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![]() ![]() I. Dan. Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. Of these hips purchase periactin 4 mg on-line, 11 were treated by bilateral posterior rotational osteotomy buy 4 mg periactin fast delivery. Different procedures were elected for the contralateral hips of the other 14 cases: 2 anterior rotational osteotomies and 1 total hip arthroplasty. The remaining 4 cases were not treated because of small-size lesion without symptoms. Additional intentional varus positioning was done from 10° to 30° (mean, 19°) in all 48 hips to obtain an extensive noncollapsed viable articular surface of the femoral head in the loaded portion postoperatively. The rotational angle and intentional varus angle necessary for this procedure were determined by preoperative assessment, mainly on radiographic findings. Radio- graphs taken under these conditions can show the location and extent of the noncol- lapsed viable articular surface of the femoral head after posterior rotation. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography can be available if the demarcation area between living and necrotic bone is not clearly visualized on radiographs. The modified Ollier approach as reported by Sugioka was employed in 1 remaining operation. For the fixation of osteotomy plane after femoral head rotation, we used large screws (Sugioka) in 4 hips, an AO screw in 2, and an AO plate in 2. However, these fixation devices were not strong enough to allow for early motion. Thereafter, the authors made and used a customized device developed by Atsumi [7,8] in 40 hips. Patient population Forty-eight hips, of 40 young patients Age, 15–49 years old (mean, 29 years) Sex: 13 women, 27 men Etiological factor: Steroid administration, 23 hips Alcohol abuse, 9; traumatic, 13 No apparent factor, 3 Type C2: 48 hips (no viable area on articular surface of the femoral head of loaded portion on preoperative anteroposterior radiographs) Stage 3B, 40 hips; 4, 8 hips (all 48 showed >3mm collapse) Anterior or posterior viable area on correct lateral radiographs Anterior, 6%–42% (mean, 21); posterior, 6%–29% (mean, 19) Posterior rotational angle: 70°–160° (mean: 126°) Additional varus position 10°–25° (mean, 19°) Follow-up, 3–20 years (mean, 9. A C B D E F Posterior Rotational Osteotomy in Femoral Head Osteonecrosis 93 Table 2. Extent of viable area of femoral head on postoperative AP and 45° flexion AP radiographs Group A Group B Group C 2/3 1/3, 2/3 <1/3 Conventional AP (n = 48) 15 (31%) 27 (56%) 6 (13%) 45° Flexion AP (n = 48) 10 (21%) 33 (69%) 5 (10%) AP, anteroposterior For postoperative management, partial weight-bearing was permitted 5 to 6 weeks after operation using two crutches. Gait with one crutch was essential for 6 months to 1 year depending on the extent of lesion. Radiographic outcome was influenced by the extent of the lateral noncollapsed living area of the femoral head corresponding to the acetabular roof on postoperative conventional anteroposterior radiographs. Extent of the noncollapsed viable area of the loaded portion of the femoral head was measured by angle, and the rate of extent was divided into three groups as follows: group A, less than the medial one- third of the weight-bearing area is involved; group B, more than one-third but less than two-thirds is involved; and group C, more than two-thirds is involved (Table 2). Anteroposterior radiographs were also taken in 45° of hip flexion [(7,8)] to observe the anterior viable portion of the femoral head. The extent of the viable area of the anterior femoral head was also divided into three groups as well on conventional anteroposterior radiographs. Prevention and progression of recollapse and progres- sive joint space narrowing were observed on the follow-up radiographs, and the relationship with the extent of viable articular surface of the femoral head was also studied. Of the remodeling after surgery, respherical contour on the collapsed area that moved medially and improvement of degenerative joint narrowing were investi- gated. The necrotic focus was moved to the medial portion of the femoral head on postoperative anteroposterior radiographs in all 48 hips. A 30-year-old woman receiving high doses of corticosteroids for treatment of multiple sclerosis. A Preoperative anteroposterior radiograph of her right hip showed extensive col- lapsed lesion without viable area on loaded portion below the acetabular roof. Arrows show anterior and posterior demarcation area between necrotic and noncollapsed viable portion. C A 150° posterior rotational osteotomy with 15° varus position was per- formed. Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph taken 3 months after operation revealed adequate viable joint surface of the femoral head below the acetabular roof. D Viable area was 82% on 45° flexion AP radiograph taken at the same time. E AP radiograph taken 11 years after operation disclosed spherical contour of the medial femoral head (arrow). Flexion was 80°, abduction was 30°, and Japa- nese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) hip score was 96 points. F A 45° flexion AP radiograph taken 11 years after operation showed sphericity of the femoral head 94 T. Respherical contour on the medial collapsed area on final anteroposterior radiographs of 35 hips was studied. Merry Walker users can sit right down order periactin 4 mg free shipping, without having to twist their bodies: “The minute they feel like they’re going to fall or they get tired cheap periactin 4mg, they just sit. Mary Harroun believes that her Merry Walker restores people’s dig- nity. I was called to a nursing home to show