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By S. Jarock. Southeastern Bible College.

His symptoms started 6 weeks ago order risperdal 2mg visa, with crusted lesions localized on his face generic 3 mg risperdal amex, back, and chest; he denies having any oral lesions. He has no med- ical history and is not taking any medications. On physical examination, the patient has several crusted lesions on his face, upper chest, and back. Results of a skin biopsy are consistent with pemphigus foliaceus. Of the following, which is the most appropriate treatment for this patient? Prednisone Key Concept/Objective: To understand the treatment of pemphigus foliaceus Initial therapy for pemphigus is determined by the extent and rate of progression of lesions. Localized, slowly progressive disease can be treated with intralesional injections of corticosteroids or topical application of high-potency corticosteroids. New lesions that continue to appear in increasing numbers can be controlled in some cases with low-dose systemic corticosteroids (prednisone, 20 mg/day). Patients with extensive or rapidly pro- gressive disease are treated with moderately high doses of corticosteroids. If disease activ- ity persists despite high doses of corticosteroids, one of the following approaches should be considered for rapid control: plasmapheresis; intravenous immunoglobulin; or pulse therapy with high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone. Although pemphigus foliaceus is less severe than pemphigus vulgaris, the doses of medications required for treatment of both diseases are similar. A 30-year-old woman comes to clinic complaining of blisters on her body. The lesions consist of very pruritic, small blisters on her arms, buttocks, and back. She says she had a similar lesion a few months ago that resolved on its own after a few weeks. Physical examination is significant for multiple small papules and vesicles on the elbows, buttocks, and lower back; there are signs of previous scratching. A skin biopsy specimen shows microabscesses at the tips of dermal papillae and granular deposits of IgA on the basement membrane zone. On the basis of this patient’s clinical presentation, what is the most likely diagnosis, and what treatment would you prescribe? Pemphigus foliaceus; azathioprine Key Concept/Objective: To know the clinical presentation and management of dermatitis herpetiformis 2 DERMATOLOGY 23 Dermatitis herpetiformis is a vesiculobullous disease characterized by intensely pruritic, small vesicles that are grouped in small clusters and typically appear on the extensor aspects of extremities and on the buttocks, scalp, and back. The condition is believed to be an immune-mediated disorder and is associated with abnormal granular deposits of IgA at the basement membrane zone and with asymptomatic, gluten-sensitive, spruelike enteropathy. The disease is chronic, with periods of exacerbation and remission. Lesions may clear if patients follow a strict gluten-free diet. Dermatitis herpetiformis responds rap- idly and dramatically to dapsone. Erythema multiforme is characterized by the presence of target lesions; it commonly affects mucosal surfaces. The histologic findings include subepidermal edema and a deep perivascular mononuclear infiltrate, sometimes with granular deposits of C3 or IgM. Pemphigus vulgaris and foliaceus show acantholysis; on immunofluorescence, intercellular autoantibodies, IgG, IgM, or IgA is seen. A 64-year-old retired Navy officer presents to clinic for a routine health maintenance visit. He has no complaints, but when asked about a pinkish papular lesion near the corner of his left eye, he states that it has been present “for years” and that it has become irritated on occasion with minor trauma or rub- bing. The lesion is 4 to 5 mm in diameter and appears pearly. You recommend that the patient undergo biopsy because you are concerned about the possibility of basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Which of the following epidemiologic and clinical statements is NOT true of BCC? The vast majority of BCCs occur on the head and neck C.

A year ago risperdal 3mg line, she moved to a retirement community order 2mg risperdal free shipping, where she began to eat meals more regularly; during the past year, she has gained 15 lb. She is a lifelong smoker; she smokes one pack of cigarettes a day and has repeatedly refused to receive coun- seling regarding smoking cessation. She has occasional stiffness on waking in the morning. She reports taking the prescribed antihypertensive therapy almost every day. She is concerned about her weight gain because this is the most she has ever weighed. She has reported that she has stopped eating desserts at most meals and is aware that she needs to reduce the amount of fat she eats. She has never exercised regularly, but her daughter has told her to ask about an aerobic exer- cise program. She has asked for exercise recommendations, although she does not know whether it will make much difference. Which of the following would you recommend for this patient? Attendance at a structured aerobic exercise program at least three times a week ❏ B. Membership in the neighborhood YMCA for swimming ❏ C. Walking three times a week, preferably with a partner ❏ D. Contacting a personal trainer to develop an individualized exercise program ❏ E. No additional exercise because she has symptoms of osteoarthritis Key Concept/Objective: To recognize that even modest levels of physical activity such as walking and gardening are protective even if they are not started until midlife to late in life Changes attributed to aging closely resemble those that result from inactivity. In sedentary patients, cardiac output, red cell mass, glucose tolerance, and muscle mass decrease. Systolic blood pressure, serum cholesterol levels, and body fat increase. Regular exercise appears to retard these age-related changes. In elderly individuals, physical activity is also associated with increased functional status and decreased mortality. Although more stud- ies are needed to clarify the effects of exercise in the elderly, enough evidence exists to war- rant a recommendation of mild exercise for this patient, along with counseling concern- ing the benefits of exercise at her age. Walking programs increase aerobic capacity in indi- viduals in their 70s with few injuries. Although structured exercise is most often recom- mended by physicians, recent studies demonstrate that even modest levels of physical activity such as walking and gardening are beneficial. Such exercise is protective even if it is not started until midlife or late in life. Because this patient is used to a sedentary lifestyle 4 BOARD REVIEW and is not strongly motivated to begin exercising, compliance with exercise recommen- dations may be an issue. Lifestyle interventions appear to be as effective as formal exercise programs of similar intensity in improving cardiopulmonary fitness, blood pressure, and body composition. Exercise does not appear to cause or accelerate osteoarthritis. However, counseling concerning warm-ups, stretches, and a graded increase in exercise intensity can help prevent musculoskeletal problems as a side effect of exercise. A 50-year-old woman presents for a follow-up visit to discuss the laboratory results from her annual physical examination and a treatment plan. Her total serum cholesterol level is 260 mg/dl, which is up from 200 mg/dl the previous year. Her blood pressure is 140/100 mm Hg, which is up from 135/90 mm Hg; she weighs 165 lb, a gain of 12 lb from the previous year. Results from other tests and her physical examination are normal.

9 of 10 - Review by S. Jarock
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