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![]() ![]() By Y. Roland. The National Graduate School. Quantitative analy- sis was performed on these terminals purchase diflucan 200mg visa, since they were recognizable on the operated side as easily as on the control side best diflucan 150mg. A larger number of particles coding for AMPA receptor subunits was evident at glomerular synapses on the lesioned (Fig. To verify these qualitative observations, we counted gold particles at synapses made by C2 terminals on the two sides in the three animals used for EM. In each of the animals, labeling at synapses of C2 terminals was significantly increased on the injured side, with ratios ranging from 1. A slight (7%–8%) increase in the length of the synaptic active zone may have contributed to this increase, but most of the increased labeling could be attributed to increased receptor density, as indicated by the density of gold particles per micrometer of synaptic contact. Nonparametric analysis confirmed that receptor density was significantly elevated on the injured side (p≤0. These data established AMPA receptor up-regulation at synapses of PAs ipsilateral to the lesion in each of the animals studied. To address this issue, we further analyzed the data Central Changes Consequent to Peripheral Nerve Injury 55 with a paired t-test, comparing the mean number of gold particles/synapse on the lesioned and unlesioned sides for the three animals. Notwithstanding inevitable variations in tissue processing, the mean labeling on lesioned and control sides for each animal was very consistent in our material, thus making it possible to reject the null hypothesis that the observed effect might arise from random variations among animals (p>0. We took advantage of the characteristic morphology of different types of synapses in superficial laminae to address whether changes in glutamate receptors after peripheral injury are confined to synapses of PAs. Besides glomerular ter- minals, superficial laminae contain nonglomerular, dome-shaped terminals filled with clear, round vesicles, and making single asymmetric synaptic contacts. Most of these are glutamatergic terminals originating from interneurons or descending fibers (Rustioni and Weinberg 1989). We counted gold particles associated with synapses made by dome-shaped terminals (Figs. The mean number of gold particles was not significantly changed: synapses made by dome- shaped terminals on the injured side had an average of 0. These results imply that the increase in GluR2/3 is selective for terminals of PAs. Considerations The effects of nerve injury upon the first synaptic link in the SC have been studied in many experimental models, and reported in a vast literature. The reaction to peripheral injury consists in part of trophic changes related to attempts at regeneration (Sebert and Shooter 1993; Hökfelt et al. The present results are of special interest, as glutamate is the main transmitter released at synaptic sites of PA terminals in the spinal DH (Jessell et al. Relatively little information from microscopic evidence has been published on glutamate and its receptors after peripheral nerve injury. A modest increase in immunocytochemical staining for glutamate has been reported in the DH, 7–14 days after chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve (Al-Ghoul et al. This is in contrast with the decrease in staining, after the same type of injury or after nerve section, of neuropeptides released by PA fibers, e. LM evidence suggests that neuropeptide receptors are up-regulated in the postsynaptic target after peripheral injury (Schäfer et al. A modest increase in mean LM staining was observed in the present study; image analysis revealedmoresubstantialincreaseswithinstronglyfluorescentspots. Someofthese were somata, perhaps reflecting increased biosynthesis, and others were within the neuropil, suggesting increased staining at synapses. The latter possibility was confirmed by our EM evidence that peripheral nerve injury induced an increase in 56 Neuropathic Pain the number of glutamate receptors at synapses of small-caliber PAs terminating in the substantia gelatinosa. Because negative synapses were not included, it may be argued that the increased counts of gold particles shown here may have resulted in one or two gold particles at synapses that might otherwise be negative on the side of the lesion. As the results, however, demonstrate increased counts in strongly immunopositive synapses, the exclusion of negative synapses from the counts would be expected to reduce rather than increase the difference in gold particle counts between the control and operated sides. Though our data indicate that the increase was mainly in receptor density, we also detected a modest increase in active zone length. Even if this increase was confirmed in a larger group of animals, both increased length and density would lead to a greater number of postsynaptic receptors. The results are unlikely to reflect selective survival of those synapses that normally express receptors at high density, because, at variance with C1 terminals, we did not see signs of loss of C2 terminals. We chose to use material stained for an antibody that recognizes both GluR2 and GluR3, because this antibody gives intense staining in lamina II. The expanded family life cycle: Individual diflucan 50mg amex, family and social perspectives (3rd ed 200 mg diflucan otc. Preventive interventions for couples with young children (Brief report from Two Family Intervention Studies: The Becoming-a- Family and the Schoolchildren-and-their-Families Projects). Marital quality and conflict across transition to parenthood in African American and White couples. As a conceptual as well Was clinical issue, are the differences between couples with adoles- cents and couples with younger children primarily quantitative (e. These changes often seem to be discontinuous ("All of a sud- den she is taller than I am! Particularly for parents who have relied heavily on position or information superiority in order to influence their children’s behavior, such shifts can create major crises. In addition, relational bonds, which are known