them how to use the Merry Walker. They had this man with Parkinson’s and some dementia, nonverbal, who was standing up while strapped in his wheelchair and carrying the wheelchair on his back. I got him in the Merry Walker, and he smiled as he walked down the hall. If I did noth- ing else for the whole rest of the world, I’ve done that. Harroun had trouble convincing Medicare to cover the Merry Walker, to see it as better (and therefore worth paying more for) than the standard walker. I met in Washington with two of her co-workers, arranged through my congressman. I brought a Merry Walker and another walker with the seat in front, to show the difference. Paying for Repairs or Replacement Obtaining a mobility aid is only the first step. After equipment is delivered, people frequently require mechanical adjustments to match their new technology to their bodies and mobility needs (especially with sophisti- cated power wheelchairs). Insurers often do not support follow-up fine tuning; pressure ulcers or other complications can result from ill-fitting chairs (Scherer 1996, 163). When equipment fails, people typically en- counter many difficulties getting and paying for repairs. Medicare and Medicaid pay for replacement equipment only every five years. The attorney Andrew Batavia, who has high quadriplegia and uses a so- phisticated power wheelchair, typically replaces his equipment every five to six years when it wears out and starts breaking down. Every time, he girds for a “kabuki dance” with his insurer, a preferred provider organi- zation (PPO) of Blue Cross–Blue Shield of Florida. The insurer was willing to pay for re- pairing his old wheelchair but not for purchasing a new one. Furthermore, his physician’s office manager argued, “How are we to know if you really need a new chair or if the current chair can still be fixed? If we were to write the prescription, and you do not really need a new chair, we could be subject to claims of health care fraud” (1999, 176). Finally, the office man- ager admitted, “Do you know how much this new wheelchair will cost? The company has a right to decide whether a new chair is needed or whether the current chair can be repaired” (179). Batavia reminded her that his 20 percent copayment made him well aware of the cost. My initial theory about why my PPO refused to purchase the new chair related to economics. Although the PPO is willing to pay for repairs, the amount it authorizes for them is quite limited. Therefore, I must pay the difference between the amount charged by my wheelchair repair What Will Be Paid For? Because I pay the majority of the repair bill, it is obviously in the interest of the PPO not to pay for a new chair. Its liability for ongoing repairs is rela- tively small compared with the large cost of a new chair.... After I fought with the PPO for two more months, it finally ap- proved purchase of the chair. Woman’s Hospital in New York City instituted Upon his return to Boston buy generic periactin 4mg, Codman resolved to almost in toto the End Result System; other New abstain from any new projects and determined to York hospitals accepted certain features of it generic 4 mg periactin with visa. This fundamental piece Hospital honored him with the appointment of of work gave him much personal satisfaction but Consulting Surgeon. He used this study to these acknowledgments was the acceptance of the demonstrate again the value of the End Result cartoon by the Boston Medical Library; it was System in hospital organization. He became an mounted on cloth and arranged like a folding authority on the subject of bone tumors and mag- map. As the years went by, more and more nanimously offered his services as consultant free hospitals adopted some features at least of the to his colleagues. It was a great comfort to who had acquired sufficient knowledge of the Codman that the members of the Society of varieties and the behavior of bone tumors to 71 Who’s Who in Orthopedics warrant their making a diagnosis and recom- trend toward specialization had started before mending treatment with reasonable certainty. Codman’s time, no one can deny that “special Many limbs were sacrificed needlessly; on the assignments” in hospitals gave it impetus. At this time the four eminent the American College of Surgeons to standardize authorities were Bloodgood, Coley, Ewing and hospitals in the United States. These men supported Codman in his ambition in life was the establishment of the End study. By his attitude and his particular knowl- Result System in every hospital, and he employed edge of the subject, he decried surgeons who every means at his command to this end. His assumed the responsibility of treatment without knowledge of the shoulder joint was molded consulting those more versed in the subject of toward this end. Also, he brought these facts employees and insurance directors he stressed vigorously before trustees of hospitals in order continually the need of early diagnosis of rupture to emphasize the point that surgeons were not of the supraspinatus tendon. He pointed out that appointed to hospital positions because of their failure to diagnose resulted in marked disability knowledge. Offense neglected cases of this lesion might cost more was taken, particularly by the most successful than the gross income of the average doctor in a surgeons of the day who, as Codman stated, lifetime. In this way he hoped to acquaint all those “spent their lives in the practice of the art of med- involved in medical care with the merits of the icine rather than in that of the science, and, being End Result System and to interest them in financially successful, are able to influence