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By S. Denpok. Olivet College. 2018.

This is the point at which the effect of the message and its meaning to the receiver are gauged order 0.5mg dutas with amex, and it relates to the meaning the receiver attaches to it generic dutas 0.5mg on-line. Feedback refers to the aspect of the receiver’s response that the receiver communi- cates back to the sender. The type of feedback will depend on the channel, and the effectiveness of the effort is gauged in terms of the feedback. Communication experts indicate that effective communication requires certain attributes. The communication must contain value for the receiver and be meaningful, relevant, understandable, and capable of being transmitted in a few seconds. Furthermore, the communication must lend itself to visual presentation if possible, be relevant to the lives of real people, and stimulate the receiver emotionally. Government Relations Long before most healthcare organizations considered the incorporation of a formal marketing function they were involved in government relations activities. Healthcare organizations are typically regulated by organizations within their state and for some purposes by federal regulations. The reim- bursement available to healthcare providers may be controlled by govern- ment agencies, and not-for-profit organizations must continuously demonstrate to government agencies that they deserve their tax-exempt status. For these reasons healthcare organizations often must maintain dis- course with a variety of government agencies, cultivate relationships with politicians and other policymakers, and initiate lobbying activities directed toward various levels of government. Networking Networking involves developing and nurturing relationships with individuals and organizations with which mutually beneficial transactions may be car- ried out. Physicians and other clinicians, who until recently would never deign to advertise, do actively network among their colleagues. This may involve a specialist casually running into potential referring physicians at the coun- try club or attending meetings that may involve potential clients, partners, or referral agents. Networking is particularly effective when Basic M arketing Concepts 83 dealing with parties with whom it is difficult to get "face time" or when one desires an informal setting involving personal interaction. Sales Promotion Sales promotion refers to any benefit (tangible or intangible) that offers a direct inducement to purchasers or an incentive for resellers, salespersons, or consumers. Sales promotions are more likely to be associated with the sale of consumer-health products (e. The sales-promotion mix could include health fairs and trade shows, exhibits, demonstrations, contests and games, premiums and gifts, rebates, low-interest financing, and trade-in allowances. Advertising Advertising refers to any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and pro- motion of ideas, goods, or services by an identifiable sponsor that is trans- mitted via mass media for purposes of achieving marketing objectives. The advertising mix could include print advertising, electronic advertising, mail- ings, catalogs, brochures, posters, directories, outdoor ads, and displays. These activities are organized in the form of an advertising campaign that involves a series of ads placed in various advertising media to reach a par- ticular target market. Personal Sales Personal sales involves the oral presentation of promotional material in a conversation with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making sales. The process attempts to achieve mutually profitable economic exchanges between buyer and seller based on interpersonal contact and the seller’s persuasive communication of his or her product’s/service’s quali- ties and the benefits for the buyer. The personal selling mix could include sales presentations, sales meetings, incentive programs, distribution of sam- ples, and fairs and trade shows. Database Marketing Database marketing involves the establishment and exploitation of data on past and current customers, along with future prospects, structured to allow for implementation of effective marketing strategies. Database marketing can be used for any purpose that can benefit from access to customer information. These functions may include evaluating new prospects, cross-selling related products, launching new products to existing customers, identifying new distribution channels, building customer 84 arketing Health Services loyalty, converting occasional users to regular users, generating inquiries and follow-up sales, and establishing niche marketing initiatives. The database established for this purpose often provides the basis for cus- tomer relationship management and may be an integral part of an orga- nization’s call center. Direct Marketing Direct marketing is a form of marketing that targets specific groups or indi- viduals with specific characteristics and subsequently transmits promotional messages directly to them.

