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By F. Ivan. Loras College.

It will also be interesting to see if big pharma buy viagra soft 100 mg free shipping, and indeed smaller biotech companies order 50mg viagra soft, can be incentivised to work on rare diseases for which there is very little known and take the lead role in driving the basic science behind such diseases. Rare diseases can be staggering if you consider the need for sufficient resources to discover and develop products to diagnose, treat or prevent rare diseases experienced by approximately 6–8% of the population who have one of the more than 6000 rare diseases. Partnering and collaborating with the academic research community is an essential component of R&D efforts for the bio- pharmaceutical and medical device industries to develop a portfolio of potential interventions and diagnostics. The pharmaceutical industry, with its unique product R&D infrastructure and expertise, provides the academic research community with the capability of moving a discovery to the marketplace. Rare diseases do not respect geographical or national borders and offer numerous research and regulatory challenges requiring global efforts as we observe expansion of activities that include the academic research communities from around the world. Numerous academic and government technology transfer programmes are now available to industry. Many of these programmes are formal partnerships between the industry and the academic partners. Both initiatives can lead to products for rare diseases but require a keen understanding of these programmes and the responsible programme staff who provide the links to the existing resources. It is equally important for the academic community to have a clear path to the biopharmaceutical and medical device industries by having knowledge of appropriate contacts and available pro- grammes from the potential industry partners. Many of these arrangements require considerable time for resolution of legal considerations between two or more parties, involving intellectual property and the estimated value of this property, and the milestones associated with drug development. Many of these organisations, such as the Cystic View Online Denitions, History and Regulatory Framework for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs 27 Fibrosis Foundation, Pulmonary Hypertension Association, the National Urea Cycle Diseases Foundation, the Parent Project for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and the Progeria Research Foundation, continue to extend their traditional advocacy roles of emphasising rare diseases research and orphan products development and have led to the identication of potentially useful products for their diseases. This new coordinating role has relied upon guidance from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries and contract research organisations. Many of these working relationships advancing to global research investigations are the result of sponsorship and attendance at patient or family and scientic conferences. Many members of the bio- pharmaceutical industry now include active staff liaison and outreach activities between the industry and the patient communities. These activities facilitate the transfer of valuable information about the disease and possible interventions to patients, families, physicians and other healthcare providers, and the public. Each consortia is required to focus on a group of at least three related disorders and receives 5 years of support. More than 15 000 patients have enrolled in studies in the second 5 year period for a total of 22 000 people. A total of 119 studies have been activated since inception and 76 studies activated during the current grant period. With limited resources available, newer models have evolved that utilise the resources available from public–private part- nerships. The rare diseases community recognises and encourages the different multi-organisational approaches to drug discovery View Online Denitions, History and Regulatory Framework for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs 29 and development, especially if there is limited or no commercial interest in developing a product for rare diseases. These models also require resources and commitments be made from many private and public organisations to facilitate the development of products. A global approach is required to coordinate research efforts at multiple research sites working under a common protocol and utilising the skills and knowledge from multidisci- plinary research teams. Coordinated and systematic efforts to research and product development require numerous highly motivated global partners utilising the strengths of the individual organisations towards a common goal of developing treatments or diagnostics for rare diseases. United States Congress, Orphan Drug Act, 1983, Public Law Number 97- 414, 96, Stat. National Institute of Health, Office of rare disease research, http:// rarediseases. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, http://www. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, http://www. The Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products of the European Medicines Agency Scientic Secretariat, Nat. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, http://www. University of London, Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalo- myopathy treatment programme, http://www. View Online Denitions, History and Regulatory Framework for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs 31 38. Elsevier Business Intelligence, The Orphan Drug Boom: gold rush or ash in the pan, http://www.