the installing it in their particular fields of endeavor. It is a sad com- results; (and) comparison of achievements would mentary that so few physicians know of his life be, to them, as odious as a comparison of and achievements. Many of his ideas have already been From this brief sketch of Codman’s life, one is accepted; many others will yet be. This was the uphill battle that he was fighting when he said, true of him until his death in Boston on Novem- “Honors, except those I have thrust on myself, are ber 23, 1940. Now let us mention some of his conspicuously absent on my chart, but I am able ideas and the effect that they have had on medi- to enjoy the hypothesis that I may receive some cine. Much that he attempted was not achieved in from a more receptive generation. His contributions in the field of x-rays, gastrointestinal diseases, the shoulder and bone tumors have stood the test of time and attest to his powers of clinical observa- tions. His End Result Idea has taken root in many disciplines and provides the means for accurate evaluation of methods and practice in medicine and surgery. The bulk of the medical literature in all specialties is based on this system of evaluation. It is a method that will gain in depth and breadth, and never will be abandoned by the medical profession. By establishing the policy of “special assign- ments” to young men in the profession, much good has been achieved. Methods and practices having little value are abandoned, while those of merit are made available quickly to the profession at large. In addition, this feature has laid the groundwork for development of experts in certain fields of medicine and surgery. Although the 72 Who’s Who in Orthopedics the widespread use of the Kenny method for treatment of acute poliomyelitis in the United States. As Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Minnesota (1929–1956), he had a strong influence on residents and students. He maintained his interest and attendance at orthopedic conferences until his death in 1973. Paul and at the University of Minnesota, where he received his MD degree in 1910. Do you need to research background information buy cheap periactin 4mg online, or do you have most of your data ready? You may need to allow for a longer period of time for researching your material discount periactin 4mg on line. A manuscript of 120,000 words requires a very different timescale to a smaller project of 60,000 words. Prob lems can arise if different writing styles have not been addressed in the planning stage. The timetable should meet the needs of each individual, and this often means going with the lowest common denominator. There is no point one person racing ahead if the other author is still methodically 238 WRITING SKILLS IN PRACTICE but slowly working through his or her own work. Remember to include additional slots for meetings, sharing work, joint planning and editing sessions. Other considerations – major events, whether personal, social or work, need to be taken into account. Allow for time out for such things as major business trips, family weddings or planned hospital treatment. You are now ready to make an estimate of how much time you will need to complete each stage. Work backwards from your finish date and mark in completion dates for each stage on your plan. Remember that it is commonplace for articles for peer-reviewed journals to be returned for re drafting, and editors may return your chapter or book with queries or cor rections requiring your attention. These factors need to be taken into consideration when planning your schedule. Setting up a timetable Use your planner to draw up a timetable that includes weekly or monthly schedules covering your intended timeframe. Block out time committed to non-writing activities like work, shopping, a hobby or family activities like taking the children swimming. Remember to include one-off events like weddings, holidays or work situations such as attending a major con ference. Draw your timetable large enough so that there is space to write in daily goals. Use your planning sheet to mark the completion dates for your subgoals, main goals and stages on the timetable. If you find that one of your completion dates coincides with a major event, then reschedule it. Planning individual sessions You are now ready to start drawing up plans for your writing slots. It might be to complete a database search, or to find out what books are available on a specific subject. However, without any specific goals about what you do when you get there, you will be un able to gauge how much further on you are in your work schedule. MANAGING YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY 239 You may want to break tasks down into different categories. Try the following: ° planning ° writing ° research ° telephone calls ° letters ° jobs. You may find it useful to divide your session plan into smaller squares that represent these categories. Once you know what you want to do in the session, you can start thinking about the best order in which to do things. Arrange tasks in order of priority, starting with items that must be done in that session. However, do not leave prior ity tasks to the end of the session, where it is likely that they might be omitted or shelved altogether. If you know that you tend to be sleepy after lunch, aim to carry out short tasks that are physically active, for example photocopying or filing notes. If you are brighter first thing in the morning, choose this time to do your planning and writing. Periactin
9 of 10 - Review by I. Dan Votes: 335 votes Total customer reviews: 335
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