginning early in prevention in the physician population, and their careers. The implications of neglecting physician health • identify resources that sick or disabled physicians can use and well-being can be serious both for practitioners and for during recovery or their return to training or practice. Case Residents and practising physicians often do not have their A competent and energetic third-year surgical resident has own primary care physician. Because of their knowledge of become paraplegic as a result of a motor vehicle accident. After an ab- prescribing, notwithstanding the fact that their own illness may sence of eight months, the resident now wishes to return not be in their area of medical expertise. This matter is brought self-treatment deny physicians the beneft of an independent, before the Department of Surgery. Various international studies strong support for the resident on the basis of past per- have demonstrated that a high percentage (in the vicinity of 90 formance, there is also some concern. In particular, one per cent in most studies) of trainee and practising physicians senior surgeon expresses doubt about the resident’s ability self-diagnose and self-medicate from time to time. The most commonly self-prescribed drugs are analgesics, an- tibiotics, tranquilizers and hypnotics. These practises are often acquired Introduction early in their training and professional lives. Their program Because physicians represent a cross-section of society, it directors need to be cognizant of the possibilities of such risky should be expected that the illnesses and disabilities that affect behaviour, which can in some cases lead to drug dependency the population at large will also occur among physicians. Lisa Graves’ 2008 article in Medical Teacher observes: “The wounded healer remains easily hidden in a profession that The sick physician implicitly, and at times actively, encourages a denial of illness. Physicians often feel it necessary to project a healthy image of In training, however, the wounded healer can be identifed and themselves to their patients and colleagues. It would seem, then, interfere with their ability to acknowledge their own illnesses, that medical school and residency is an optimal time to identify and can make it less likely for them to seek independent medi- and treat the wounded healer. To fulfll their role in society, it is equally Physicians reporting to work when they are unwell are likely important for them to practise a healthy lifestyle and to seek to compromise their ability to care for their patients properly. Given their professional culture, sick physicians may feel guilty about their illnesses and may be reluctant to take time off work The disabled physician and thereby impose their own workload, including on-call Although some entrants to medical school have disabilities, it duties, on colleagues. Moreover, a physician may expect the more commonly happens that a physical or mental disability same stoicism on the part of their own colleagues when they is acquired during the learning years or in subsequent years are ill. The impact of the disability will depend inadvertently put their patients at risk and expose themselves on the type of condition, its severity, and its interplay with the to medical litigation. Physicians report that, physicians with any type of physical or mental disability to after acquiring a disability, new insurance coverage may be provide a common forum to lend support to one another, impossible to obtain, and may come with unaffordable premi- exchange information and advocate on behalf of all persons ums. Provincial/territorial medical associations offer physician with disabilities to promote and enhance the interests of the health programs for their members. Association’s Centre for Physician Health & Well-being is an excellent resource for all physicians. Case resolution Disabilities infuence to varying degrees a resident or practising The program director asks the resident to meet to dis- physician’s ability to continue in their feld. Each task force member was assigned several competencies and training problems for a first pass revision purchase 20mcg atrovent with visa. Identify a modest number of references that will be particularly useful to students discount 20mcg atrovent with mastercard. Once the first round of revisions was complete, all were reassigned to a second reviewer for additional revisions. Task force members were encouraged to enlist the assistance of local experts when deemed necessary. Finally, each competency and training problem was reviewed in detail by each of the task force co-directors for consistency and format. All members of the task force completed their assigned work at their home institutions without specific remuneration. Report from an Invitational Conference Cosponsored by the Association of American Medical Colleges and the National Board of Medical Examiners. Unprofessional behavior in medical school is associated with subsequent disciplinary action by a state medical board. Residents are expected to: • Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring and respectful behaviors when interacting with patients and their families. Residents are expected to: • Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic thinking approach to clinical situations. Residents are expected to: • Analyze practice experience and perform practice-based improvement activities using a systematic methodology. Residents are expected to: • Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically sound relationship with patients. Residents are expected to: • Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of patients and society that supersedes self-interest; accountability to patients, society, and the profession; and a commitment to excellence and on-going professional