to be major risk factors (when negative) or protective factors (when positive) for positive adolescent functioning characteristically change, as peers become increasingly important and the emancipation process begins. For some couples, these changes are ones of degree (respect, closeness, and trust are less positive than with younger children) and are manageable. In other families, they are of such magni- tude that they also become qualitative or categorical (i. In this chapter, we address both the quantitative/dimensional differ- ences, as well as the more dramatic categorical/qualitative differences that accompany adolescence, but we tend to highlight the latter, because they more often present to the clinician for treatment. For example, many families report greater parenting stress with adolescents than with younger children, but in blended or stepfamilies the differences seem 61 62 LIFE CYCLE STAGES more dramatic, difficult to manage, and more likely to result in clinical lev- els of adolescent dysfunction. In addressing the topic of couples with adolescents, we also face the chal- lenge of honoring individual differences while at the same time describing uniformities within a given developmental range, a culture, or a family structure. This represents the same challenge that authors face when writ- ing a chapter about any particular therapy model, about a particular ethnic group, or about alternative lifestyles. To what extent do we consider indi- vidual differences, and to what extent is it appropriate to generalize to the entire group? Generalizing our assertions to a group, which often can ap- pear as an externally imposed descriptive uniformity, can be quite danger- ous. In fact, as a field we now understand, and in fact embrace, notions of diversity and uniqueness both between and within cultures, family forms, and orientations. We appreciate the concept that any social unit (family, couple, neighborhood) can only be understood from within in ways that re- flect if not represent the unique experience of the members. Thus, although as authors we could construct a generic image of couples with adolescents and a particular trajectory of adolescent development, such constructions would undermine the very foundations of current conceptual approaches to couple and family work. This issue of uniqueness versus generality extends also to the therapists seeing couples with adolescents. We therapists represent greater hetero- geneity than is often apparent in descriptions of professional training pro- grams regarding which credentialing agencies and state licensing bodies tend to emphasize common (core) beliefs and competencies rather than the diversity. Training to uniform standards often ill serves clinicians who enter practice in diverse contexts (e. Many of our traditional mental health training programs, for ex- ample, still center on interventions that involve certain levels of intellectual capacity, motivation to change, and value systems about what "family" and various roles therein "should be. Some communities repre- sent considerable multicultural diversity; for example, in one south Florida agency, our clients and therapists represent the following cultures: African American, third-generation Cuban American, first-generation Central American, Haitian/Creole speaking, and a small number of Anglo families. In other communities, FFT therapists represent and clinically treat almost no diversity (e. Finally, diversity rather than uniformity also reflects many of the family forms and structures we see. Even in a cohort of ado- lescents who are more or less in similar developmental stages, some are living with a couple that represents their birth parents, some with a step- parent, some with a couple that represents a parent and grandparent who share (comfortably or dysfunctionally) parenting roles, some are adopted, and some live in temporary or longer term foster homes. Although it is important to consider these myriad variations, we cannot discuss couples with adolescents in a way that ignores commonalities that do exist. It does little good to adopt the totally transactional or contextu- alist perspective (e. For example, not all repre- sentatives of a religious belief system share identical spiritual beliefs, but as a group one can identify general differences, which can inform the clinician preparing to work with a couple who self-identifies as Muslim as opposed to couples who self-identify as Orthodox Jewish, Christian, Japanese Bud- dhist, or couples not professing any particular theological orientation. Case examples can be compelling and informative, but much of our theoretical, empirical, and experiential base for the field is founded (whether we like it or not) on fairly homogeneous groups, or groups that are treated as though they are homogeneous at the expense of recognizing and honoring their in- dividual differences. In addressing the chapter content (couples with adolescents), we had a choice to struggle with these ubiquitous tensions (e. Dialectic (from the American Heritage Dictionary) is defined as "The Hegelian process of change whereby an ideational entity (thesis) is trans- formed into its opposite (antithesis) and preserved and fulfilled by it, the combination of the two being resolved in a higher form of truth (synthesis). Among those with cognitive impairment or presence of a Charcot joint discount 150 mg diflucan otc, orthostatic hypotension order diflucan 50mg free shipping, difficulty reporting pain, other clinicians, family, and impaired gastric emptying, or incontinence may indicate caregivers may be helpful in providing a more accurate autonomic nervous system dysfunction that can imply description. It is important to assess functional status to identify Elders may tend to underreport pain, despite substantial self-care deficits and formulate treatment plans that functional impairment. Functional problems and multiple sources of pain make assessment status can also represent an important outcome measure more difficult. Functional status can be sensory function, and denial and avoidance behaviors evaluated from information taken from the history and may all contribute to