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Acupuncture was reintroduced only after Mao Zedong came to power purchase dutas 0.5mg online, and its justification then was purely eco- nomic: this cheap technique helped make up for the lack of drugs purchase dutas 0.5mg line. So today, in China, people may still resort to acupuncture, but its impor- tance is diminishing day by day and it seems to be increasingly an ex- port product. The principles of acupuncture are entirely based on the notion that an individual’s vital energy is conveyed throughout the whole body, via special paths called meridian lines. These meridian lines are supposedly accessible from certain points in the skin: the acupuncture points. In these doctrines, all the elements that make up the world are characterized by a balance (or an imbalance) between the two generating principles of the uni- verse, the yin and the yang. Yin, the female principle, is associated with the negative pole, with cold, water, the night, the moon, weakness. Yang, the male princi- ple, represents the positive pole, heat, the sun, daytime, strength, en- ergy. All of creation is the result of a subtle equilibrium between the yin and the yang, whose union is expressed in every being and every object that populates the universe. Energy balance is the balance of the yin and the yang within the same body — although that does not mean that the two poles are equal. Disease was considered an expression of a disturbance in this in- ternal energy balance — too much (or not enough) yin, or too much (or not enough) yang. This notion of energy equilibrium goes hand in hand with a theory of the origins of the world that is based on five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Every expression of nature (including pathologies) is the complex result of the predominance of one or more of these ele- ments, together with the balance or the disturbance of the energy bal- ance. This gives you some idea of how complex the theoretical bases of Chinese medicine were; and the Chinese were familiar with traditional anatomy, as well, although they sometimes re-interpreted and cor- rected it to "adhere" to the requirements of the Taoist doctrines. For example, besides the "traditional" organs (liver, heart, spleen, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, stomach, bladder, small intestine, large intes- tine, gall bladder), man and woman were endowed with an additional 3 organ: the great heat source, which does not have any equivalent in 4 traditional W estern medicine. Each of these organs has a correspond- ing meridian line that goes from the surface of the skin to the organ in question, and to the end of the limbs. These are the "subtle channels" that enable the yin/yang energy to circulate and to manage the organ- 54 Needles and Pains ism’s equilibrium. The technique of acupuncture would be developed to bring en- ergy (toning up) or remove energy (dispersion) at the level of one acu- punctural point. The acupuncturist acts not only in the physiological plane; he works to restore the human being to the "sacred" balance of the Tao. The needle as an antenna: In a way, the needle can be compared to an antenna that connects the internal world to its environment. This interpretation goes with the concept that the needle is regarded as a link between man and "heaven" (the environment). This aspect of acupuncture seems to have taken root as soon as the tool was in- vented: it dates back to the bronze age in China, that is to say around the 17th century before Jesus Christ. And even if, since then, the forms and dimensions have been diversified to correspond with various therapeutic needs, the same inspiration continues to dominate the symbolism. As proof, the traditional range of acupuncture tools com- prises nine needles; in Chinese numerologic tradition, the number nine corresponds to "heaven". Thus, the needle remains an intermedi- ary between "heaven" and man, that is, between man and his sur- 5 roundings. The points are indexed in various treatises, the principal one be- ing the Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine, but practitioners do not entirely agree on how many points there are: from 160 to as many as 650. It should be noted that the "great Chinese medical tradition" needed a decree from the W orld Health Organization to set the final number of points at 361. W HO, to our knowledge, has not yet weighed in with any legisla- tion to standardize the various pulses by which a Chinese doctor can make his energy diagnosis. The Book of the Yellow Emperor describes twelve anatomical locations where the pulse can be felt, but there are fifteen types of pulses (described in the Book of the Pulse, written in 55 Healing or Stealing? Each radial pulse is divided into twelve parts, corresponding to each meridian line — for which the fifteen types of pulse can be de- tected.