development. Residents are expected to: • Understand how their patient care and other professional practices affect other health care professionals, the health care organization, and the larger society, as well as how these elements of the system affect their own practice. With guidance and direct supervision, participate in breaking bad news to patients. With guidance and direct supervision, participate in discussing basic issues regarding advance directives with patients and their families. With guidance and direct supervision participate in discussing basic end-of-life issues with patients and their families. Participate in family and interdisciplinary team conferences discussing end-of-life care and incorporating the patient’s wishes in that discussion. The role of the primary care physician in the coordination of care during key transitions (e. With guidance and direct supervision, participate in discussing basic issues regarding advance directives with patients and their families. With guidance and direct supervision participate in discussing basic end-of-life issues with patients and their families. Always treat cognitively impaired patients and patients at the end of their lives with utmost respect and dignity. Symptoms sometimes seen during end-of-life care and the basic principles of their management (e. Communication Skills • With guidance and direct supervision, participate in breaking bad news to patients. Management Skills • Appropriately assessing and treating pain when necessary with nonnarctoic and narcotic analgesics. The basics of the potential role of genetic information in diagnostic decision making. Describe the basic principles of using genetic information in clinical decision making. The basics of the potential role of genetic information in therapeutic decision making. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter present in regions of the brain that regulate movement discount atrovent 20mcg overnight delivery, emotion order 20 mcg atrovent mastercard, motivation, and feelings of pleasure. Overstimulating the system with drugs, however, produces euphoric effects, which strongly reinforce the behavior of drug use—teaching the user to repeat it. When some drugs of abuse are taken, they can release 2 to 10 times Our brains are wired to ensure that we will repeat life-sustaining activ- the amount of dopamine that natural rewards such as eating and sex 15 ities by associating those activities with pleasure or reward. In some cases, this occurs almost immediately (as when drugs this reward circuit is activated, the brain notes that something impor- are smoked or injected), and the effects can last much longer than tant is happening that needs to be remembered, and teaches us to do it those produced by natural rewards. Because drugs of abuse pleasure circuit dwarf those produced by naturally rewarding behav- 16,17 stimulate the same circuit, we learn to abuse drugs in the same way. The effect of such a powerful reward strongly motivates peo- ple to take drugs again and again. When cocaine is taken, dopamine increases are exaggerated, and communication is altered. As a result, dopamine’s For the brain, the difference between normal rewards and impact on the reward circuit of the brain of someone who drug rewards can be described as the difference between abuses drugs can become abnormally low, and that per- someone whispering into your ear and someone shouting son’s ability to experience any pleasure is reduced. Just as we turn down the volume on a This is why a person who abuses drugs eventually feels flat, radio that is too loud, the brain adjusts to the overwhelm- lifeless, and depressed, and is unable to enjoy things that were previously pleasurable. Also, the person will often need to take larger amounts of the drug to produce the familiar dopamine high—an effect known as tolerance. We know that the same sort of mechanisms involved in the development of tolerance can eventually lead to profound Healthy Control Drug Abuser changes in neurons and brain circuits, with the potential to severely compromise the long-term health of the brain. For 20 example, glutamate is another neurotransmitter that influences the W hat other brain changes reward circuit and the ability to learn. Chronic exposure to drugs of abuse disrupts the way critical brain Similarly, long-term drug abuse can trigger adaptations in habit or structures interact to control and inhibit behaviors related to drug use. Conditioning is one example of this Just as continued abuse may lead to tolerance or the need for higher type of learning, in which cues in a person’s daily routine or environ- drug dosages to produce an effect, it may also lead to addiction, which ment become associated with the drug experience and can trigger can drive a user to seek out and take drugs compulsively. Drug addic- uncontrollable cravings whenever the person is exposed to these cues, tion erodes a person’s self-control and ability to make sound deci- even if the drug itself is not available. This learned “reflex” is extreme- sions, while producing intense impulses to take drugs. Imaging scans, chest X-rays, and blood tests show the damaging effects of long-term drug Pabuse throughout the body. For example, research has shown that tobacco smoke causes cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, blood, 19 lungs, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix. In addition, some drugs of abuse, such as inhalants, are toxic to nerve cells and may damage or destroy them either in the brain or the peripheral nervous system. Three of the Injection drug use is also a major factor in the spread of hepatitis more devastating and troubling consequences of addiction are: C, a serious, potentially fatal liver disease. Injection drug use is not z Negative effects of prenatal drug exposure on infants