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![]() ![]() By U. Lares. North Carolina School of the Arts. 2018. The high RL results in a pressure negative PA during measurement has to be taken decrease along the expiratory airway (Pairway#) until into account;! This is called dynamic airway compression cheap unisom 25 mg on line, which TheslopeofthestaticrestingPVcurve 25 mg unisom for sale,∆Vpulm/ often results in a life-threatening vicious cycle: r#! The is the work required to overcome the intrinsic elastic curve loses its steepness, i. Inspiratoryworkis decreases, in old age or in the presence of lung defined as ARinsp + Aelast. The above statements apply to lung-and-chest com- Thus, expiratory work is ARexp – Aelast. It is also possible to calculate compliance for also require muscle energy if ARexp becomes larger the chest wall alone (∆VA/∆Ppl = 2L/kPa) or for the than Aelast—e. PV relationships can also be plotted during 116 maximum expiratory and inspiratory effort to Despopoulos, Color Atlas of Physiology © 2003 Thieme All rights reserved. Pressure-volume relationships of the lung-chest system 0 Volume 0 0 p>0 p>>0 0 2 5 Vpulm(L) +3 1 4 2 Air compression Resting position +2 Vpulm= 0 PA= 0 +1 5 Resting position +5 +10 +15 PA(kPa) Air expansion 1 –10 –5 6 –1 3 7 –2 0 p<<0 0 p<0 6 Passive lung and chest forces Maximum force of expiratory muscles 3 Maximum force of inspiratory muscles B. Surface tension is the main factor that deter- Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, a mines the compliance of the lung-chest system serious pulmonary gas exchange disorder, is (! This can completely collapsed lung with (a) air or (b) ultimately result in alveolar collapse (atelecta- liquid. This represents the open- Dynamic Lung Function Tests ing pressure, which raises the alveolar pres- sure (PA) to about 2kPa or 15mmHg when the The maximum breathing capacity (MBC) is the total lung capacity is reached (! In greatest volume of gas that can be breathed example (b), the resistance and therefore PA is (for 10s) by voluntarily increasing the tidal only one-fourth as large. The MBC larger pressure requirement in example (a) is normally ranges from 120 to 170L/min. Whenitsabsolutevalueis Since γ normally remains constant for the re- related to the forced vital capacity (FVC), the spective liquid (e. If a flat soap bubble is pelled from the lungs as quickly and as force- positioned on the opening of a cylinder, r will fully as possible from a position of full inspira- be relatively large (! It is often slightly lower than the two air-liquid interfaces have to be considered vital capacity VC (! For the tory flow, which is measured using a bubble volume to expand, r must initially pneumotachygraph during FVC measurement, decrease and ∆P must increase (! As the bubble further expands, r in- distinguishing restrictive lung disease (RLD) creases again (! This model volume, as in pulmonary edema, pneumonia demonstrates that, in the case of two alveoli and impaired lung inflation due to spinal cur- connected with each other (! A4), the smaller vature,whereasOLDischaracterizedbyphysi- one (∆P2 high) would normally become even cal narrowing of the airways, as in asthma, smaller while the larger one (∆P1 low) be- bronchitis, emphysema, and vocal cord paraly- comes larger due to pressure equalization. Surfactantisamixtureof Despopoulos, Color Atlas of Physiology © 2003 Thieme All rights reserved. Surface tension (soap bubble model) r1> r2 ∆P1< ∆P2 ∆P r r1 ∆P r2 ∆P r ∆P1 ∆P2 r 1 2 3 4 B. Maximum breathing capacity (MBC) Maximum respiratory depth and rate +2 Normal +1 Abnormal 0 –1 10s Spirometer Paper feed C. Forced expired volume in first second (FEV1) Maximum expiratory rate +2 +1 Abnormal 0 Normal –1 1s Paper feed 1 Measurement 1. Multiply- O2 diffuses about 1–2µm from alveolus to ing these volumes by the respiratory rate (f in bloodstream (diffusion distance). If,atagiventotalventi- long enough for the blood to equilibrate with lation (VE = VT! When f is doubled and VE T drops to one- blood enters the arterialized blood through. This extra-alveolar shunt as well as ventilation–per- Alveolar gas exchange can therefore decrease fusion inequality (! The catheter may be changed over a guidewire cheap 25 mg unisom overnight delivery, but some centers do not advocate this practice effective 25mg unisom. In the absence of florid sepsis, or if placement of a new line would jeopardize the ability to obtain vascular access, then quantitative cultures of blood from a peripheral site and the line may be obtained and treatment may be based on the results of these cultures, once avail- able. Using isolator tubes (Dupont), colony counts are performed 16–18 h after obtaining the culture. If the colony count from the catheter is equal to or greater than five times the count from the peripheral culture, the result is interpreted as probable