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![]() ![]() By P. Berek. Anna Maria College. 2018. As the tability increases in severe hypothermia buy discount diclofenac 50mg, causing a sub- circulation increases diclofenac 50 mg fast delivery, a large increase in blood flow stantial danger of ventricular fibrillation, with the risk through cold, acidotic peripheral tissue may return enough increasing as cardiac temperature falls. The primary mech- cold, acidic blood to the heart to cause a transient drop in anism presumably is that cold depresses conduction ve- the temperature and pH of the heart, increasing its suscep- locity in Purkinje fibers more than in ventricular muscle, fa- tibility to ventricular fibrillation. A typical example is the older person, living heart and brain becomes unmeasurable; and extensive alone, who is discovered at home, cool and obtunded or muscular rigidity may mimic rigor mortis. The setting may not particularly suggest hy- may appear clinically dead, but patients have been revived pothermia, and when the patient comes to medical atten- from core temperatures as low as 17 C, so that “no one is tion, the diagnosis may easily be missed because standard dead until warm and dead. Because of the depressant ef- Depression of renal tubular metabolism by cold impairs fect of hypothermia on the brain, the patient’s condition the reabsorption of sodium, causing a diuresis and leading may be misdiagnosed as cerebrovascular accident or other to dehydration and hypovolemia. Respiration and cardiac out- tion depends on the physician’s considering it when ex- put typically are depressed more than metabolic rate, and amining a cool patient whose mental status is impaired a mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis results, be- and obtaining a true core temperature with a low-reading cause of CO2 retention and lactic acid accumulation and glass thermometer or other device. CHAPTER 29 The Regulation of Body Temperature 549 heatstroke but is now known to be a distinct disorder that Hypothermia Occurs When the Body’s Defenses occurs in people with a genetic predisposition. In 90% of Against Cold Are Disabled or Overwhelmed susceptible individuals, biopsied skeletal muscle tissue con- Hypothermia reduces metabolic rate via the Q10 effect and tracts on exposure to caffeine or halothane in concentra- tions having little effect on normal muscle. Susceptibility prolongs the time tissues can safely tolerate a loss of blood may be associated with any of several myopathies, but most flow. Since the brain is damaged by ischemia soon after cir- susceptible individuals have no other clinical manifesta- culatory arrest, controlled hypothermia is often used to tions. The control of free (unbound) calcium ion concen- protect the brain during surgical procedures in which its tration in skeletal muscle cytoplasm is severely impaired in circulation is occluded or the heart is stopped. Much of our susceptible individuals; and when an attack is triggered, knowledge about the physiological effects of hypothermia calcium concentration rises abnormally, activating myosin comes from observations of surgical patients. ATPase and leading to an uncontrolled hypermetabolic During the initial phases of cooling, stimulation of shiv- process that rapidly increases core temperature. Treatment ering through thermoregulatory reflexes overwhelms the with dantrolene sodium, which appears to act by reducing Q10 effect. Metabolic rate, therefore, increases, reaching a the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, peak at a core temperature of 30 to 33 C. At lower core has dramatically reduced the mortality rate of this disorder. Other velops, wherein a fall in core temperature depresses metab- than producing specific disorders, heat exposure aggravates olism and allows core temperature to fall further, so that at several other diseases. Epidemiological studies show that 17 C, the O2 consumption is about 15%, and cardiac out- during unusually hot weather, mortality may be 2 to 3 times put 10%, of precooling values. Deaths ascribed to specific heat disorders account poses is called accidental hypothermia (Clinical Focus Box for only a small fraction of the excess mortality (i. It occurs in individuals whose defenses are impaired crease above the expected mortality). Most of the excess by drugs (especially ethanol, in the United States), disease, mortality is accounted for by deaths from diabetes, various or other physical conditions and in healthy individuals who diseases of the cardiovascular system, and diseases of the are immersed in cold water or become exhausted working blood-forming organs. REVIEW QUESTIONS DIRECTIONS: Each of the numbered (D) Antipyretics increase skin blood Threshold for items or incomplete statements in this flow so as to dissipate more heat, Core Sweating Cutaneous Temperature Threshold Vasodilation section is followed by answers or by increasing circulatory strain during (A) Unchanged Higher Lower completions of the statement. Select the exercise (B) Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged ONE lettered answer or completion that is (E) The increased heat production (C) Higher Higher Higher BEST in each case. A surgical sympathectomy has person, one who is acclimatized to but they are not used to counteract the completely interrupted the cold has increase in core temperature that sympathetic nerve supply to a patient’s (A) Higher metabolic rate in the cold, occurs during exercise. How would one expect the to produce more heat following best explains