It is an established fact (see the preceding) that words touching on emotionally sensitized areas will produce large reactions order 50 mg viagra soft with visa, regardless of deception buy viagra soft 100mg. A question touching on such an area might provoke a reaction greater than that produced by a mild conflict. A third possible basis of detection is the punishment, or better, threat-of-punishment principle. According to this idea a person will give a large physiologic response during lying because he anticipates serious consequences if he fails to deceive. In common language it might be that he fails to deceive the machine operator for the very reason that he fears he will fail. The physiologic reaction would be the consequence of an avoidance reaction which has a low probability of reinforcement, but not too low. If the theory has any validity at all it must be supposed that the physiologic reaction is associated with a state of uncertainty. It does seem that a lie told with a complete certainty of its acceptance would be unlikely to produce much reaction; and on the other hand we have the experimental evidence already mentioned that a lie told with no prospect of success whatever is also poorly detected. For good detection a situation may be necessary where S is willing to gamble on a rather long chance with some hope of success. To make this punishment theory cover the experimental results one needs to take "punishment" in a broad sense, since in experiments S quite often suffers no serious loss if he is detected. He does, nevertheless, lose the game which he is playing and possibly this is -163- countable as a punishment. Once again there seems to be all opposition between procedures designed to secure information and those that would lead to the best instrumental detection. Present knowledge is not sufficient to lead to a decision on which, if any, of these three theories is correct. Since the theories here discussed are not mutually contradictory, it is quite possible that all the conditions referred to are actually operative in some degree in the detection situation. In that event detection would be best when critical questions are associated with somewhat traumatic past events, when S is threatened with possible but not certain punishment as a result of lying, and when critical questions, perhaps by reason of the uncertain consequences, arouse conflicting reactions in S. Although direct, practical experience is lacking, some general findings of laboratory experiments are applicable. The relevance of many of the experiments for the criminal detection problem suffers from the fact that they involved no "crime. From their success, we may conclude that crime is not essential for lie detection. Studies directed specifically to these distinctive problems would be required for more reliable conclusions regarding the applicability of findings from previous experimentation to practical employments in intelligence interrogations. One may suppose that the person questioned, typically, will have little personal involvement in information sought. The questions frequently will not be about something he has done or for which he feels responsible or guilty. Perhaps he is not very deeply motivated to conceal the specific items or information, but loyalties and threatened penalties may dispose him -164- to do so. If the source regards the matter as unimportant, the motivational aspects of the situation would be rather like those in the common demonstration of detecting which card has been picked from a deck, a trick not difficult to do as a parlor game when a "lie detector" is available. However, if the source is highly motivated toward concealment and anticipates reprisals if he "breaks," the situation is rather like crime detection. Special considerations also arise in the intelligence interrogation situation because of the kinds of people to be interrogated, their physiologic condition, their emotional state, and their attitudes. They differ from both the suspected criminals and the normal individuals or college students used in most experiments. The effect of factors like these is scarcely known for the groups already studied. One naturally speculates about the possibility of devising a few recording instruments that would need no attachment to S and might be concealed from him. Considering the complex problems attending overt electrodes and recorders, the information gained from hidden instruments is likely to be quite meager and unreliable. Furthermore, it is not certain that an S who is not aware of the process would actually respond in the same way as one who is. It would seem necessary that interrogators use the ordinary type of instrument and rely on persuasion or coercion to get subjects into it.