catheter infection. Pulmonary Embolism PE is a major cause of death in the United States (approximately 150,000 deaths annually) and the world. Deep venous thrombosis is known to be responsible for a majority of PE in hospitalized patients. It is estimated that about 90% of all PE originate in the femoral–iliac–pelvic veins. DVT is caused by the classical causes of thromboses: vessel in- jury, hypercoagulability, or stasis. Prevention of DVT: Prevention is especially important in “high-risk” patients (those with malignancy, obesity, previous history, age >40 years, extensive abdominal/pelvic surgery, immobilization). For patients undergoing surgery, prevention should be initiated in the operating room. Intermittent compression stockings and the selected use of heparin have 20 greatly reduced the incidence of DVT in the postoperative patient. Remember that prophy- laxis against DVT is effective only when started preoperatively for those patients under- going surgery. These include leg elevation, intermittent compression devices, early postoperative ambulation. None is diagnostic, but may include dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia, chest pain (usually pleuritic), PO2 <80 (compare with baseline). A normal scan effectively rules out PE, and a positive scan is sufficient evidence to treat the patient. An indeterminate scan in a symptomatic pa- tient with a high index of suspicion necessitates angiography. Prevents clot propagation, decreases inflammation, and al- lows intrinsic fibrinolysis to lyse the clot. Monitor the platelet count because some patients can manifest “heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Start oral warfarin (Coumadin) by day 7 of heparin therapy, to maintain a thera- peutic ratio. In cases of massive embolus, thrombolytic therapy (streptokinase) can be used in the absence of contraindications. Open embolectomy, using cardiopulmonary bypass, has been effective in some cases of massive PE. In patients who cannot undergo systemic anticoagulation (those with recent surgery, stroke, GI bleeding, etc) or patients with recurrent emboli despite adequate therapy, vena caval interruption may be indicated using an intracaval filter or a caval clip (placed transabdominally). QUICK REFERENCE TO CRITICAL CARE/ICU FORMULAS See Table 20–9 GUIDELINES FOR ADULT CRITICAL CARE DRUG INFUSIONS 20 See Table 20–10 T A B L E 2 0 – 9 Q u i c k R e f e r e n c e t o C o m m o n I C U E q u a t i o n s D e t e r m i n a t i o n D e r i v a t i o n N o r m a l R A P, C V P M e a s u r e d 2 – 1 0 m m H g R V P M e a s u r e d 1 5 – 3 0 / 0 – 5 m m H g P A S / P A D M e a s u r e d 1 5 – 3 0 / 8 – 1 5 m m H g P C W P M e a s u r e d 5 – 1 1 m m H g C O M e a s u r e d ( C O = S V × H R ) 3. T A B L E 2 0 – 1 0 G u i d e l i n e s f o r A d u l t C r i t i c a l C a r e D r u g I n f u s i o n s * ( F i n a l C o n c e n t r a t i o n ) D r u g D i l u t i o n F l o w R a t e = m L / h U s u a l D o s e R a n g e A m r i n o n e 5 0 0 m g ( 2 m g / m L ) ( I n o c o r ) 2 5 0 m L 1 5 0 0 µ g / m i n = 4 5 L D = 0. D 5 W o r P S S 3 0 0 0 µ g / m i n = 1 8 I n c r e a s e b y 5 0 µ / k g / m i n i n c r e m e n t s e v e r y 5 m i n u t e s ( c o n t i n u e d ) T A B L E 2 0 – 1 0 ( C o n t i n u e d ) ( F i n a l C o n c e n t r a t i o n ) D r u g D i l u t i o n F l o w R a t e = m L / h U s u a l D o s e R a n g e I s o p r o t e r e n o l 2 m g ( 8 µ g / m L ) I n i t i a l l y : 1 – 4 µ g / m i n ( I s u p r e l ) 5 0 0 m L 1 0 µ g / m i n = 7 5 6 µ g / m i n = 4 5 T i t r a t e u p t o 2 0 µ g / m i n D 5 W o r P S S 4 µ g / m i n = 3 0 2 µ g / m i n = 1 5 1 µ g / m i n = 7. S o u r c e : R e p r i n t e d, w i t h p e r m i s s i o n, f r o m T h o m a s J e f f e r s o n U n i v e r s i t y P h a r m a c y a n d T h e r a p e u t i c C o m m i t t e e, P h i la d e lp h i a, P A. In cardiopul- monary resuscitation, remember there are now two sets of ABCDs: Primary Survey • Airway: Assess and manage noninvasively. These are also called PADs and are becoming widely available in public areas such as airports, sta- diums, health clubs, and shopping malls. Assessment: Pain and crepitation above the radial styloid suggest nonspecific tenosynovitis of the abductor pollicis longus and the exten- sor pollicis brevis (see Muckard test for etiology) generic unisom 25 mg on line. Buckup purchase unisom 25mg visa, Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Grind Test Assessment of osteoarthritis in the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb. Procedure: The examiner grasps the painful thumb and performs grinding motions while compressing the thumb along its longitudinal axis. Assessment: Pain reported in the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is usually due to osteoarthritis in the joint. Tenderness to palpation and painful instability are additional signs of wear in