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Light Microscopic Appearance of AMPA Receptor Subunits in the Substantia Gelati- nosa When the immunolabeling was revealed according to a nickel-intensified DAB-peroxidase protocol in two animals buy discount dutas 0.5mg online, fine granular reaction product in neu- ronal somata and neuropil was indicative for sites with high concentration of the antigen effective 0.5mg dutas. Neurons immunoreactive for GluR2/3 were also concentrated in superficial laminae (Fig. However, this antibody also abundantly stained a number of neurons of various size and shape throughout the rest of the SC. Fine punctate neuropil staining was present with both antibodies, which was organized in small bundles oriented mediolaterally, especially apparent in the sections labeled with GluR1. In lamina II, the density of neurons immunostained for GluR1 was highest near the IIo/IIi border; few stained cells were seen in the deep IIi (Fig. Neuropil staining with GluR1 overlapped the staining of somata, gradually disappearing at the ventral border of lamina II. The staining achieved with GluR2/3 antibody showed a remarkable difference: density of neuronal and neuropil staining was relatively low at the IIo/IIi border, and highest deep in lamina IIi, extending into lamina III (Fig. GluR2/3 staining is most likely due to the abundance of GluR2 subunit, because the pattern of GluR2 labeling very much resembles those achieved with the GluR2/3 antibody (not shown). Additional results showed that GluR4 antibody produces little and diffuse staining in superficial laminae of the SC. However, recent data suggest that staining with this antibody is concentrated in the presynaptic terminals and these loci are not readily distinguishable with conventional optical microscopy (Lu et al. Termination in the Spinal Cord and Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus 15 ElectronMicroscopy With both GluR1 and GluR2/3 antibodies, gold particles were sparse over cell bodies and dendrites. Gold particles were instead clustered over the postsynaptic density, postsynaptic membrane, and cleft of a large number of asymmetric synapses. A large proportion of terminals with positive synaptic zones could be recognized as originating from PAs, together with synaptic zones of many terminals lacking characteristic glomerular organization, likely to originate from intrinsic neurons. Ninety-four percent of gold particles tallied (410/437) from a sample of 215 glomerular terminals from lamina II were in a region between 30 nm out- side and 40 nm inside the postsynaptic membrane (Popratiloff et al. The majority of gold particles were associated with the postsynaptic membrane and density. The very low density of gold particles away from the synaptic active zones implies that even a single gold particle at the active zone is strong evidence for immunopos- itivity. Examination of serial thin sections confirmed this interpretation, because synapses first identified as labeled by the presence of one gold particle on one sec- tion displayed one or more gold particles also in the adjacent sections (Fig. Relationship Between Types of Terminals and Different Receptor Subunits Terminals of both types were presynaptic to both GluR1 and GluR2/3, but to a different extent. C1 synapses were predominantly GluR1-positive, and synapses were pre- dominantly positive for GluR2/3. Interpretation of the above-mentioned quantitative differences was complicated by the possibility that unlabeled synaptic sites might nonetheless contain recep- tor subunits, or that the concentration of subunits may vary at different types of synapses. To explore this issue, the number of gold particles underlying each ac- tive zone of randomly photographed PA terminals was counted. The counts were roughly Poisson-distributed, reflecting the random exposure of epitopes at the surface of a thin section. However, heterogeneity of synaptic contacts was also suggested, especially for C2 terminals immunopositive for GluR2/3. Immunola- beled C1 synapses contained a similar number of gold particles coding for GluR1, on average, as did immunopositive synapses of C2 terminals (1. On the other hand, immunopositive synapses of C1 terminals contained a markedly lower mean number of gold particles coding for GluR2/3 than did synapses of C2 terminals (1. This could not be explained by differences in dimensions of active zones, because C1 and C2 had active zones of similar lengths (322. Considerations The data on LM distribution of AMPA subunits are generally con- sistent with previous studies (Furuyama et al. The high density of AMPA receptor expression in superficial laminae of the DH is consistent with the pres- 16 Functional Neuroanatomy of the Pain System ence of numerous glutamatergic synapses both from peripheral afferents (Broman et al. GluR1-positive neurons are concentrated at the IIo/IIi border and are generally superficial to the GluR2/3-positive neurons. Because previous studies with in situ hybridization suggest that the GluR3 subunit is only weakly expressed in the superficial DH (Furuyama et al. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) coexists with GABA in cells in these laminae (Valtschanoff et al. However, because NO-synthesizing neurons in the SC are concentrated at the bor- der between laminae II and III (ventral to GluR1-positive neurons), only a modest fraction of GluR1-stained neurons may synthesize NO.