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This potential complexity precludes inclusion of spe- material is still suitable for use generic 100 mg viagra soft fast delivery. In every case generic viagra soft 50mg line, it is essential specifications and therefore be acceptable for use in the that all batches are tested both initially and at the end of manufacture of a given drug product, provided that it has the long-term testing period. Examples of simple dosage forms passage of a solvent, such as water contained therein, but include immediate-release solid oral dosage forms; for prevents the passage of the dissolved substance or solute, example, tablets, capsules, semisolid dosage forms, and oral thus resulting in an increased concentration of the latter and parenteral solutions. It may also permit the ingress of foreign volatile rently marketed dosage forms and the ever-increasing com- materials. The transport of the solvent, its vapor, or other plexity of new delivery systems, it is impossible to clearly volatile material occurs through the container by dissolu- identify simple vs. The site-specific batch or batches for example, creams, gels, and ointments, intended for all of the drug product should be made from identifiable site- topical routes of administration. Modified-Release Solid Oral Stability — Capacity of a drug substance or a drug prod- Dosage Forms: A significant body of information should uct to remain within specifications established to ensure include, for modified-release solid oral dosage forms, a its identity, strength, quality, and purity throughout the product-specific body of information. A 5% potency loss from the initial assay value tion products, and other components of interest can be of a batch accurately measured without interference. Any specified degradant exceeding its specifi- Stability Profile — Physical, chemical, biological, and cation limit microbiological behavior of a drug substance or drug 3. The product exceeding its pH limits product as a function of time when stored under the con- 4. Dissolution exceeding the specification limits ditions of the Approved Stability Protocol. Failure to meet specifications for appearance able variation in temperature and relative humidity of sta- and physical properties; for example, color, bility storage. Special test uct presented in containers or closures other than those conditions for specific products (e. Tentative Expiration Dating Period — Provisional expi- Such testing is part of the development strategy and is ration dating period that is based on acceptable accelerated normally carried out under more severe conditions than data, statistical analysis of available long-term data, and those used for accelerated tests. Where appropriate, attention should be drug substance or shelf life for a drug product beyond paid to reviewing the adequacy of the mass balance. The Although the parent guideline (see Chapter 4) states that degree of variability of individual batches affects the regression analysis is an acceptable approach to analyzing confidence that a future production batch will remain quantitative stability data for retest period or shelf-life within acceptance criteria throughout its retest period estimation and recommends that a statistical test for batch or shelf life. In addition, the parent guide- approaches are not intended to imply that use of statistical line does not cover situations in which multiple factors evaluation is preferred when it can be justified as being are involved in a full or reduced-design study. However, statistical analysis can be useful in the extrapolation of retest periods or shelf lives in certain situations and may be called for to verify the retest periods B. This guideline, an annex to the parent guideline (Chapter 4), The basic concepts of stability data evaluation are the is intended to provide a clear explanation of expectations same for single- vs. Data evaluation from the formal conditions based on the evaluation of stability data for stability studies and, as appropriate, supporting data both quantitative and qualitative test attributes. This guide- should be used to determine the critical quality attributes line outlines recommendations for establishing a retest likely to influence the quality and performance of the drug period or shelf life based on stability data from single or substance or product. Q6A and Q6B provide guidance on the setting and justi- The retest period or shelf life proposed should not exceed fication of acceptance criteria. The purpose of a stability study is to establish, based In general, certain quantitative chemical attributes on testing a minimum of three batches of the drug sub- (e. Qualitative attributes are not presentation and evaluation of the stability information, amenable to statistical analysis and microbiological which should include, as appropriate, results from the attributes, and certain quantitative attributes (e. The circumstances are delineated under which extrapolation of retest period or Data for all attributes should be presented in an appropri- shelf life beyond the observed length of long-term data ate format (e. No Significant Change at Accelerated and the assumptions underlying the model should be stated and justified. A tabulated summary of the outcome Condition of statistical analysis or graphical presentation of the long- Where no significant change occurs at the accelerated con- term data should be included. Long-Term and Accelerated Data Showing Limited extrapolation to extend the retest period or shelf Little or No Change over Time and Little or No life beyond the observed range of available long-term data Variability can be proposed in the application, particularly if no sig- Where the long-term data and accelerated data for an attribute nificant change is observed at the accelerated condition. An extrap- circumstances, it is normally considered unnecessary to go olation of stability data assumes that the same change through a statistical analysis, but justification for the omission pattern will continue to apply beyond the observed range should be provided. Hence, the use of extrapola- the mechanisms of degradation or lack of degradation, rele- tion should be justified in terms of, for example, what is vance of the accelerated data, mass balance, or other support- known about the mechanisms of degradation, the good- ing data as defined in the parent guideline.