the joint. Linburg Test Indicates congenital malformation of the flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum profundus tendons. Procedure: The patient is asked to bring the thumb against the palm of the hand in a combined flexion and adduction motion with the fingers extended. Buckup, Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Bunnell-Littler Test Assessment of an ischemic contracture in the intrinsic musculature of the hand. In the first part of the test, the examiner evaluates passive and active flexion in all three joints of a finger. In the second part of the test, the examiner immobilizes the metacarpophalangeal joint in extension and again evaluates flexion in the middle and distal interphalangeal joints of the finger. Assessment: In the presence of an ischemic contracture of the intrinsic muscles of the hand, the patient will be unable to actively or passively flex or extend the middle or distal interphalangeal joint when the meta- carpophalangeal joint is passively immobilized in extension. Withthewristactivelyorpassivelyflexed, active flexion of the middle and distal interphalangeal joints is possible. The test allows one to distinguish an ischemic contracture from other articular changes such as joint stiffness, tendon adhesions, and tenosynovitis. Increased pressure in the fascial compartments of the hand produces a typical deformity with flexion in the metacarpophalangeal joints, Buckup, Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Procedure: This test is performed with the patient seated with the elbows supported. Assessment: In a positive test, the proximal pole of the scaphoid displaces toward the dorsal margin of the scaphoid fossa, subluxates, and impinges against the index finger. This snapping is associated with pain and is a sign of an injury to the scapholunate ligaments. Buckup, Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Procedure: The examiner holds the lunate between the thumb and index finger of one hand and the triquetrum between the fingers of the other while attempting to move the two bones relative to each other. Assessment: In a positive test, this shear motion is painful even if instability cannot always be demonstrated. Triquetrolunate instability can result from trauma involving hyper- pronation or hyperextension. Tenderness to palpation over the triquetrolunate joint and pain with motion can be provoked, but pronation and supination do not cause any pain. Patients occasionally describe the instability as a clicking that occurs during wrist motion. Procedure: The examiner holds the scaphoid and lunate tightly be- tween the thumb and index finger of both hands while moving them relative to each other in a dorsal and volar direction, respectively. Assessment: Instability is present where the resistance of the scapho- lunate ligament complex to these shear forces is reduced. Scapholunate instability occurs as a result of a fall on the thumb with the forearm pronated and the wrist extended and in ulnar deviation, or as the result of an impact in ball sports. This causes a tear in the ligaments between the scaphoid and Buckup, Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved. Chronic scapholunate instability can also occur without trauma, for example secondary to removal of a ganglion or in degenerative disorders. Patients complain of severe tenderness to palpation and pain with motion in the proximal radial wrist, especially when support- ing the body with the hands. One of the challenges in this scenario is the replacement of in situ examinations as a way to collect evidence about symptoms cheap unisom 25 mg line. It is purchase 25mg unisom with visa, however, also important to provide a means to replace oral questions about the development of the symptoms through time. Intelligent support in Internet-based medical assistance is a challenging area that demands a synergistic multidisciplinary effort involving areas of research like human- computer interaction, security, databases, and medical informatics. It also demands further multidisciplinary interaction between those whose knowledge of time-oriented systems will find in the area of medicine a challenging but highly rewarding field of application. Researchers and practitioners from medical informatics, TR in AI, temporal databases, active databases, real-time databases, visualization of dynamic systems, and real-time systems should have some knowledge and experience to share in this fertile area. Although we believe all the areas listed above are important we will exemplify how this context will affect key aspects of the traditional interaction between the professional and patient during effective diagnosis. More specifically, we highlight the importance of handling time-related concepts in Internet-based medicine and how its use may affect the accuracy of diagnosis. We have found that existing