the only way that drug abuse contributes to the spread of infectious and children diseases. It is also likely that some drug- hepatitis B and C, and other sexually transmitted diseases. According to the Surgeon General’s 2006 Report, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke increases the risks of heart disease and lung cancer in people who have never 20 smoked by 25–30 percent and 20–30 percent, respectively. Tobacco use is responsible for an estimated 23 5 million deaths worldwide each year. Tobacco smoke increases a user’s risk Throat of cancer, emphysema, bronchial disorders, and cardiovascu- Larynx (voice box) Mouth Esophagus lar disease. Tobacco use killed approximately 100 mil- Lung Blood (leukemia) lion people during the 20th century, and, if current smoking Stomach Kidney Pancreas trends continue, the cumulative death toll for this century has Bladder Cervix 24 been projected to reach 1 billion. However, misuse or abuse of these drugs (that is, taking impairs short-term memory and learning, the ability to focus attention, them other than exactly as instructed by a doctor and for the purposes and coordination. It also increases heart rate, can harm the lungs, prescribed) can lead to addiction and even, in some cases, death. Picano’s graphical approach to dose and risk for different patient groups (including children buy atrovent 20mcg free shipping, adult males discount 20mcg atrovent free shipping, adult females and the elderly) has much to recommend it [1]. Finally, clear transparent public education programmes are essential, where imaging services are marketed directly to the public and to the worried well. This conference devoted a full session to it and recognized it as a major area for attention during the coming decade. The approach derives from an analysis of justification based on ethical considerations. However, the justification may also benefit from approaches that seek to reduce overutilization based on health economic or health technology assessment grounds. There are several compelling reasons: first, it is universally accepted that a significant percentage of imaging worldwide is inappropriate, with both over- and underutilization. This leads to increased health care costs when imaging is overutilized and, in all likelihood, worsened quality of care with both over and under use. The effects of this remain unknown in individuals, but it is inarguable that unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation should be avoided. These include patient expectations and wishes, the expectation of health care providers that the use of imaging can protect them from malpractice accusations and litigation, financial conflict of interest, lack of specific guidance from imagers, and lack of sufficient knowledge on the part of referring health care providers. Patient expectations are clearly important, and they often have limited or incomplete understanding of the benefits and limitations of imaging, as well as of the costs. Also, they often, legitimately want something concrete done, even if there is no likely benefit. This occurs with the desire for an imaging study as well as in other settings, for example, with the desire for antibiotics for a simple cold. Regarding litigation, in many countries litigation is increasing and anyone can, in fact, sue for anything, regardless of the reality of the medical situation and the outcome. Secondly, health care providers are worried about getting sued, and often do order imaging or laboratory studies or consultations that they believe are unnecessary but will protect them from litigation. These findings have been confirmed in further studies that examined the behaviour of orthopaedists [4], neurosurgeons [5] and specialists in general [6], all in the United States of America. Even though litigation generally is settled in favour of the defendant doctors, and remains unusual, the fear of it has a significant impact on the use of imaging. Inappropriate use of imaging is further complicated by the increasing complexity of modern medicine. Clearly, no health care provider can be fully knowledgeable about more than a small area, and best practice can change very quickly. This adds not only intellectual concerns, but also concern about delivering optimal care. This is further complicated by the increasing role that non-physicians, such as physician assistants and other ‘physician extenders’, play in the delivery of care. These factors taken together make a strong argument that imaging is not likely to be optimally utilized, and this has been shown in many studies. In one, for example, it was shown that a large percentage of patients with advanced cancer underwent screening for other cancer [7]. This screening was very likely to have no benefit in terms of longevity or altered treatment. Medical costs have increased dramatically over the last several decades, in many cases in concert with improved care, and it is clear that imaging has provided major advances in health care. Over the past few years, for a number of reasons, there has been increased concern about the exposure of populations and individuals to ionizing radiation. It is essentially impossible to define the individual risks and population risks are also virtually impossible to define with precision. Recent studies, however, have suggested that limited exposure to ionizing radiation does measurably increase the cancer risk for populations [12, 13]. There are, in summary, two important basic concepts that must be kept in mind: first, there is potential risk of exposure to diagnostic level ionizing radiation, so any use should be based on a risk– benefit analysis, with the possible benefits to be gained through the imaging outweighing the theoretical risks of ionizing radiation. Atrovent
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