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Given the media’s impressive capacity to amplify the message of peril and fear cheap viagra soft 50 mg mastercard, we would like to stress that the media coverage was for the greater part a mirror of the expectations order viagra soft 50 mg without a prescription, legitimations and opinions circulating within the public realm. The questioning of medical, regulatory and industrial authority and credibility regarding Halcion as an effective and safe drug was connected with broader concerns over medical care and treatments. The role of Halcion as symbolic focus of social issues became more articulated with the forging of new alliances between patients, doctors and scientists. However local in terms of national identity, the ‘Dutch disease’ is exemplary for the growing interference of patients and consumer activist groups with the dynamics of the Seige cycle. In addition, the Halcion case shows us the important role the double bind dilemma plays in the trajectory of drug development, regulation and use of drugs. This dilemma means that actors in the feld, producers, regulators, prescribers and users, wish that the introduction of useful drugs is not delayed while at the same time being concerned about the licensing of drugs which later will shown detrimental side effects. The double bind in this context as the Halcion case shows is an essential ingredient of a regulatory system of checks and balances to account for a cultural 41 J. Bury, ‚Tranquillisers as a Social Problem‘, The Sociological Review 36 (1988): 320-352; J. Bury, ‘Halcion Nights: A Sociological Account of a Medical Controversy’ Sociology 30 (1996): 447-469. Our study suggests that consumers by interfering with the process of drug evaluation through trial at the bar have learned to use the double bind to their own advantage. Hence, the double bind is an important factor in shaping and surviving the Seige cycle. Drugs can be understood as tools for the management of disease, industrial products, commercial goods, or research objects: in short, they experience multiple “modes of existence”. Given this observation, one might ask how specifc compounds cut through commercial, medical, legal, and experimental regimes in the course of their existence. This seemingly unproblematic question erroneously views drugs as well-defned substances that maintain their chemical identity during their trajectory through different drug-making and drug-using practices. Borrowing from Andrew Barry’s discussion of chemical substances as “informed material” , we believe that it is possible to go beyond this uneasy mix of (soft) social constructivism and realism, and to track the circulation and testing of therapeutic substances as a process of “progressive informational enrichment”. In Barry’s original formulation, informed molecules, rather than discrete objects, are “constituted in their relations to informational and material environments”: such entities, in other words, are constituted by a space defned, on the one hand, by the distance between the properties of a molecule and the properties of the models used in deriving those properties, and, on the other hand, by the distance between a molecule and its competitors in the legal and economic environment in which it operates and to whose defnition it contributes. Barry notes that the notion of a chemical space is a native category, routinely used by chemists and pharmacologists. And indeed, recent contributions to the novel area of analysis that lies at the interface of pharmacology and computational biology commonly resort to this notion, in both a metaphorical and literal sense. We would like to thank the participants in the Drug Trajectories V Workshop, and in particular Harry Marks, for their comments and suggestions, and to further extend our thanks to the clinicians who kindly accepted to be interviewed for this project. Cancer clinical trials: a device for the informational enrichment of anti-cancer drugs As noted by several authors, randomized clinical trials have become the obligatory passage point for the translation of a given substance into a legitimate prescription drug. Our claim refers both to the production of new nosological categories (as when a given kind of cancer is shown to consist, in fact, of two different kinds of neoplasms, i. For instance, one of the early chemotherapy protocols in the treatment of leukemia was Protocol No. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004; Harry M Marks, The Progress of Experiments: Science and Therapeutic Reform in the United States, 1900-1990. The innovation consisted of treating different phases of the disease, which were the direct creation of the protocol itself, as separate kinds of disease. For instance, remission and relapse were treated as independent events occurring in the same person with ostensibly the same disease. By replacing the natural history of a disease with its treated history, protocols incorporate an evolving understanding of the biology of the disease. They thus reveal new targets for therapeutic substances, modifying, in the process, the socio-technical space of these substances. Of special interest, in this respect, is the fact that contemporary protocols often defne their target population (or target disease) on the basis of prior treatment with other substances as, for instance, in the case of “Tamoxifen-treated, node-negative breast cancer”11 or “Desatinib in Imatinib-resistant, Philadelphia Chromosome-positive leukemias”. For each substance we see, with the exception of the last few years, a constant growth in the number of papers over a period of approximately 40 years. This is obviously not due to an increase in the number of clinical trials devoted exclusively to that substance but, 11 S. The latter vary according not only to the quantities administered and the modes and schedules of administration, but also to the type and number of substances they mobilize.

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