systems do not handle the richness of time-related concepts during the diagnosis stage and the variety of temporal refer- ences required. For example, some symptoms are described as occurring on a particular day, like “The symptoms started last Monday”. Some of them are identified precisely once the duration is known, for example, “He had fever for three days”. Sometimes the duration is not precisely identifiable and there is some degree of uncertainty the system should be able to handle, for example, “Started yesterday evening and stopped at some point during the night”. It is important to recognize repetitive processes, for example, “He has headaches each time that he goes to music class” and frequencies of occurrence, for example, “He has been taking this medicine three times each day”. Rich calendric references should be handled, like seasons, in order to discover potential causes of disease, for example allergies. Here we consider why, where and when these issues are important in the context of Internet-based medical assistance. Interaction Shifts with Internet-Based Diagnosis The use of the Internet as an intermediate level between health centers and patients brings a shift in the interaction and the usual tasks involved. The interaction is no longer a physical meeting but instead there is a media that may restrict, sometimes significantly, what each person involved in the communication perceives from each other. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. Here the interaction between (i) a rich interface that allows extraction of information from the patient in terms of the symptoms and (ii) suitable algorithms that can relate a, most possibly, incomplete description of symptoms to a meaningful subset of possible scenarios, will be crucial for the effectiveness of such systems. In a routine visit to a clinician, natural language, body language and other usual means of communications between humans are available. With Internet-based consultations we can consider some substitutes like video and sound but some of them may or may not be available. There may be occasions when these media would not be usable, for example, due to privacy issues. Until image, video and sound are widely available at the level of quality required to replace a face to face clinical examination we focus on the more basic and less sophisticated ways of collecting information via dynamically generated web based forms that can be used as the base for interaction either in synchronous or asynchronous communication between patient and health professional. Other areas of computer science become relevant like Natural Language processing and appropriate interfaces that are friendly enough for the patient while gathering as much information for the clinicians as possible. At the diagnosis level different subtleties will help to identify between a possible dangerous situation and a non-dangerous one or between two diseases that may require very different treatment even when they share similar symptoms, for example, flu and hepatitis. Being able to successfully detect the described symptoms with pre-known patterns of disease will require mechanisms like: a) disambiguating relative orders between events and descriptions, b) inferring possible durations for them when they are not given explicitly, c) dealing with degrees of uncertainty in terms of the temporal scope of a given set of events and conditions, d) using the partial list obtained at any time during the interaction to assess which is the most likely scenario which in turn will help to select which questions to ask next or which information to gather in order to maximize efficiency during the diagnosis process. There are quite a few hypotheses that must be taken into account to supply the system with extra information that is available or gathered by other means. One basic point is that patients should have a history, the normal approach for storing time-related information being temporal databases (Tansel, Clifford, Gadia, Jajodia, Segev, & Snodgrass, 1993; Etzioni, Jajodia, & Sripada, 1998). Also, the system should be time sensitive in the sense that each subsequent visit should provide a different context. For example, if the purpose of the later visit is to incorporate further information about a previous description of symptoms, the system should react accordingly and should present information differ- ently and/or different information. Once all the symptoms have been entered and those that are relevant to the hypothetical syndrome are identified, the system may advise on how to monitor for their evolution in time. The rules for diagnosis should be “time-aware” and the interface with the patient should allow some way to clearly indicate key time-based references, for example, the frequency, Copyright © 2005, Idea Group Inc. Unisom
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