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Meanwhile others see them affecting the mind generic dutas 0.5mg with visa, then the brain and finally the body buy discount dutas 0.5 mg on line. Psychotics know something is wrong, but generally miscon- strue the locus of the problem. On the other hand, patients with neurotic disorders usually identify their suffering as disease. There are symptoms of mental illness, such as hallucinations, delusions, compulsions, obsessions, anxiety, agitation and depression, but symptoms with a difference: with the more prototypical "physical" symptoms no one thinks of a little chest pain, a slight nosebleed, mild nausea or a little bit of impotence as healthy. But it is the intensity or pervasiveness and the inappropriateness for the circumstances of anxiety, compulsion and delusion which determines whether or not they are pathological. This causes most second-year medical students studying mental illness for the first time to wonder if they are themselves of sound mind. Furthermore, some syndromes like "hysterical personality disorder" and "multiple personality" are called mental illnesses by those who focus on them as dysfunctional, but normal "adaptive strategies" by those who focus on traumas to which the victims are or have been subjected. Whether or not the patient believes it, in common parlance mental illness affects the self. But the sorts of things which can be wrong with the self depend on what concepts of self, self identity and inner or psychological life we adopt, and there are many. For example, Hume enumerates parts like one’s body, one’s temperament and knowledge, one’s habits, relatives, friends, home, country, possessions and culture as constitutive, to a greater or lesser degree, of the self. But when it comes to identifying parts of the mind and inner life, Hume names Reason and Passion and is forced to describe their relations metaphorically. Much of Hume’s work concerns how a radically independent reason comes to absurd conclusions from the standpoint of the emotions. The emotions are treated metaphorically as a person or persons who are reacting to and evaluating the pronouncements of reason as it works when cut off from them. Apart from Hume, historical versions of the self have put forth a whole case of characters like Reason and Inclination with Kant: Ego; Superego, and Id with Freud; the Conscious and the Unconscious Mind; the Body, the Spirit and the Soul in traditional Christian thinking: and the Faculties in faculty psychology. They have not said whether these terms could adequately encompass all the theoretical schemes published in academic and religious literature. I suspect that an attempt to bring all the types of division of inner life under these few categories would miss significant distinctions. But importantly, they note that the nature and relations of whatever parts are named are conceived metaphorically. Metaphors for inner life conflict with one another and serve different purposes, but are limited to a basic few. They may fight, cooperate, nurture, suppress, hide, destroy, manipulate, merge, separate from, argue with and evaluate each other, like the objects and situations in terms of which they are metaphorically mapped. The cognitive model "Illness Is Disintegration" ties much of our thinking together here. The even more vivid "flip their lids" involves three, the third being Strong Emotions Are Fluids Under Pressure In the Head. Patients are "out of control," exhibit "disordered thinking," are "off their rockers," "slip their trolleys," and "have one oar in the water. Deficiency Diseases This group includes all the diseases of undernutrition: malnutrition (calory deficiency), Kwashiorkor (protein deficiency), scurvy (lack of Vitamin C), Beriberi (thiamine deficiency), pellagra (nicotinic acid deficiency), iron deficiency, etc. Deficiency diseases differ from the prototypes in that: (2) They are chronic unless treated. A related group of diseases is slow poisonings and chronic overload diseases caused by the excess HEALTH AND DISEASE 67 of certain nutrients, for example iron, or fat soluble Vitamins A and D. Addictions Addictions including tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and licit or illicit drug abuse are another variant illness. This category is shaded at the margins where there are incom- plete "formes frustes" like so-called "sexual addiction," gambling habits, "food addiction," and other types of compulsive immoderation. In contrast to the proto- typical diseases the addictions are very distant and aberrant in many features. Thus (1) Pre-morbid health is suspect with research showing more and more predisposing factors in neurophysiology. We can have a "war on drugs" which becomes by metonymic extension a "war on drug users. They may by now have "surrendered," having insufficient independent "will" to "battle" them any longer. Character Disorders Character disorders constitute an intriguing subcategory of disease very remote from prototypical diseases.

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