underreporting. Pain History and Physical Examination A brief psychologic and social evaluation is also impor- Assessment of pain should begin with a thorough history tant. Depression, anxiety, social isolation, and disengage- and physical examination to help establish a diagnosis of ment are all common in patients with chronic pain. There underlying disease and form a baseline description of is a significant association between chronic pain and pain experiences. The history should include questions to depression, even when controlling for overall health and elicit: when the pain started; what events or illnesses coin- functional status. Psychologic evaluation Unidimensional scales consist of a single item that should also include consideration of anxiety and coping usually relates to pain intensity alone. Anxiety is common among patients with acute and usually easy to administer and require little time or train- chronic pain and requires extra time and frequent reas- ing to produce reasonably valid and reliable results. Chronic pain often have found widespread use in many clinical settings to requires effective coping skills for anxiety and other monitor treatment effects and for quality assurance indi- emotional feelings that can be learned. It is important to remember that therapy, biofeedback, or some psychoactive medications unidimensional pain scales often require framing the pain may be necessary for developing and maintaining effec- question appropriately for maximum reliability. Subjects tive coping strategies as well as management of major should be asked about pain in the present tense (here and psychiatric complications. For example, the interviewer should frame the explored for availability and involvement of family and question, "How much pain are you having right now? It has been shown that the family’s and Alternatively, the interviewer can ask, "How much pain informal caregivers’ involvement can have a substantial have you had over the last week? Need for frequent cognitive impairment have shown that pain reports transportation, administration of pain treatments, and requiring recall are influenced by pain at the moment. Pain Assessment Scales A variety of pain scales are available to help categorize and quantify the magnitude of pain complaints. Results Pain Assessment in Persons with of these scales are also helpful in documenting and com- Cognitive Impairment municating pain experiences. It is helpful to evaluate pain using an appropriate pain scale initially and periodically Cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, or to maximize treatment outcomes. Results can be dementia can present substantial challenges to pain recorded in flow chart or graph, making it easy to iden- assessment. Fortunately, it has been shown that pain tify stability or changes in pain over time. Because there reports from those with mild to moderate cognitive are no objective biologic markers or "gold standards," the impairment are no less valid than other patients with validity of pain scales relies largely on face value, corre- normal cognitive function. In general, multidimensional Thus, most elderly patients with mild to moderate cogni- scales with multiple items often provide more stable tive impairment appear to have the capacity to report measurement and evaluation of pain in several domains. The scale tidimensional scales are often long, time consuming, and consists of nine items scored by a trained examiner after can be difficult to score at the bedside, making them dif- observation of a noncommunicative patient. Testing of the scale has demonstrated of these scales specifically in elderly populations. I n s t r u m e n t D e s c r i p t i o n T a r g e t V a l i d i t y R e l i a b i l i t y A d v a n t a g e s D i s a d v a n t a g e s R e f e r e n c e s M c G i l l P a i n S u b j e c t s a s k e d t o i d e n t i f y w o r d s A l l p a i n G o o d G o o d M u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l , L o n g , d i f fi c u l t t o M e l z a c k 2 4 Q u e s t i o n n a i r e d e s c r i p t i v e o f i n d i v i d u a l p a i n f r o m e x t e n s i v e l y s t u d i e d s c o r e 7 8 w o r d s g r o u p e d i n 2 0 c a t e g o r i e s ; o v e r a l o n g t i m e ; p l u s 4 o t h e r i t e m s ( i n c l u d i n g a 5 - m a y d i s c r i m i n a t e p o i n t w o r d d e s c r i p t i v e s c a l e o f b e t w e e n t y p e s o f p a i n i n t e n s i t y a t t h e m o m e n t [ P P I ] p a i n s c o r e d s e p a r a t e l y ) S h o r t - F o r m 1 5 w o r d s s c o r e d o n L i k e r t s c a l e , A l l p a i n G o o d G o o d S h o r t e r t h a n o r i g i n a l M a y n o t M e l z a c k 2 5 M c G i l l P a i n p l u s a v i s u a l a n a l o g u e a n d P P I s c a l e s M c G i l l ; n o t s t u d i e d a s d i s c r i m i n a t e Q u e s t i o n n a i r e d e e p l y a s o r i g i n a l b e t w e e n p a i n t y p e s W i s c o n s i n B r i e f 1 6 - i t e m s c a l e ; i t e m s s c o r e d C a n c e r G o o d G o o d M u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l S t u d i e d l a r g e l y i n A H C P R C a n c e r P a i n I n v e n t o r y s e p a r a t e l y p a i n c a n c e r p a i n P a i n G u i d e l i n e s 2 6 M e m o r i a l S l o a n – F o u r w o r d d e s c r i p t o r s c a l e s C a n c e r G o o d G o o d M u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l S t u d i e d l a r g e l y i n F i s h m a n e t a l. N e w Y o r k : M c G r a w - H i l l ; 2 0 0 0 : 3 8 9 , w i t h p e r m i s s i o n. Scale Description Validity Reliability Advantages Disadvantages References Visual Analog 100-mm line; Good Fair Continuous scale Requires pencil Clinical Practice vertical or and paper Guidelines5,7,26 horizontal Present Pain 6-point 0–5 scale Good Fair Easy to Usually requires Melzack24 Intensity with word understand, word visual cue descriptors anchors decrease (subscale of clustering toward McGill Pain middle of scale Questionnaire) Graphic pictures Happy faces; Fair Fair Amusing Requires vision Herr et al. Diflucan
10 of 10 - Review by Y. Roland Votes: 140 votes Total customer reviews: 140
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