why it is thermoregulatory skin blood flow and (B) Lower metabolic rate in the cold, inappropriate to use antipyretics for sweating responses on that arm to be to conserve metabolic energy this purpose? Which statement best describes how preventing it temperature is tested in the early the elevated core temperature during (C) Antipyretics are ineffective during morning at 4:00 AM, and again in the fever affects the outcome of most exercise because they act on a afternoon at 4:00 PM. Harrison’s Principles of Internal infection concentration and ECF volume after he Medicine. New York: Mc- (C) Fever is harmful because the has replaced all the water that he lost? Cytokines as endogenous reduces the availability of amino acids (mmol/L) ECF Volume (L) pyrogens. Spermicides excessive bleeding buy discount diclofenac 100 mg online, perforation of the uterus effective diclofenac 50 mg, and in- are inserted into the vagina. Established effective contraceptive because some sperm enter the pregnancy can be interrupted by surgical means (dilata- uterus and oviduct very rapidly. Vasectomy is cutting of the two vasa deferentia, and it prevents sperm from passing into the ejaculate. An in- creased incidence of sperm antibodies occurs following Contraceptive Use and Efficacy Rates vasectomy, but its consequences are unknown. Restorative surgery for the reversal of a tubal ligation and a vasectomy Accidental can be performed; its success is limited. Estimated Use Pregnancy Oral contraceptive steroids prevent ovulation by reduc- Method (%) in Year 1 (%) ing LH and FSH secretion through negative feedback. Re- duced secretion of LH and FSH retard follicular develop- Pill 32 3 ment. The pill’s effectiveness is also increased by Female sterilization 19 0. Exogenous estrogen and prog- Diaphragm 4–6 2–23 esterone are likely to alter normal endometrial develop- Spermicides 5 20 ment and may contribute to their detrimental effects in the Rhythm 4 20 early establishment of pregnancy. Progesterone thickens Intrauterine device 3 6 cervical mucus and reduces oviductal peristalsis, imped- From Developing New Contraceptives: Obstacles and Opportuni- ing gamete transport. Noncontraceptive benefits of the pill include a reduction CHAPTER 39 Fertilization, Pregnancy, and Fetal Development 701 is moderate in humans. In non-breast-feeding women, the reduction in the effectiveness of intrinsic CNS inhibition menstrual cycle may return within 1 month after delivery, over the GnRH pulse generator. The mechanisms underly- whereas fully lactating women have a period of several ing these changes are unclear but might involve endoge- months of lactational amenorrhea, with the first few men- nous opioids. As a result of disinhibition, the frequency and strual cycles being anovulatory. Initially, pulsatility is results from the combined effects of the act of suckling most prominent at night, entrained by deep sleep; later it and elevated PRL levels. PRL suppresses ovulation by in- becomes established throughout the 24-hour period. It is also possible that PRL may (up-regulation) and augments the synthesis, storage, and inhibit the action of the low circulating levels of go- secretion of the gonadotropins. Thus, follicular develop- ness of FSH to GnRH in females occurs earlier than that of ment would be suppressed by a direct inhibitory action of LH, accounting for a higher FSH/LH ratio at the onset of PRL on the ovary. Although fertility is reduced by lacta- puberty than during late puberty and adulthood. A reversal tion, there are numerous other methods of contraception of the ratio is seen again after menopause. The sensitivity of gonadotrophs to GnRH is in- creased, the secretion of LH and FSH is augmented, the go- The Onset of Puberty Depends on Maturation nads become more responsive to the gonadotropins, and of the Hypothalamic GnRH Pulse Generator the secretion of gonadal hormones is stimulated. The rising The onset of puberty depends on a sequence of matura- circulating levels of gonadal steroids induce progressive de- tional processes that begin during fetal life. The hypothal- velopment of the secondary sex characteristics and estab- amic-pituitary-gonadal axis undergoes a prolonged and lish an adult pattern of negative feedback on the hypothal- multiphasic activation-inactivation process. Activation of the positive-feedback tion, LH and FSH levels in fetal blood are elevated, reach- mechanism in females and the capacity to exhibit an estro- ing near adult values. Experimental evidence suggests that gen-induced LH surge is a late event, expressed in midpu- the hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator is operative at this berty to late puberty. The levels of FSH are lower in males than in females, prob- Lasting 3 to 5 years, the process involves the development ably because of suppression by fetal testosterone at midges- of secondary sex characteristics, a growth spurt, and the ac- tation. As the levels of placental steroids increase, they ex- ert negative feedback on GnRH release, lowering LH and FSH to very low levels toward the end of gestation. Ovulation Girls After birth, the newborn is deprived of maternal and pla- Breast bud begins cental steroids. The reduction in steroidal negative feed- back stimulates gonadotropin secretion, which stimulates Pubic hair begins the gonads, resulting in transient increases in serum testos- terone in male infants and estradiol in females. Diclofenac
9 of 10 - Review by P. Berek Votes: 133 votes Total customer reviews: 133
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